- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.447
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65305508 - not-logged-in-4282e398b174eb3f44c4
- WINNER - 65325752 - coraltreejess
- 65326899 - not-logged-in-cae446f6765b958da0b9
- 65348133 - Lugithia
- 65349415 - Inkyvoid

65305508 - not-logged-in-4282e398b174eb3f44c4
It is another festival I should have liked to attend than this. I wish ... Well, it couldn't be. I love you, love you. Here, at least, is a birthday poem not too far in the wake of the 8th:Goodbye the columns and the ghosts of Greeks
Wearing profiles white as handkercheifs
And white as teeth in a recent smile
Goodbye the columns
Goodbye hairdresser with secret hands
Delicate as the Venetian ambassador
Reflected in a glass of wine
Goodbye hairdresser
Hello the columns and the ghosts of Greeks
Wrestling nude on the eighth of May
And white as teeth in a recent smile
Hello the columns
Hello the house where the doors open
On rooms of exhilarating games of chance
While giants of the sun shake the roof
Hello the house
Hello hairdresser with secret hands
Delicate now as ever before and always
She is overpowered by your charms' greeting
Hello hairdresser
This afternoon I think I shall borrow Eric's bicycle and go to the river and have a look at some architecture on the way as well as getting the sun; there are some very pretty streets past Richmond and I may come back through Chiswick. Or I may sit in the garden. Either way my thoughts will be very roughly the same - unconnected with the decor.
I hope Michael is not too distressed now; perhaps your birthday has cheered him up - or has it provided another opportunity for melancholy? O dear, does that sound cool? Well, hell, why shouldn't it!
Adore you.
Be sure to paint despite housework, despite study. Be sure to paint.
WINNER - 65325752 - coraltreejess
It is another festival I should have liked to attend than this. I wish... Well, it couldn't be. I love you, love you. Here, at least, is a birthday poem not too far in the wake of the 8th:Goodbye the columns and the ghosts of Greeks
Wearing profiles white as handerkerchiefs
And white as teeth in a recent smile
Goodbye the columns
Goodbye the house which shook and shook
When giants of the sun walked on the roof
For hours on end and season's length and more
Goodbye the houses
Goodbye hairdresser with secret hands
Delicate as the Venetian ambassador
Reflected in a glass of wine
Goodbye hairdresser
Hello the columns and the ghosts of Greeks
Wrestling nude on the eighth of May
And white as teeth in a recent smile
Hello the columns
Hello the house where the doors open
On rooms of exhilarating games of chance
While giants of the sun shake the roof
Hello the house
Hello hairdresser with secret hands
Delicate now as ever before and always
Sheilds overpowered by your charms' greeting
Hello hairdresser
This afternoon I think I shall borrow Eric's bicycle and go to the river and have a look at some architecture on the way as well as getting the sun; there are some very pretty streets past Richmond and I may come back through Chiswick. Or I may sit in the garden. Either way my thoughts will be very roughly the same - unconnected with the decor.
I hope Michael is not too distressed now; perhaps your birthday has cheered him up - or has it provided another opportunity for melancholy? Oh dear, does that sound cool? Well, hell, why shouldn't it!
Adore you.
Be sure to paint despite housework, despite study. Be sure to paint.
65326899 - not-logged-in-cae446f6765b958da0b9
65348133 - Lugithia
It is another festival I should have liked to attend than this. I wish... Well, it couldn't be. I love you, love you. Here, at least, is a birthday poem not too far in the wake of the 8th:Goodbye the columns and the ghosts of Greeks
Wearing profiles white as handerkerchiefs
And white as teeth in a recent smile
Goodbye to the columns
Goodbye the house which shook and shook
When giants of the sun walked on the roof
For hours on end and season's length and more
Goodbye the house
Goodbye hairdresser with secret hands
Delicate as the Venetian ambassador
Reflected in a glass of wine
Goodbye hairdresser
Hello the columns and the ghosts of the Greeks
Wrestling nude on the eighth of May
And white as teeth in a recent smile
Hello the columns
Hello the house where the doors open
On rooms of exhilarating games of chance
While giants of the sun shake the roof
Hello the house
Hello hairdresser with secret hands
Delicate now as ever before and always
She is overwhelmed by charms' greeting
Hello hairdresser
This afternoon I think I will borrow Eric's bicycle and go to the river and have a look at some of the architecture on the way as well as getting the sun; there are some very pretty streets past Richmond and I may come back through Chiswick. Or I may sit in the garden. Either way my thoughts will be very roughly the same - unconnected with the decor.
I hope Michael is not too distressed now; perhaps your birthday has cheered him up - or has it provided another opportunity for melancholy? Oh dear, does that sound cool? Well, hell, why shouldn't it!
Adore you.
Be sure to paint despite housework, despite studying.
Be sure to paint.
65349415 - Inkyvoid
It is another festival I should have liked to attendthan this. I wish... Well, it couldn't be. I love
you, love you. Here, at least, is a birthday poem not
too far in the wake of the 8th:
Goodbye the columns and the ghosts of Greeks
Wearing profiles while as handerkerchiefs
And white as teeth in a recent smile
Goodbye the columns
Goodbye the house which shook and shook
When giants of the sun walked on the roof
For hours on end and season's length and more
Goodbye the house
Goodbye hairdresser with secret hands
Delicate as the Venetian ambassador
Reflected in a glass of wine
Goodbye hairdresser
Hello the columns and the ghosts of Greeks
Wrestling nude on the eighth of May
And white as teeth in a recent smile
Hello the columns
Hello the house where the doors open
On rooms of exhilerating games of chance
While giants of the sun shake the roof
Hello the house
Hello hairdresser with secret hands
Delicate now as ever before and always
She is overpowered by your charms' greeting
Hello hairdresser
This afternoon I think I shall borrow Eric's bicycle
and go to the river and have a look at some architecture
on the way as well as getting the sun; there are some
very pretty streets past Richmond and I may come back
through Chiswick. Or I may sit in the garden. Either
way my thoughts will be very roughly the same - uncon-
nected with the d'ecor.
I hope Michael is not too distressed now; perhaps
your birthday has cheered him up - or has it provided
another opportunity for melancholy? Oh dear, does
that sound cool? Well, hell, why shouldn't it!
Adore you.
Be sure to paint despite housework, despite study.
Be sure to paint.