- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.504
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65306944 - jambery
- WINNER - 65315391 - SansSouci
- 65333683 - lawofrelativity
- 65335399 - annred60
- 65366579 - Sipolandis

65306944 - jambery
[29-4-48]Wimbledon 1967
Thursday evening
My dearest Sylvia
I adored your little watercolors at the head of your letter. Please, when you have time and opportunity, send me some more images.
I am won over to Johnson again of his suggestion about your M-- essay. And a book on O Olson! Darling, I wish you would. Perhaps, soon, you can think seriously about it, but don't let it interfere until your painting now that you have started that again.
How nice of M. to defend my poems. I do think that generous of him.
The Venetian allusion in your projected double portrait dos not escape and I throroughly approve. I am so glad you are planning it already! That kind of anticipation is, I know, a good thing in poetry and so I expect it is in painting.
The Soho and the sundial poems, as you call them, will be finished shortly. Then you shall have them, I promise.
WINNER - 65315391 - SansSouci
[29-4-48]WIMbledon 1967 11 MANSEL ROAD,
Thursday evening
My dearest Sylvia
I adored your little watercolor
at the head of your letter. Please,
when you have time and opportunity,
send me some more images.
I am won over to Johnson again
of his suggestions about your blovo
essay. And a book on D olson! Darling, I wish you would. Perhaps,
soon, you can think seriously about
it, but don't let it interfere with
your painting now that you have started that again.
How nice of M to defend my poems, I do think that generous of him.
The Venetian allusion in your pro-
jected double portrati does not es-
cape me and I thoroughly approve. I am
so glad you are planning it already;
that kind of anticipation is, I know,
a good think in poetry and so I expect
it is in painting.
The Joke and the Sundial poems, as
you call them, will be finished shortly.
Then you shall have them, I promise.
65333683 - lawofrelativity
[29-4-48]WIMbledon 1967
Thursday evening
My dearest Sylvia,
I adored your little watercolor at the head of your letter. Please, when you have the time and opportunity, aend me some more images.
I am won over to Salmon again of his suggestions about your floral essay. And a book on Dolson! Darling, I wish you would. Perhaps, soon, you can think seriously about it, but don't let it interfere with your painting now that you have started that again/
How nice of him to defend my poems. I do think that generous of him.
The Venetian allusion in your projected double portrait does not escape me and I thoroughly approve. I am so glad you are planning it already: that kind of anticipation is, I know, a good thing in poetry and so I expect it is in painting.
The joke and the sundial poems, as you call them, will be finished shortly. Then you shall have them, I promise.
65335399 - annred60
65366579 - Sipolandis
Thursday eveningMy dearest Sylvia
I adored your little watercolor
at the read of your letter. Please,
when you have time and opportunity,
send me some more images.
I am won over to Johnson again
by his suggestion about your Merdish essay. And a book on D Olson!
Darling, I wish you would. Perhaps,
soon, you can think seriously about
it, but don't let it interfere until your painting now that you have started that again.
How nice of M to defend my poems.
I do think that generous of him.
The Venetians allusion in your projected double portrait does not
escape me and I thoroughly approve. I am
so glad you are planning it already:
that kind of anticipation is, I know, a good think in poetry and so I expect it is in painting.
The Jake and the undine poems, as
you call them, will be finished shortly.
Then you should have them, I promise.