- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.461
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65313970 - cshepherd
- 65318911 - not-logged-in-5b9a1e83e65c230d6887
- 65336346 - ivancucic
- 65338210 - Albrithr
- 65356193 - LibrarianDiva

WINNER - 65313970 - cshepherd
Here is a poem I have just made since writingthe letter. It is dedicated to you of course:
To a wishing well
The hero came
And could not give
The well a name
How catch its form
Call it a girl
With honest hands
Cupped like a shell
Call it a rose
Where dawn had sinned
Or a red leaf
Folded by wind
Is it the secret
I sought all night
And every guess
He made was right
65318911 - not-logged-in-5b9a1e83e65c230d6887
Here is a poem I have just made since writingthe letter. It is dedicated to you of course:
To a wishing well
The hero came
And could not give
The well a name
How catch its form
Call it a girl
With honest hands
Cupped like a shell
Call it a rose
Where dawn had sinned
Or a red leaf
Folded by wind
Is is the secret
I sought all night
And every guess
He made was right
65336346 - ivancucic
Here is a poem i have just made since writting the letter. It is dedicated to you od course:To a wishing well
The hero came
And could not give
The well a name
How catch its form
Call it a girl
With honest hands
Capped like a shell
Call it a rose
Where dawn had sinned
Or a red lead
Folded by wind
Is it the secret
I sought all night
And every guess
He made was night
65338210 - Albrithr
65356193 - LibrarianDiva
Here is a poem I have just made since writingthe letter. It is dedicated to you of course:
To a wishing well
The hero came
And could not give
The well a name
How catch its form
Call it a girl
With honest hands
Capped like a shell
Call it a rose
Where dawn had sinned
Or a red leaf
Folded by wind
Is it the secret
I sought all night
And every guess
He made was night