- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.559
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65304412 - not-logged-in-78d8a9d6b947f7bcfd52
- 65305898 - not-logged-in-ac45855b403ef49f03e7
- WINNER - 65324312 - SarahBe
- 65332225 - not-logged-in-09d4e4fefb2883cabf25
- 65354776 - not-logged-in-a8fc97f9c1d86cb70f61

65304412 - not-logged-in-78d8a9d6b947f7bcfd52
SundayMy dearest Sylvia,
What a lovely week: the only day
we did not meet was Thursday. This
week is not going to be so generous
to us - still there is Wednesday &
I trust that you were not forced to walk to Pett because by the afternoon the snow was even deep in London.
Jalmon sent first his 'best re-
gard' to you, then decided he would
return your 'love' but finally compro-
mised by giving his love to you - an
to Michel. You know Jalmon is al-
ways leaving things at the gallery, to
be picked up later? Well, the other day,
he told me, innocently amused, that he
left an umbrella by two bottles of ink.
Don't forget to let me know what
books you want for you (19th Trend
lecture. How is the rococo on shaping?
I expect it will even transform mack-
65305898 - not-logged-in-ac45855b403ef49f03e7
SundayMy dearest Sylvia
What a lucky week = the only day we did not meet was Thursday. This week is not going to be generous to us - still there is Wednesday and Friday
I trust that you were not forced to walk to Pett because in the afternoon the snow was even deep in London.
Johnson sent just his 'best regards' to you, then decided he would return your 'love', but finally compromised by givin his love to you - and to Midoel. You know that Johnson is always leaving thigs at the gallery, to be picked up later? Well the other day, he told me, innocently, amused, that he left an umbrella by two bottles of ink.
DOn't forget to let me know what books you want for your (19th French lecture. How is the rococo one shaping? I expect it will even transform mock-
WINNER - 65324312 - SarahBe
[23/2/48]WIMbledon 1967 11 MANSEL ROAD,
my dearest Sylvia,
what a lucky week: the only day we did not meet was Thursday. This week ins not going to be so generous to us - still there is Wednesday and Friday.
I trust that you were not forced to wall to Pett because of the afternoon the snow was even deep in London.
Johnson sent first his 'best regards' to you, then decided he would return your 'love', but finally compromised by giving his love to you - and to Michael. You know Johnson is always learning things at the gallery, to be picked up later? Well, the other day, he told me, innocently amused, that he left an umbrella and two bottles of ink.
Don't forget to let me know what books you want for your C19th French lecture. How is the rococo one shaping? I expect it will even transform mock-
65332225 - not-logged-in-09d4e4fefb2883cabf25
65354776 - not-logged-in-a8fc97f9c1d86cb70f61
SundayMy dear Sylvia
What a lucky week = the only day we did not meet was Thursday. This week is not going to be so generous to us- still there is Wednesday & Friday.
I trust that you were not forced to walk to because of the afternoon the snow was even deep in London.
Salmon sent first his best regards to you,then decided he would return your ' love' , but finally compromised by giving his love to you-and to middeep. You know Solmon is always learning at the gallery,to be picked up later? Well,the other day, he told me,innocently amused, that he left an umbrella by two bottles of wine.
Don't forget to let me know what books you want for your (19th frieb is the rocoro one sleeping. I expect it will even transform