- Max. dissimilarity: 0.374
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.275
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65319244 - daveinaustin
- WINNER - 65416954 - not-logged-in-886bb43aed0756a7207f
- 65421677 - josiepegg
- 65437986 - yuripuppies
- 65438298 - not-logged-in-59173d182d25d7164f32
- 65442758 - not-logged-in-ae08d092af35a214c646
- 65444763 - LindaK0412
- 65444799 - Frosty1

65319244 - daveinaustin
11yourself, Sylvia.
Thank you, this is the second thank
you already, for saying such nice
things about my poetry. It is enormous-
ly encouraging and causes me much
delight. You are kind and sensitive
about them.
That new constellation you created
recently stood me in good stead last
night and guided me infallibly home, as
I was fairly late. I'm glad Dumas
has got his just deserts! I wondered what would become of him! I'm afraid I went
in the Mandrake last night with John McHale.
He had some money so for the first time
in ages I wasn't round the solo ruds.
Apart from this I have worked & worked
so I hope I won't be changed into anything.
I do hope that your next letter (you
referred to it in your last one) will be
longer. I do know how difficult it is.
Just - hell! - can't you write a page or
two in the lavatory or something? Please.
Is 'Italic England' good? I'm trying to
understand Pennintes Fletdes and Perines
together. It's my only chance. Soon I shall
see you. This Friday. At least the exam-
ination will do that. So you remember
WINNER - 65416954 - not-logged-in-886bb43aed0756a7207f
yourself, SylviaThank you, this is the second thank you already, for saying such nice things about my poetry. It is enormously encouraging and causes me much delight. You are kind and sensitive about them.
That new constellation you created recently stood me in good stead last night and guided me infallibly home, as I was fairly late. I'm glad Duncs has got his just deserts. I wondered what would become of him. I'm afraid I went to see Mandrake last night with John McHale. He has some money so for the first time for ages I went round the safe pubs. Apart form this I have worked and worked so I hope I won't be changed into anything.
I do hope that your next letter ( you referred to it in your last one ) will be longer. I do know how difficult it is but - well - can't you write a page or two in the lavatory or something ? Please.
Is 'Gothic England' good ? I'm trying to understand Bannister, Fletcher and together. It's my only chance. Soon I shall see you. This Friday. At least the examinations will do that. Do you remember
65421677 - josiepegg
yourself, Sylvia.Thank you, this is the second that
already, for saying such nice
things about my poetry. It is enormous
ly encouragingand causes me much
delight. You are kind and sensitive
about them.
That new constellation you created
recently stood me in good stead last
night and me infallibly as
I was fairly late. I'm glad Dumas
has got his just deserts. I wondered what
would become of him. I'm afraid I went
to mandrake last night until I also
so for the first time
for ages I went round the solo pubs
apart from this I have worked & worked
so I hope I won't be charged with anything.
I do hope that your next letter (you
referred to it in your last one) will be I doa know how difficult it is
but - help! - can't you write a page or
in the lavatory or something? Please
Is " England" good? I'm trying to
together. It's my only chance. Soon I shall
see you. This Friday. At least the exam
inations will that. Do you remember
65437986 - yuripuppies
11yourself, Sylvia.
Thank you, this is the second thank
you already, for saying such nice
things about my poetry. It is enormous-
ly encouraging and causes me much
delight. You are kind and sensitive
about them.
That new constellation you created
recently stood me in good stead last
night and guided me infallibly home, as
I was fairly late. I'm glad Duncer
has got his just deserts : I wondered what
would become of him. I'm afraid I went
to the mandrake last night with Faln the bloke.
We have some money so for the first time
for ages I went around the safe pubs
around from this I have washed & worked
so I hope I won't be charged with anything.
I do hope that your next letter (you
referred to it in your last one) will be
longer. I do know how difficult it is
but - well! - can't you write a page or
two in the lavatory or something? Please.
Is 'Cathic England' good? I'm trying to
understand Pronnintes Fletcher and Pirennes
together. It's my only chance. Soon I shall
see you. This Friday. At least the exam
invitation will be sent. Do you remember
65438298 - not-logged-in-59173d182d25d7164f32
yourself, SylviaThank you, this is the second 'thank you' already, you saying such nice things about my poetry. It is enormously encouraging and causes me much delight. You are kind and sensitive about them.
That new constellation you created recently me in good stead last night and guided one infailingly home, as I was fairly late. I'm glad has got his just deserts. wondered what would become of him. I'm afraid I last night with for the last time apart from this I have & as I hope won't be changed into anything.
I do hope that your next letter (you referred to it in you rlast one) will be longer. I do know how difficult it is but - well - can't you write a page on in the lavatory or something ? Please.
Is 'Little England' good ? I'm tying to understand Fletcher and Perkins together, it's my only choice. ~Soon I shall see you. This Friday. At least the examinations will do that. Do you remember
65442758 - not-logged-in-ae08d092af35a214c646
iiyourself, Sylvia.
Thank you, this is the second 'thank you' already, for saying such nice things about my poetry. It is enormously encouraging and causes me much delight. You are kind and sensitive about them.
That new constellation you created recently stood me in good stead last night and guided me infallibly home, as I was fairly late. I'm glad Duncs has got his just desserts. I wondered what would become of him. I'm afraid I went to see mardrake last night with John wethall. He had some money so for the first time for ages I went round the safe pubs. Apart from this I have worked & worked so I hope I won't be changed into anything.
I do hope that your next letter (you referred to it in your last one) will be longer. I do know how difficult it is but - well - can't you write a page or two in the lavatory or something? Please.
Is 'ratlic sergeant' good? I'm trying to understand Banister Fletcher and Persner cogetha. It's my only choice. Soon I shall see you. This Friday. At least the imagination will do that. Do you remember
65444763 - LindaK0412
iiyourself, Sylvia.
Thank you, this is the second thank
you already, for saying such nice
things about my poetry. It is enormous-
ly encouraging and causes me much
delight. You are kind and sensitive
about them.
That new constellation you created
recently stood me in good stead last
night and guided me infallibly home, as
I was fairly late. I'm glad Ounch
was got his just deserts! I wondered what
would become of him. I'm afraid I went
the mandible last night until ittaken the Hole.
He had come only as for the first time
for ages & went round the solo. rubs.
Apart from this I have worked & worked
so I hope I won't be changed into anything.
I do hope that your next letter (you
referred to it in your last one) will be
longer. I do know how difficult it is.
But - hell! - can't you write a page or
two in the lavatory or something? Please.
Is Gothic England good? I'm trying to
understand Banister Fletcher and Persner
Cogethe. It's my only choice. Soon I shall
see you. This Friday. At least the exam-
ination will do that. Do you remember
65444799 - Frosty1
iiyourself, Sylvia.
Thank you, this is the second 'thank you' already, for saying such nice things about my poetry. It is enormously encouraging and causes me much delight. You are kind and sensitive about them.
That new constellation you created recently stood me in good stead last night and guided me unfailingly home, as I was fairly late. I'm glad Duncs has got his just deserts. I wondered what would become of him. I'm afraid I went to see mandiale last night with John McHale. We had some money so for the first time for ages I went round the Soho pubs. Apart from this I have worked and worked so I hope I haven't changed into anything.
I do hope that your next letter ( you referred to it in your last one ) will be longer. I do know how difficult it is but - well? - can't you write a page or so in the lavatory or something? Please.
Is ' Gothic England' good? I'm trying to understand Bannister Fletcher and Pevsner together . It's my only choice. Soon I shall see you. This Friday. At least the examination will do that. Do you remember