- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.54
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65329535 - Culebra78
- 65373082 - csleahey
- 65374656 - sroosa
- 65385918 - not-logged-in-f7da7363aa9a1b3c72f8
- 65442276 - val08
- 65513778 - not-logged-in-dc021d940ab793fb9c0a

WINNER - 65329535 - Culebra78
I haven't really started writing poetry yet. Only one thin sonnet the inspiration for which I got at 20 Portman Square on our last Friday.Filigree dome
apparently alighted
caps the house length well
while an eye-lid wanes
No longer than
a fan's double movement
dying ghost fast its flowers
growing until renewed visits
In this way alcoves
though conspiring with fountains
of plaster, perish
Blue pink and golden house
on the color of her eye
behind my love's flesh wall
I love you. That's why my poetic impulse has waned a little without two delicious periods of inspiration a week.
65373082 - csleahey
I haven't really started writing poetry yet. Only one then sonnet the inspiration for which I got ask 20 Pantheon Square on our last Friday.Filligree dome
Apparently oblighted
Coups le hause - llergtl well
While an eye - bid mones
No longer than
a fan's double movement
dying ghost face its flowers
growing until renewed visits
In this way alcoves
through conspiring until fountain
of reaster, reuss
blue pink and golden house
as the color of her eye
behind love's flesh wall
I love you. That's why my poetic impulse has wanted a little mitlant two delicious periods of inspiration a week.
65374656 - sroosa
I haven't really started writing poetry yet. Onlyone thin sonnet the inspiration for which I got at 20
Portman Square on own last Friday
Filligree dome
apparently alighted
caps the house length well
while an eye-lid moves
No energy can
a man's double movement
dying ghost face its heavens
growing until renewed visits
In this way alcoves
though conspiring until foundation
of plaster, never
blue pink and golden house
on the color of her eye
behind my love's flesh wall
I love. That's why my poetic impulse has waned a little
without two delicious of inspiration a week.
65385918 - not-logged-in-f7da7363aa9a1b3c72f8
65442276 - val08
I haven't really started writing poetry yet. Only one thin sonne the inspiration for [/while] I got at 20 Portman Square on our last Friday Filligree dome apparently alighted caps the house- length while an eye-lid[/moves] No longer than a Jan's double movement dying ghost fast its flowers graving with reversed visits In this way alcoves though conspiring with fountains of blue pink and golden house as the color of her eye behind my lone's flesh wallI love you. That's why my poetic impulse has waved a little without two delicious periods of inspiration a week.
65513778 - not-logged-in-dc021d940ab793fb9c0a
I haven't really started writing poetry yet. Only one thin sonnet the inspiration for which I got at 20 Portman Square on our last Friday.Filligree dome
apparently alighted
caps the house-length well
while an eye-lid moves
No longer than
A fan's double movement
dying ghost fact its flowers
growing until renewed visits
In this way alcoves
though conspiring until fountains
of plaster, perish
blue pink and golden house
or the color of her eye
behind my love's flesh wall
I love you. That's why my poetic impulse has waned a little imitlant two delirious periods of inspiration a week.