- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.687
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65303843 - kongjie
- 65318069 - owen_s
- 65350111 - PengiePaula
- 65384862 - not-logged-in-74492aca6ff9ce50264d
- 65416154 - Dabs1
- 65456648 - tpod74

WINNER - 65303843 - kongjie
One blank room facing me, dis-appearing as I write. The mind in a
sail. The first splash in a painting.
The white feminine page: I want to
moss it with kisses and phallic
signals, like a shy waiting for the
plogs to go up. Ligh hammers
opening in a sexual mind. Speaking
the letters LIVOUYED. And then
when the confused expression settles
and the mind is constant the letters
fall into place I LOVE YOU
All my love
Every kiss
65318069 - owen_s
One blank page facing me, disappearing as I write. The wind in a sail. The first splash on a painting. The white feminine page: I want to mess it with kisses and phallic signals, like a ship waiting for the flags to go up. tight banners opening in a sexual wind, revealing the letters LIVOUYEO. And then when the confused impression settles & the wind is constant the letters fall into place ILOVEYOU. All my love. Every kiss. Lawrence65350111 - PengiePaula
One blank page facing me, disappearing as I write. The mood in a soul. The first splash of a painting. The white feminine page: I want a pass it until kisses and phallic signals, like a shy writers for the flags to go up, light banners, opening in a sexual word, seneatic the letters L I V O U Y E O. And then when the confused heparin settles in the mind is constant the letters fall into place I LOVE YOUAll my love
Every Kiss
65384862 - not-logged-in-74492aca6ff9ce50264d
One blank facing me, disappering as I write. The mind in a . The first spalshin a painting The white feminine page: I want a with kisses and phallic , like a waiting for the to go up.65416154 - Dabs1
65456648 - tpod74
One blank room facing me, disappearing as I write. The mind is a sail. The first splash on a painting. The white feminine pose: I want a ???? it with kisses and phallic signals like a shy writer's son the geog to go up. piglet opening in a sexual void depicts the letters LIVOUYEO. And then when the confused ???? settles the mind in constant the letters fall into place. I LOVE YOUAll my love
grey kiss