- Max. dissimilarity: 0.096
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.047
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65318922 - natclass
- 65321196 - Preacher357
- 65343340 - not-logged-in-8101775efe34c42067a9
- WINNER - 65350497 - LoriM
- 65356292 - Kazmc1964

65318922 - natclass
experience is possibly material for poetry but I am too much its victim at present.I went on the river on Thursday. Became pinker than ever. I was reminded continually of Berthe Morisot and Mary Cassatt in the way the river curls away above and beyond the shoulders of the oarsman when one is sitting int he stern steering. A weir, a swan, two girls running by the river, than only the sad willows and the sun going in and out rapidly: Proust.
It is Molly's birthday soon - on the 6th. She insists I am not to spend any money on her but write a poem as I did last year. That's very pleasing. I shall try but, of course, you do dominate me poetically.
I shall send you your poems in a day or two. There is a little revision to do first. I feel impelled to do this despite the delay it causes. You, Muse, will understand the necessity for this.
Johnson who saw me yesterday was very nice except that he was a bore, oh, what a bore. He made four drawings of the flowers you sent him. I am inclined to be cutting about this. I have already put his promiscuous action into a poem. Whether I shall leave it there I must decide shortly.
To close I want to quote from Swift who is quoted in Books In General this week in the Old Statesman: 'I wish my cold hand was in the warmest place about you..'
(Incidentally I apologize for the English of the Cauguin translation but that's Van Wyck Brooks not me.)
I love you.
65321196 - Preacher357
experience is possibly material for poetry but I am toomuch its victim at present.
I went on the river on Thursday. Became pinker than ever.
I was reminded continually of Berthe Morisot and Mary Cassatt
in the way the river culrs away above and beyond the shoulders
of the carsman when one is sitting in the storm steering. A
weir, a swan, two girls running by the river, then only the sad
willows and the sun going in and out rapidly: Proust.
It is Molly's birthday soon - on the 6th. She insists I
am not to spend any money on her but write a poem as I did last
year. That's very pleasing. I shall try but, of course, you
do dominate me poetically.
I shall send you your poems in a day or two. There is a
little revision to do first. I feel impelled to do the des-
pite the delay it causes. You, Muse, will understand the necessity for
Johnson who saw me yesterday was very nice except that he
was a bore, oh, what a bore. He made four drawings of the flowers
you sent him. I am inclined to be cutting about this.
I have already put his promiscuous action into a poem. Whether
I shall leave it there I must decide shortly.
To close I want to quote from Swift who is quoted in Books In
General this week in the Old Statesman: 'I wish my cold hand
was in the warmest place about you..'
(Incidentally I apoligise for the English of the Gauguin trans-
lation but that's Van Wyck Brooks not me.)
I love you.
65343340 - not-logged-in-8101775efe34c42067a9
experience is possibly material for poetry but I am too much its victim at present.I went on the river on Thursday. Became pinker than ever. I was reminded continually of Berthe Meriset and Mary Cassatt on the way the river curls away above and beyond the shoulders of the oarsman when one is sitting in the stern steering. A weir, a swan, two girls running by the river, than only the sad willows and the sun going in and out rapidly: Proust.
It is Molly's birthday soon - on the 5th. She insists I am not to spend any money on her but write a poem as I did last year. That's very pleasing. I shall try but, of course, you do dominate me poetically.
I shall send you your poems in a day or two. There is a little revision to do firs t. I feel impelled to do this despite the delay. You, Muse, will understand the necessity for this.
Johnson who say me yesterday was very nice except that he was a bore, oh, what a bore. He made four drawings of the flowers you sent him. I am inclined to be cutting about this. I have already put his promiscuous aetion into a poem. Whether I shall leave it there I must decide shortly.
To close I want to quote from Swift who is quoted in Books In General this week in the Old Statesman: 'I wish my cold hand was in the warmest place about you...'
(Incidentally I apologise for the English of the Gauguin trans-lation but that's Van Wyck Brooks not me.)
I love you.
WINNER - 65350497 - LoriM
experience is possibly material for poetry but I am too much its victim at present.I went on the river on Thursday. Became pinker than ever. I was reminded continually of Berthe Morisot and Mary Cassatt in the way the river curls away above and beyond the shoulders of the oarsman when one is sitting in the stern steering. A weir, a swan, two girls running by the river, then only the sad willows and the sun going in and out rapidly: Proust.
It is Molly's birthday soon - on the 6th. She insists I am not to spend any money on her but write a poem as I did last year. That's very pleasing. I shall try but, of course, you do dominate me poetically.
I shall send you your poems in a day or two. There is a little revision to do first. I feel impelled to do this despite the delay it causes. You, Muse, will understand the necessity for this.
Johnson who saw me yesterday was very nice except that he was a bore, oh, what a bore. He made four drawings of the flowers you sent him. I am inclined to be cutting about this. I have already put his promiscuous action into a poem. Whether I shall leave it there I must decide shortly.
To close I want to quote from Swift who is quoted in Books In General this week in the Old Statesman: 'I wish my cold hand was in the warmest place about you...'
(Incidentally I apologise for the English of the Gauguin translation but that's Van Wyck Brooks not me.)
I love you.
65356292 - Kazmc1964
experience is possibly material for poetry but I am toomuch its victim at present.
I went on the river on Thursday. Became pinker than ever.
I was reminded continually of Berthe Moriset and Mary Cassatt
in the way the river curls away above and beyond the shoulders
of the oarsman when one is sitting in the stern steering. A
weir, a swan, two girls running by the river, then only the sad
willows and the sun going in and out rapidly: Proust.
It is Molly's birthday soon - on the 6th. She insists I
am not to spend any money on her but write a poem as I did last
year. That's very pleasing. I shall try but, of course, you do dominate me poetically.
I shall send you your poems in a day or two. There is a
little revision to do first. I feel impelled to do this des-
pite the delay it causes. You, Muse, will understand the necessity for
Johnson who saw me yesterday was very nice except that he
was a bore, oh, what a bore. He made four drawings of the flowers
you sent him. I am inclined to be cutting about this.
I have already put his promiscuous action into a poem. Whether
I shall leave it there I must decide shortly.
To close I want to quote from Swift who is quoted in Books In
General this week in the Old Statesman: 'I wish my cold hand
was in the warmest place about you . . '
(Incidentally I apologise for the English of the Gauguin trans-
lation but that's Van Wyck Brooks not me.)
I love you