- Max. dissimilarity: 0.956
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.577
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65333326 - not-logged-in-a3a171691835527adc72
- 65405994 - shocko61
- 65425105 - TatterTangle
- WINNER - 65450221 - srasg56
- 65480460 - not-logged-in-c541f3dcb494ecf088cc
- 65622296 - AJMacD
- 65799642 - Daldaa

65333326 - not-logged-in-a3a171691835527adc72
Hotel de l'AnenisRue Gay Lussac
Paris, V
My dearest Sylvia,
I was in a book shop in les Reu de Rivoli this afternoon, thinking of you as usual, when I saw a book that reminded me of you, and had to buy it. Proust's La Prisonniere. I read the first few pages in the Tuileries Gardens. Toy boats in the pond, Proust's invalid precisions, a baking sun. I am very tired tonight so this letter will not be finished until to-marrow but I feel impelled to ealte on.
Have you, I wonder, decided on your hat as yet? Have you made any decision about the altar cloth yet? The clothes here are admirable - the men's far more than the women's. Naff in the champs elysees, perhaps, but here in the Latin Quarter it is so. The selection of siems on the other hand (unlike the range of nadder and cambridge blue ties in strips) is very poor. I've seen 2 tedious Italian seims. London offers more-much more.
Very roughly I imagine my remaining money will last two more weeks, or just one. I have 13,000 + left. I could make it last longer but, you know Sylvia, I don't want to postpone (spelling?) seeing you again. I get moods of ex-ceptional distraction. I expect your reception of the new will be ambivalent, but what can I do - I am helplessly in the grip of such desire.
I have not done the culists yet so occupied have I been with the Vienna pictures but I've not forgotten is I tenf I can borrow or Cypeurites which is fortunate for Clifton Taylor.
He won't have the ordeal of my handwriting.
Before going to bed I must repeat - I adore you. When I come back we must somehow have a night. Can you - is there any hope of arranging it? I do hope so, my love.
65405994 - shocko61
Hotel de I' ArenisRue Say Lurroe
Paris .
My dearest Sylvia
I was in a book shop in Cee Rue de Nival this afternoon, thinking of you as usual , when I saw a book that reminded me of you, and had to buy it .
65425105 - TatterTangle
Hotel de l' (28-3-48)?Rue Gay Lussac
Paris ,
My dearest Sylvia
I was in a book shop in Le Rue de Rivali this afternoon, thinking of you as usual, when I saw a book that reminded me of you, and had to buy it
Prousts la Prusomie I read the first few pages in the Tuileues Gardens. Tay boats in the pond, Prousts' invalid precisions, a baking sun. I am very tired tonight so this letter will not be finished until tomorrow but I feel impelled to salter on.
Have you, I wonder, decided on your hat as yet? Have you made any decision about the altas datl yet? The here are admirable - the men's wore the women's. Not in the chans elesye, prehaps but here in Ell latin Quats it is . The selection of films on the other hand (unlike the range of madden and Cambridge have this in shops) is very roa I've seen 2 tedious Italian films. London offers more - much more.
Very naughty I image my money will last two more weeks, as just one. I have 13,000 + left. I would make it last longer but, you know Sylvia, I dont want to prospone (spelling?) Seeing you again. I get words of exceptional dictation. I except your reception of the news will be ambivalent but what can I do - I am hopelessly in the grip of successesdeness.
I have not done the yet so occupied have I been with the Vienna pictures but I've not forgotten and I I can borrow a typewriter which is fortunate for Clifton Taylor . He won't have the understanding of my handwriting.
Before going to bed I must repeat - I adore you. When I come back we must somehow have a night. Can you - is there any hope of managing it? I do hope so, my love.
WINNER - 65450221 - srasg56
[28-3-48]?Hotel de l'Avenir
Rue Gay Lussac
Paris V
My dearest Sylvia
I was in a book shop in the Rue de Rivoli this afaternoon,
thinking of you as usual, when I saw a book that reminded
me of you, and had to buy it. Proust's La Prisonniere.
I read the first few pages in the Tuileries Gardens. Toy boats
in the pond, Proust's invalid precisions, a baking sun. I am
very tired tonight so this letter will not be finished until to-
morrow but I feel impelled to rattle on.
Have you, I wonder, decided on your hat as yet? Have you
made any decisions about the altar cloth yet? The clothes here
are admirable - the men's far more than the women's. Not in
the Champs Elysees, perhaps but here in the Latin Quarter it is
so. The selection of films on the other hand (unlike the range of
madder and cambridge blue ties in stripes) is very poor. I've seen 2
tedious Italian films. London offers more - much more.
Very roughly I imagine my remaining money will last
two more weeks, or just one. I have 13,000f left. I could
make it last longer but, you know Sylvia, I don't want
to postpone (spelling?) seeing you again. I get moods of ex-
ceptional distraction. I expect your reception of the news
will be ambivalent but what can I do - I am helplessly
in the grip of such desire.
I have not done the Cubists yet so occupied have I been
with the Vienna pictures but I've not forgotten as I think I
can borrow a typewriter which is fortunate for Clifton Taylor.
He won't have the ordeal of my handwriting.
Before going to bed I must repeat - I adore you. When
I come back we must somehow have a night. Can you - is there
any hope of arranging it? I do hope so, my love.
65480460 - not-logged-in-c541f3dcb494ecf088cc
H^otel de l'AvenueRue Say Lussac
Paris, V
My dearest Sylvia,
I was in a back shop in
65622296 - AJMacD
Hotel de L'ArenisRue Gay Lussac
Paris, V
My dearest Sylvia
I was in a bookshop in the Rue de Rivoli this afternoon, thinking of you as usual, when I saw a book that reminded me of you, and had to buy it. Proust's 'La Prisonniere'. I read the first few pages in the Tuileries Gardens. Toy boats in the pond, Proust's invalid precisions, a baking sun. I am very tired tonight so this letter will not be finished until tomorrow and I feel impelled to battle on.
Have you, I wonder, decided on your hat as yet? Have you made any decisions about the altar cloth yet? The clothes here are admirable - the men's far more than the women's. Not in the Champs Elysees perhaps but here in the Latin Quarter it is so. The selection of films on the other hand (until the range of madder and cambridge here lies in strips) is very poor. I've seen 2 tedious Italian films. London offers more much more.
Very roughly I imagine my remaining money will last two more weeks, or just one. I have 13,000 f left. I would make it last longer but, you know Sylvia, I don't want to postpone (spelling?) seeing you again. I expect your reception of the news will be ambivalent but what can I do - I am helplessly in the grip of such desire.
I have not done the cubists yet so occupied have I been with the Vienna pictures but I've not forgotten and I think I can borrow a typewriter which is fortunate for Clifton Taylor. He won't have the ordeal of my handwriting.
Before going to bed I must repeat - I adore you. When I come back we must somehow have a night. Can you - is there any hope of arranging it? I do hope so, my love.
65799642 - Daldaa
H^otel de l'Avenis [28-3-48]?Rue Say Lussoe
Paris, \/
My dearest Sylvia
I was in a book shop in the Rue de Rivoli this afternoon, thinking of you as usual, when I saw a book that reminded me of you, and had to buy it. Proust's La Prisonni`ere. I read the first few pages in the Tuileries Gardens. Toy boats in the pond, Proust's invalid precisions, a baking sun. I am very tired tonight so this letter will not be finished until tomorrow but I feel impelled to clatteron.
Have you, I wonder, decided on your hatas yet? Have you made any decisions about thealtar clati yet? The clothes here are admirable -- the men's far more than the women's. Not in the Champs 'Elys'ees, perhaps but here in the Latin Quarter it is so. The selection of films on the other hand (unlike the range of madder and cambridge blue ties in stripes) is very poor. I've seen 2 tedious Italian films. London offers more - much more.
Very roughly I imagine my remaining money will last two more weeks, or just one. I have 13,000 + left. I could make it last longer but, you know Sylvia, I don't want to postpone (spelling?) seeing you again. I get moods of exceptional distraction. I expect your reception of the news will be ambivalent but what can I do - I am helplessly in the grip of such desire.
I have not done the cubists yet so occupied have I been with the Vienna pictures but I've not forgotten & I think I can borrow a typewriter which is fortunate for Clifton Taylor. He won't have the ordeal of my handwriting.
Before going to bed I must repeat - I adore you. When I come back we must somehow have a night. Can you - is there any hope of arranging it? I do hope so, my love.