- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.682
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65317800 - not-logged-in-0d93f31137a5ccdb5e01
- WINNER - 65324819 - dguent
- 65342730 - Jean-Marc
- 65380161 - not-logged-in-f7da7363aa9a1b3c72f8
- 65392067 - not-logged-in-872fa214e0e2b2a294d8
- 65655140 - rb38mk
- 65874295 - tmeconverse
- 66120472 - Culebra78
- 66319331 - JanetCormack
- 66510263 - kop12
- 66548423 - MrComaToes2

65317800 - not-logged-in-0d93f31137a5ccdb5e01
if only you were in town Sunday I know it's an idle thought but and father are away on one of their rare excursions. There will be at least six beds just pastering to be occupied.WINNER - 65324819 - dguent
If only you were in town on Sunday. I know it's an idle thought, but Mother and Father are away on one of their rare excursions. There will be at least six beds just panting to be occupied.Please thank the Rector for the magic spell daugh, I repeat what I said in the train, I am sure it will remain on my shelf collecting dust, dedicated to spiders. The train! That recalls to me the brutal contrast between the warmth of the train inside and the icy exterior. As soon as we separate the cold descends. This is a symbol of what you mean to me. for me.
I have re-written the poems for you. The is greatly changed among others, and I am putting them in a better order. The title for this first group is "Owls & Roses". You remember you suggested it by chance to me at Pett, These
symbolise. Minerva & Venus, Head & heart, night and day, male and female and so on.
65342730 - Jean-Marc
65380161 - not-logged-in-f7da7363aa9a1b3c72f8
65392067 - not-logged-in-872fa214e0e2b2a294d8
65655140 - rb38mk
If only you were in town on Sunday I know it's an idle thought but Mother and Father are away on one of their excursions. There will be at least six beds, just asking to be occupied .Please thank the rector for the magic spell *augs . I repeat what I said in the train I am sure it will*e remain on my shelf collecting dust, dedicated to spiders. The train! That recalls in me the brutal contrast between the warmth of the train inside and the icy exteriors. As soon as we separate the cold descends. This is a symbol of what you mean to me, for me.
I have re-written poems for you . The Voltaire is whats charged among others and I am putting them in a letterorderthe title for this first group is Owls and Roses . You remember you suggested is by chance to **** ** Pett. There symbolise ******* & *****, head & hearts, Night & Day , male and female, and so on.
65874295 - tmeconverse
If only you were in town Sunday. I know it's an idle thought, but Mother and Father are away on one of their rare excursions. There will be at least six bed, just panting to be occupied.Please thank the Rector for the magic spellsought, I repeat what I said on the train. I am sure it will remain on my shelf collecting dust, dedicated to spiders. The train! That recalls to me the brutal contrast between the warmth of the train inside and the icy exterior. As soon as we separate the cold descends. This is a symbol of what you mean to me, for me.
I have re-written the poems for you. The voices are as greatly charged, among others, and I am putting them in a better order. The title for this first group is Owls and Roses! You remember you suggested it by chance to me at Pett. These symbolise Minerva & Venus, head & heart, night and day, male and female, and so on.
66120472 - Culebra78
If only you were in town Sunday I know it's an idly thought, but Mother and Father are away on one of their rare excursions. There will be at least six beds just wanting to be occupied.Please thank the Rector for the magic spell though, I repeat what he said in the train, I am sure it will remain on my shelf collecting dust; dedicated to spiders. The train! That recalls to me the brutal contrast between the warmth of the train inside and the icy exterior. As soon as we separate the cold descends. This is a symbol of what you mean to me. Sad me.
I have re-written the poems for you. The voice is what's changed. Among others, I am putting them in a better order. The title for this first group is 'Owls & Roses'. You remember you suggested it by chance to me at Pett. These symbolize, ???? & Venus, head & heart, night and day, male and female, and so on.
66319331 - JanetCormack
If only you were in town on Sunday. I know it is an idle thought, but ..tles and Father are away on one of their rare excursions. There will be at least six beds, just panting to be occupied.Please thank the Rector for the magic spell though, I repeat what I said in the train, I am sure it will remain on my shelf collecting dust, dedicated to spiders. The train! That recalls to me the brutal contrast between the warmth of the train inside and the icy exteriors. As soon as we were separate the cold descends. This is a symbol of what you mean to me on me
I have re-written the poems for you. The votive one is greatly changedamong others and I am putting them in a letter order. The title for this first group is 'Owls & Roses'. You remember you suggested it by chance to me at Pett. These symbolise Minerva & Venus, head & heart, night and day, male and female and so on.
66510263 - kop12
If only sometimes Sundayknow it's an wereidle thought, but
mother and father are away on one
of their none excursions. There will
be at least six beds, just panting to be occupied.
Please thank the Rector for the
plague spell though, I repeat what I said in the train, I am sure it will re-
main on any shelf collecting , dust de-
dictated to spiders. The train!
That recalls to me the brutal con-
trast between the warrants of the train
inside and the icy exterior. It's soon
as we separate the said descends.
This is a symbol of what you
mean to me ? ?
There re-written the poems for you for you
of the ? ?
and I am putting this in a letter
. The title Jon, this first gossip is
? ? ? roses? a you remember your sug-
geste as by chance to one al Pett. Of then
symbolise There
? . ? .......
night and day, male and female, and so on.
66548423 - MrComaToes2
PS only Ganier town on Sunday & Iknow it's a mere idle thought, but mother and father are away on one
of their rare excursions. There will
be at least six beds, just panting
to be occupied.
Please thank the rector for the magic spell gauge, I repeat what I
said in the train. I am sure it will re -
main on my shelf collecting dust, de -
dicated to spiders. The train!
That recalls to me the brutal con -
trast between the warmth of the train
inside and the icy exterior. As soon
as we separate the cold descends.
This is a symbol of what you mean to me, for me.
I have re - written the poems for you.
The voidure as greats charged
antlers and I am putting them in a better
order. The title for this first group is
"Owls and Roses"! You remember you sug -
gested it by chance to me at Pett. There
symbolize Minerva
& Venus, flood & heart,
night and day, male and female, and so on.