- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.41
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65356007 - srasg56
- 65363849 - not-logged-in-d1cb699d9850c6809816
- 65379507 - not-logged-in-9a1c4e542ff4799405e6
- WINNER - 65394310 - not-logged-in-1306981f18ede182182e
- 65425242 - not-logged-in-099d3749e0445aa11e23
- 65752884 - ChrisMM76
- 66341445 - JanetCormack
- 66493184 - LindaK0412
- 66506247 - snikdekl
- 66720626 - ethomson
- 66826636 - k8mielke

65356007 - srasg56
iiI should think that you've got the rain you wanted
for the garden now. It has been raining steadily since
I have been thinking today - as on many days -
how fortunate I am to have your love. |I don't think I
can really put down how much it mean to have
you loving me. I feel my eyes water sometimes at the
thought of it and other times I sort of stretch volupt-uously and smile. I love you and as you have shown
me am happy even when we are separated because I know
it is not irrevocable and that you think of me, love me.
O my dearest Sylvia, I love you. Only a great hug
and may kisses and looks could express what I feel
now, my lover.
What can I say after that? IT would be unfair of
me not to say how much I appreciated Prof. Sasifarto's
examination paper. Question 111 is grandly comic and I
like the implication of 'Describe shortly' ...
It is very good news to Dandylion that you are
quite well again. He looks up from the examination papers
which he is studying and gives a lonely smile at the thought
of you. He starts to write about 'green grass' in his ec-
stacy though he is supposed to be analysing the buttresses and corbels of
alines lodge.
I accept your correction of my theory about
yours and Janette Day's hair but I say again that
she reminded of you and that this increased my en-
joyment of the film.
65363849 - not-logged-in-d1cb699d9850c6809816
I should think that you've got the rain you wanted for the garden now. It has been raining steadily since dawn.I have been thinking today -- as on many days -- how fortunate I am to have your love. I don't think I can really put down how much it means to have you loving me. I feel my eyes water sometimes at the thought of it and other times I sort of stretch voluptuously and smile. I love you and as you have shown me am happy even when we are separated because I know it is not inexorable and that you think of me, love me. O my dearest Sylvia, I love you. Only a great hug and many kisses and words could express what I feel now, my lover.
What can I say after that? It would be unfair of me not to say how much I appreciated Prof. Serifarto's examination paper. Question 11 is grandly comic and I like the implication of "Describe shortly ...
It is very good news to Dandylion that you are quite well again. He looks up from the examination paper which he is studying and gives a lovely smile at the thought of you. He starts to write about 'green grass' in his ecstasy though he is supposed to be analyzing the buttresses and corbels of olives lodge .
I accept your correction of my theory about yours and Sorette Day's hair but I say again that she reminds of you and she increased my enjoyment of the film.
65379507 - not-logged-in-9a1c4e542ff4799405e6
WINNER - 65394310 - not-logged-in-1306981f18ede182182e
iiI should think that you've got the rain you wanted for the garden now. It has been raining steadily since dawn.
I have been thinking today - as on many days - how fortunate I am to have your love. I don't think I can really put down how much it means to have you loving me. I feel my eyes water sometimes at the thought of it and other times I sort of stretch voluptuously and smile. I love you and as you have shown me am happy even when we are separated because I know it is not irrevocable and that you think of me, love me. O my dearest Sylvia, I love you. Only a great hug and many kisses and looks could express what I feel now, my lover.
What can I say after that? It would be unfair of me not to say how much I appreciated Prof. Scusifanto's examination paper. Question III is grandly comic and I like the implication of 'Describe shortly'...
It is very good news to Dandylion that you are quite well again. He looks up from the examination paper which he is studying and gives a lovely smile at the thought of you. He starts to write about 'green grass' in his ecstacy though he is supposed to be analysing the buttresses and corbels of olives lodge.
I accept your correction of my theory about yours and Janette Day's hair but I say again that she reminded of you and that this increased my enjoyment of the film.
65425242 - not-logged-in-099d3749e0445aa11e23
65752884 - ChrisMM76
iiI should think that gorive got the rain you wanted
for the garden now. It has been raining steadily since
I have been thinking today - as on many days -
how fortunate I am to have your love. I don't think I
can really put down how much it means to have
you loving me. I feel my eyes water sometimes at the
thought of it and other times I sort of stretch volupt-
uously and smile. I love you and as you have shown
me am happy even when we are separated because I know
it is not irrevocable and that you think of me, love me.
O my dearest Sylvia, I love you. Only a great hug
and many kissed and looks could express what I feel
now, my lover.
What can I say after that? It would be unfair of
me not to say how much I appreciated Prof.
examination paper. Question 111 is grandly comic and I
like the implication of "Describe shortly'...
It is very good news to Dandylion that you are
quite well again. He looks up from the examination paper
which he is studying and give a lovely smile at the thought
of you. He starts to write about 'green grass' in his ec-
stacy though he is supposed to be analysing the buttresses and corbels of
olive lodge.
I accept your correction of my theory about
yours and Josette Day's hair but I say again that
she reminded of you and that then increased my en-
joyment of the film.
66341445 - JanetCormack
iiI should think that you've got the rain you wanted for the garden now. It has been raining steadily since dawn.
I have been thinking today - as on many days - how fortunate I am to have your love. I don't think I can really put down how much it means to have you loving me. I feel my eyes water sometimes at the thought of it and other times I sort of stretch voluptuorously and smile. I love you and as you have shown me am happy even when we are separated because I know it is not irrevocable and that you think of me, love me, O my dearest Sylvia, I love you. Only a great hug and many kisses and looks would express what I feel now, my lover.
.... ....
What can I say after that? It would be unfair of me not say how much I appreciated Prof. Szsifartos' examination paper. Question III is grandly comic and I like the implication of 'Describe shortly' ....
It is very good news to Dandylion that you are quite well again. He looks up from the examination paper which he is studying and gives a lovely smile at the thought of you. He starts to write about 'green grass' in his ectasy though he is supposed to be analysing the buttresses and corbels of alines lodge.
I accept your correction of my theory about yours and Janette Day's hair but I say again that she reminded of you and that this increased my enjoyment of the film.
66493184 - LindaK0412
iiI should think that you've got the rain you wanted
for the garden now. It has been raining steadily since
I have been thinking today - as on many days -
how fortunate I am to have your love. I don't think I
can really put down how much it means to have
you loving me. I feel my eyes water sometimes at the
thought of it and other times I sort of stretch volup-
tiously and smile. I love you and as you have shown
me am happy even when we are separated because I know
it is not irrevocable and that you think of me, love me.
O my dearest Sylvia, I love you. Only a great hug
and many kisses and looks would express what I feel
now, my lover.
What can I say after that? It would be unfair of
me not to say how much I appreciated Prof. Scrifarto's
examination paper. Question III is grandly comic and I
like the implication of 'Describe shortly...'
It is very good news to Dandylion that you are
quite well again. He looks up from the examination paper
which he is studying and gives a lovely smile at the thought
of you. He starts to write about 'green grass' in his es-
tuary though he is supposed to be analyzing the buttresses and corbels of
Olives Lodge.
I accept your correction of my theory about
yours and Loretta Day's hair but I say again that
she reminded of you and that this increased my en-
joyment of the film.
66506247 - snikdekl
iiI should think that you've got the rain you wanted
for the garden now. It has been raining steadily since
I have been thinking today - as on so many days -
how fortunate I am to have your love. I don't think I
can really put down how much it means to have
you loving me. I feel my eyes water sometimes at the
thought of it and other times I sort of stretch volupt-
uously and smile. I love you and as you have shown
we are happy even when we are separated because I know
it is not irrevocable and that you think of me, love me.
O my dearest Sylvia, I love you. Only a great hug
and many kisses and looks could express what I feel
now, my lover.
What can I say after that? It would be unfair of
me not to say how much I appreciated Prof. Arsifarto's
examination paper. Question III is grandly comic and I
like the implication of 'Describe shortly'...
It is very good news to Dandylion that you are
quite well again. He looks up from the examination paper
which he is studying and gives a lovely smile at the thought
of you. He starts to write about 'green grass' in his ec-
stacy though he is supposed to be analysing the buttresses and corbels of
Oliver Lodge.
I accept your correction of my theory about
yours and Josette Day's hair but I say again that
she reminded of you and that this increased my en-
joyment of the film.
66720626 - ethomson
iiI should think that you've got the rain you wanted
for the garden now. It has been raining steadily since
I have been thinking today - as on so many days -
how fortunate I am to have your love. I don't think I
can really put down how much it means to have
you loving me. I feel my eyes water sometimes at the
thought of it and other times I sort of stretch volupt-
lousily and smile. I love you and as you have shown
me am happy even when we are separated because I know
it is not irrevocable and that you think of me, love me.
O my dearest Sylvia, I love you. Only a great hug
and many kisses and looks could express what I feel
now, my lover.
What can I say after that? It would be unfair of
me not to say how much I appreciated Prof.
examination paper. Question III is grandly comic and I
like the implication of 'Describe shortly'...
It is very good news to Dandelion that you are
quite well again. He looks up from the examination paper
which he is studying and gives a lonely smile at the thought
of you. He starts to write about 'green grass' in his ec-
stacy though he is supposed to be analyzing the buttresses and corbels of
Olive Lodge.
I accept your correction of my theory about
your and Josette Day's hair but I say again that
she reminded of you and that this increased my en-
joyment of the film.
66826636 - k8mielke
ii I should think that you've got the rain you wanted for the garden now. It has been raining steadily since dawn. I have been thinking today - as on many days - how fortunate I am to have your love. I don't think I can really put down how much it means to have you loving me. I feel my eyes water sometimes at the thought of it and other things I sort of stretch rapt - hourly and smile. I love you and as you have [unclear]shown me am happy even when we are separated because I know it is not innumerable and that you think of me, love me. O my dearest Sylvia, I love you. Only a great hug and many kisses and looks could express what I feel now, my lover. ........ What can I say after that? It would be unfair of me not to say how much I appreciated Prof. Sesifarto's examination paper. Question III is grandly comic and I like the implication of the "Describe shortly..." It is very good news to Dandylion that you are quite well again. He looks up from the examination paper which he is studying and gives a lovely smile at the thought of you. He starts to write about 'green grass' in his lectury though he is supposed to be analyzing the buttresses and corbels of alpine lodge. I accept your correction of my theory about yours and Torette Day's hair but I say again that she reminded of you and that this increased my enjoyment of the film.