- Max. dissimilarity: 0.241
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.149
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65332696 - Culebra78
- 65349886 - not-logged-in-6e22b649648eb50e1646
- 65351896 - Zellarina
- 65355432 - Ankettaccia
- WINNER - 65372789 - gwynnie
- 65373938 - Moonstruckmuse
- 65437437 - horsetcher

65332696 - Culebra78
IVDearest. Thank you for appreciating my poems as you do. It arouses in me an urge to write more about you. Your description of the result of my "gifts" as you sweetly called them upon you was exquisite. I never want to hear again that you cannot write letters.
Your account of Windy Ways' interior was very cleverly done, too, so again, no more Cinderella stories about your letter craft. It does sound - remarkable. What courage the people who live there have to juxtapose such "unexpected" pieces.
What can I tell you about tea with C. Solmon? I kept him off aunts and he looked at the Vienna catalogue with great interest and that really is all I can remember. He showed me one or two drawings! But that's all. Wilson seems to have heard some of my lecture but Solmon won't commit himself.
To develop a theme of yours in your letter of the 27th I must say that my recent past is congenial and indeed of great interest now. I go back over places we have been to and things we have said. I associate you with the N.P.G. of course, and also with Oxford Street above Liberty's where we argued once; with Toynbee Hall, and the pub, and also the Royal Cinema in Edgeware Road. Oh an so many more: place names, images, phrases, subjects, whole conversations come back - occupy me. With you at the center of them all. And yet, counter to this, the warm anticipation of our next meeting: counter to it and part of it for you have abolished conventional distinctions of time. There is only you, sweetest, dearest, Sylvia.
I adore you, Sylvia.
Passionately, Lawrence
65349886 - not-logged-in-6e22b649648eb50e1646
Dearest, thanks for appreciating my poems as you do. It arouses in me an urge to write more about you. Your description of the result of my 'gifts' as you sweetly called them upon you was exquisite. I never want to hear again that you cannot write letters.Your account of Windy Ways interior was very cleverly done to, so again, no more Cinderella stories about your letter craft. It does sound laudable what courage the people who live there have in juxtapose sad 'unexpected' pieces.
Weat can I tell you about tea until C. Salmon? I kept him off aunts and he looked after Vierra Catal - argue with real interest and that really is all I can remember. He showed me one of two drawings! But that's all. Willson seems to have heard some of my lecture but Salmon won't commit himself.
To develop a theme of your in your letter of the 27th I must say that my recent past is congenial and indeed of great interested now. I go back over places we have been to and things we have said. I associate you with the N.P.G of course and also with Oxford Street above Liberty's where we argued once; with Toynbee Mall and the pub, and also the Royal Cinema in Edgeware Road as and so many more: peace-rames, wages, phrases, subjects, whole conversations come back - occupy me. With you at the centre of them all. And yet, counter to this, the warm anticipation of our next meeting - counter to it and part of it for you have abolished conventional distinctions of time. There is only you, sweetest, dearest, Sylvia.
I adore you, Sylvia.
Passionately Lawrence
65351896 - Zellarina
ivDearest. Thank you for appreciating my poems as you do. It arouses in me an urge to write more about you. Your description of the result of my 'gifts' as you sweetly called them, upon you was exquisite. I never want to hear again that you cannot write letters.
Your account of windy ways' stories was very cleverly done, too, so again, no more cinderella stories about your letter craft. It does sound - rewardable. What courage the people who live there have to juxtapose such 'unexpected' pieces.
What can I tell you about tea with C. Johnson? I kept him off aunts and he looked at the Vienna catalogue with great interest and that really is all I can remember. He showed me one one or two drawings! But that is all. Gibson seems to have heard some of my lectures but Solomon won't commit himself.
To develop a theme of yours in your letter of the 27th I must say that my recent past is congenial and indeed of great interest now. I go back over places we have been to and things we have said. I associate you with the N.P.G. of course, and also with Oxford Street afore Liberty's where we argued once; with Toynbee Hall, and the pub, and also the Royal Cinema in Edgware Road etc and so many more: place-names, images, phrases, subjects, whole conversations come back - occupy me. With you at the centre of them all. And yet, counter to this, the warm anticipation of our next meeting: counter to it and part of it for you have abolished conventional distinctions of time. There is only you, sweetest, dearest, Sylvia.
I adore you, Sylvia.
Passionately Lawrence
65355432 - Ankettaccia
ivDearest. Thank you for appreciating my poems
as you do. It arouses in me an urge to write more
about you. Your description of the result of my 'gifts'
as you sweetly called them, upon you was exquisite. I
never want to hear again that you cannot write letters.
Your account of windy way's intenos was very
cleverly done, too, so again no more Cinderella stories
about your letter craft. It does sound - remarkable.
what courage the people who live there have to juxtayore
such 'unexpected' pieces.
What can I tell you about tea with C. Salmon?
I kept him off aunts and he looked at the Vienna catal-
ogue with great interest and that really is all I can
remember. He showed me one or two drawings! But
that's all. Gibson seems to have heard some of my lectures
but Johnson won't commit himself.
To develop a theme of yours in your letter of the 27th
I must say that my recent past is congenial and indeed
of great interest now. I go back ones places we have been
to and things we have said. I associate you with the N.P.G
of course, and also with Oxford Street above ...
where we argued once; with Toynbee Hall, and the pub, and
also the Royal Cinema in Edgwane Road. oh and so many
more: places-names, wages, phrases, subjects, whole conver-
sations come back - occupy me. With you at the centre
of them all. And yet, counter to this, the warm anticipat-
ion of our next meeting: counter to it and part of it for
you have abolished conventional distinctions of time.
There is only you, sweetest, dearest, Sylvia.
I adore you, Sylvia.
Passionately Lawrence
WINNER - 65372789 - gwynnie
ivDearest. Thank you for appreciating my poems as you do. It arouses in me an urge to write more about you. Your description of the result of my 'gifts' as you sweetly called them, upon you was exquisite. I never want to hear again that you cannot write letters.
Your account of Windy Ways interior was very cleverly done, too, so again, no more Cinderella stories about your letter craft. It does sound - remarkable. What courage the people who live there have to juxtapose such 'unexpected' pieces.
What can I tell you about tea with C. Johnon? I kept him off aunts and he looked at the vienra catalogue with great interest and that really is all I can remember. He showed me one or two drawings! But that's all. Gibson seems to have heard some of my lecture but Johnson won't commit himself.
To develop a theme of yours in your letter of 27th I must say that my recent past is congenial and indeed of great interest now. I go back over places we have been to and things we have said. I associate you with the N.P.G of course, and also with Oxford Street above Liberty's where we argued once; with Toynbee Hall, and the pub and also the Royal Cinema in Edgeware Road. Oh and so many more: place names, images, phrases, subjects, whole conversations come back - occupy me. With you at the centre of them all. And yet, counter to this, the warm anticipation of our next meeting: counter to it and part of it for you have abolished conventional distinctions of time.
There is only you, sweetest, dearest, Sylvia.
I adore you, Sylvia.
Passionately Lawrence
65373938 - Moonstruckmuse
IVDearest. Thank you for appreciating my poems as you do. It arouses in me an urge to write more about you. Your description of the revival of my 'gifts' as you sweetly called them, upon you was exquisite. I never want to hear again that you cannot write letters. Your account of Windy Ways interior was very cleanly done, too, so again, no more Cinderella stories abut your letter craft. It does sound - remarkable. What courage the people who live there have in juxtapose sures 'unexpected' pieces.
What can I tell you about the mutt C. Solumon? I kept him off aunts and he looked at the v line catalogue with great interest and that really is all I can remember. He showed me one or two drawings! But that's all. seems to have heard some of my lecture but Soloon won't commit himself.
To develop a theme of yours in your letter of the 27th I must say that my recent past is congenial and indeed of great interest now. I go back ones places we have been to and things we said. I associate you with the N.P.G of course, and also with Oxford Street alone Liberty's where we argued once; with Toynhee Mall, and the pub, and also the Royal cinema in Edgwere Road. Oh, and so many more: place names, images, phrases, subjects, whole . come back me. With you at the center of them all. And yet, counter to this, the warm anticipation of our next meeting: counter to it and part of it for you have abolished conventional distinctions of time. There is only you, sweetest, dearest, Sylvia.
I adore you, Sylvia.
Passionately Lawrence
65437437 - horsetcher
Dearest, Thank you for appreciating my poems as you do. It arouses in me an urge to write more about you. Your description of the result of my 'gifts' as you sweetly called them, upon you was exquisite. I never want to hear again that you cannot write letters.Your account of 'Windy Ways' interior was very cleverly done, too, so again, no more Cinderella stories about your letter craft. It does sound - remarkable what courage the people who live there have to juxtapose such 'unexpected' pieces.
What can I tell you about tea with C. Salmon? I kept him off aunts and he looked at the Vienna catalogue with great interest and that is all I can remember. He showed me one or two drawings! But that's all. Alison seems to have heard some of my lecture but Salmon won't commit himself.
to develop a theme of yours in your letter of the 27th I must say that my recent past is congenial and indeed of great interest now. I go back over places we have been to and things we have said. I associate you with the N.P.G of course, and also with Oxford Street alone liberty's where we argued once; with Taynhee Mall, and the park, and also the Royal Cinema in Edgware Road. also and so many more: place-names, images, phrases, subjects, whole conversations come back - occupy me. With you at the centre of them all. And yet, counter to this, the warm anticipation of our next meeting: counter to it and part of it for you have abolished conventional distinctions of time. There is only you, sweetest, dearest, Sylvia.
I adore you, Sylvia
Passionately Lawrence