- Max. dissimilarity: 0.095
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.058
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65306405 - not-logged-in-259a8879be5a42629e70
- WINNER - 65363271 - mdulka
- 65416192 - teynur
- 65419253 - Sarahrajkumar
- 65420476 - not-logged-in-747d13474905bd567012
- 65432032 - shocko61

65306405 - not-logged-in-259a8879be5a42629e70
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
Dearest Sylvia:
I hope the enclosed notes on painters are useful though I have my doubts: I didn't realise quite how out-of-date Bryan was. I had to reject an awful lot of junk. (I'll try and find something about Ercole de Roberti by Wednesday.)
Thinking about you after reading the notes in the Whitechapel Gallery catalogue something like this occured to me:
Sleigh, Sylvia. English school. Latin sympathies. Famous in the forties as a lecturer on art though her reputation now rests primarily on her portraits and lanscapes in oil, in which medium she appears to have worked exclusively. Of especial interest is a landscape, of a gay character, variously identified, but probably of Sussex, dated summer, 1948; and a portrait of an un-identified poet, painted, on stylistic evidence, at the same period...
February, the interminable corridors of every surrealist picture ever painted; March, a mass of ice and rock balanced on the edge of a precipice, which will not fall for 31 days; April, the number of waves that break on the shore of Cythera; May, the extraordinary sense of crisis with which the dead endure the centuries before judgment. JUNE: no image at all to do this month justice. Capitals alone satisfy.
I hope you are not too tired after yesterday and that dreadful night-journey... My cold isn't too bad today. I did have rum and lemon last night and I shall stop in for the rest of today (it's 2-30) except for posting this letter which I am resolved you shall have first post Monday... I am so angry at the thought of having to prepare an essay for clifton-taylor; all I remember from his lectures is you next to me, and Angelica Kauffmann when the lights go on... Last night once when I looked at you I saw Iris beyond: her attitude, which is NOT life-accepting, seems externalised now, creeping out into her tight lips. (These disconnected sentences would get no more marks from c.t. than your long Proustian ones.)
Do you remember those letters of Manet's decorated with water-colors?
Letters from the country
News of milking
The blue sea The cat
WINNER - 65363271 - mdulka
7/2/4811 Mansel Road
Dearest Sylvia:
I hope the enclosed notes on painters are useful though
I have my doubts. I didn't realize quite how out-of-date
Bryan was. I had to reject an awful lot of junk. (I'll
try and find something about Erecle' de Roberti by Wednesday.)
Thinking about you after reading the notes in the White-
chapel Gallery catalogue something like this occured to me.
Sleigh, Sylvia. English school. Latin sympathies.
Famous in the forties, as a lecturer on art though her
reputation now rests primarily on her portraits and
landscapes in oil, in which medium she appears to have
worked exclusively. Of especial interest is a land-
scape of a gay character, variously identified, but probably
of Sussex, dated summer, 1948 and a portrait of an
un-identified post, painted, on stylistic evidence, at this
same period...
February, the interminable corridors of every surrrealist
picture ever painted; March, a mass of ice and rock balanced
on the edge of a precipice which will not fall for 31 days;
April, the number of ways that break on the shore of Cythera;
May, the extraordinary sense of crisis with which the dead
endure the centuries before judgement. JUNE; no image at all
to do this month justice. Capitals alone satisfy.
I hope you are not too tired after yesterday and that dread-
ful night-journey... My cold isn't too bad today. I did have
rum and lemon last night and I shall stop in for the rest of to-
day (it's 2-30) except for posting this letter which I am resolved
you shall have first post Monday... I am so angry at the thought
of having to prepare an essay for clifton-taylor; all I remember
from his lectures is you next to me, and Angelica Kauffmann when
the lights go on... Last night once when I looked at you I saw
Iris beyond: her attitude, which is NOT life-accepting, seems
externalised now, creeping out into her tight lips. (These dis-
connected sentences would get no more marks from c.t. than your
long Froustian ones.)
Do you remember those letters of Manet's decorated with water-
Letters from the country
News of milking
The blue sea The cat
65416192 - teynur
[1/2/48]11 Mansel Road
Dearest Sylvia:
I hope the enclosed notes on painters are useful though I have my doubts: I didn't realise quite how out-of-date Bryan was. I had to reject an awful lot of junk. (I'll try and find something about Ercole de Roberti by Wednesday.)
Thinking about you after reading the notes in the Whitechapel Gallery catalogue something like this occured to me:
Sleigh, Sylvia. English school. Latin sympathies. Famous in the forties as a lecturer on art though her reputation now rests primarily on her portraits and landscapes in oil, in which medium she appears to have worked exclusively. Of special interest is a landscape of a gay character, variously identified, but probably of Sussex, dated summer, 1948, and a portrait of an un-identified poet, painted, on stylistic evidence, at the same period...
February, the interminable corridors of every surrealist picture ever painted; a mass of ice and rock balanced on the edge of a precipice, which will not fall for 31 days; April, the number of ways that break on the shore of Cythera; May, the extraordinary sense of crisis with which the dead endure the centuries before judgement. JUNE: no image at all to do this month justice. Capitals alone satisfy.
I hope you are not too tired after yesterday and that dreadful night-journey... My cold isn't too bad today. I did have rum and lemon last night and I shall stop in for the rest of today (it's 2-30) except for posting this letter which I am resolved you shall have first post Monday... I am so angry at the thought of having to prepare an essay for clifton-taylor; all I remember from this lectures is you next to me, Angelica Kauffmann when the lights go on... Last night once when I looked at you I saw Iris beyond: her attitude, which is NOT life-accepting, seems externalised now, creeping out into her tight lips. (These disconnected sentences would get no more marks from c.t. than your long Proustian ones.)
Do you remember those letters of Manet's decorated with water-colors?
Letters from the country
News of milking
The blue sea The cat
65419253 - Sarahrajkumar
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon.
Dearest Sylvia:
I hope the enclosed notes on painters are useful though I have by doubts: I didn't realize quite how out-of-date Bryan was. I had to reject an awful lot of junk. (I'll try and find something about Ereole de Roberti by Wednesday.)
Thinking about you after reading the notes in the White-chapel Gallery catalog something like this occurred to me:
Sleigh, Sylvia. English school. Istin sympathies. Famous in the forties, as a lecturer or art though her reputation now rests primarily on her portraits and landscapes in oil, in which medium she appears to have worked exclusively. Of especial interest is a landscape, variously identified, but probably of Sussex, dated summer, 1948 ,of a gay character; and a portrait of an un-identified poet, painted, on stylistic evidence, at the same period...
February, the interminable corridors of every surrealist picture ever painted; March, a mass of ice and rock balanced on the edge of a precipice, which will not fall for 31 days; April, the number of waves that break on the shore of Cythera; May, the extraordinary sense of crisis with which the dead endure the centuries before judgment. JUNE: no image at all to do this month justice. Capitals alone satisfy.
I hope you are not too tired after yesterday and that dreadful night-journey... & cold isn't too bad today. I did have rum and lemon last night and I shall stop in for the rest of today (it's 2-30) except for posting this letter which I am resolved you shall have first post Monday... I am so angry at the thought of having to prepare an essay for clifton-taylor; all I remember from his lectures is you next to me, and Angelica Kauuffmann when the lights go on... last night once when I looked at you I saw Iris beyond: her attitude, which is NOT life-accepting, seems externalized now, creeping cut into her tight lips. (These disconnected sentences would get no more marks from c.t. than your long Proustian ones.)
Do you remember those letters of Manet's decorated with water colors?
Letters from the country
News of milking
The blue sea The cat
65420476 - not-logged-in-747d13474905bd567012
[1/2/48]11 Mansel Road
Dearest Sylvia:
I hope the enclosed notes on painters are useful though
I have my doubts: I didn't realise quite how out-of-date
Bryan was. I had to reject an awful lot of junk. (I'll
try and find something about Ercole de Roberti by Wednesday.)
Thinking about you after reading the notes in the White-
chapel Gallery catalogue something like this occurred to me:
Sleigh, Sylvia. English school. Latin sympathies.
Famous in the forties as a lecturer of art though her
reputation now rests primarily on her portraits and
landscapes in oil, in which medium she appears to have
worked exclusively. Of especial interest is a land-
scape of a gay character, variously identified, but probably of Sussex, dated
summer, 1948; and a portrait of an
un-identified poet, painted, on stylistic evidence, at
the same period...
February, the interminable corridors of every surrealist
picture ever painted; March, a mass of ice and rock balanced
on the edge of a precipice, which will not fall for 31 days;
April, the number of waves that break on the shore of Cythera;
May, the extraordinary sense of crisis with which the dead
endure the centuries before judgement. JUNE: no image at all
to do this month justice. Capitals alone satisfy.
I hope you are not too tired after yesterday and that dread-
ful night-journey... My cold isn't too bad today. I did have
rum and lemon last night and I shall stop in for the rest of to-
day (it's 2-30) except for posting this letter which I am resolved
you shall have first post Monday... I am so angry at the thought
of having to prepare an essay for elifton-taylor; all I remember
from his lectures is you next to me, and Angelica Kauffmann when
the lights go on... Last night once when I looked at you I saw
Iris beyond: her attitude, which is NOT life-accepting, seems
externalised now, creeping out into her tight lips. (These dis-
connected sentences would get no more marks from c.t. than your
long Proustian ones.)
Do you remember those letters of Manet's decorated with water-
Letters from the country
News of milking
The blue sea The cat
65432032 - shocko61
[7/2/48]11 Mansel Road
Wimbledon .
Dearest Sylvia :
I hope the enclosed notes on painters are useful though I have my doubts : I didn't realise quite how out of date Bryan was . I had to reject an aweful lot of junk. (I,ll try and find something about Ercole de Roberti by Wednesday.)
Thinking about you after reading the notes in the White-chapel Gallery Catalogue something like this occurred to me :
Sleigh, Sylvia . English school. Latin sympathies .
Famous in the forties as a lecturer or art through her reputation now rests primarily on her portraits and Landscapes in oil , in which medium she appears to have worked exclusively . Of special interest is a landscape of a gay character variously identified , but but probably of Sussex , dated summer , 1948 and a portrait of an un-identified poet , painted , on stylistic evidence ,at the same period ......
February , the interminable corridors of every surrealist picture ever painted ; March , amass of ice and rock balanced on the edge of a precipice , which will not fall for 31 days ; April , the number of waves that break on the shore of Cythera ; May , the extraordinary sense of crisis with which the dead endure the centuries before the judgement . June , no image at all to do this month justice , Capitals alone Satisfy.
I hope you are not too tired after yesterday and that dreadful night - journey ... My cold is not too bad today . I did have rum and lemon last night and will stop in for the rest of today ( it's 2:30 ) except or posting this letter which I am resolved you shall have first post Monday... I am so angry at the thought of having to prepare an essay for clifton -taylor all I remember from his lectures is you next to me , and Angelica Kauffmann when the lights go on... last night once when I looked at you I saw Iris beyond : her attitude which is NOT life accepting seems externalised now creeping out into her tight lips. (These dis-connected sentences would get no more makes from c. t. than your long proustian ones. ) do you remember those letters of Manet's decorated with water colours.
Letters from the country
News of milking
The blue sea The cat