- Max. dissimilarity: 0.306
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.259
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65313595 - mariaonufrow
- 65320757 - csleahey
- 65322534 - HilaryPaul
- 65348000 - supanova_x
- 65386584 - kristin1

WINNER - 65313595 - mariaonufrow
I am glad the Ballets Negro were enjoyable. You made me wish I had taken advantage of an opportunity to see them recently at Wimbledon. I hope Tirz did not detect any white influences. It was fear of this that half kept me away.I want to tell you of my recent reading which has been fairly frivolous. Evelyn Waugh's 'Brideshead Revisited' - half sympathetic and half-odious. I chris you have read it - have you not? I wishit were as easy to dismiss as "the Razor's Edge" but, of course, it isn't. The implacable, eroding Catholicism of the Flytes is brilliantly represented though I cannot enjoy their return to the faith after attempted escapes.
Seems I've read Scott Fitzerald's novel "The Great Gatsby" - a pre-taste of Citizen Kane in some respects. I expect the Woods know it. And The Poisoned Crown by Murgs Kingsmill: liger's flashy (up to a point, I admit) and I'm sure you will forgive me after reading the following, quot-
65320757 - csleahey
I am glad the Ballets Vegre were enjoyable. You make me wish I had taken advantage of an opportunity to see them recently at Wimbledon. I hope Tiny did not detect any white influences. It was fear of this that half kept me awayI want to tell you of my recent reading which has been fains frivolous. Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Reunited' - half sympathize and half: odious. I think you have read it - have not? I wish it were as easy to dismiss as 'The Razors' Edge' but, of course, it isn't. The implaceable, rereading tatlalicism of the Flytes' is brilliantly represented though I cannot enjoy their return to the faith after attempted escapes.
Also I've read Scott Fitzgerald's novel 'The Great Gatsby' a pre-taste of Citizen Kane in some respects. I expect the Woods know it. And the Poisoned Crown by Hugh Kingsmill: eight is flashy (up in a point, I admit) but I'm sure you will forgive me after reading Eli Gallowayquote
65322534 - HilaryPaul
I am glad the Ballet [hegie]wereenjoyable. You make me wish I had taken advantage of an opportunity to see them
recently at Wimbledon. I hope [Tiny] did not detect any [white] influences. It was fear of this that half kept me away.
I want to tell you of my recent
reading which has been fairly frivolous.
Evelyn Waugh's 'Brideshead Revisited' -
half sympathetic and half odious. I think
you have read it - have you not? I wish
it were as easy to dismiss as ' The [roger's]Edge' but of course it isn't. The implac-able,[pervading] Catholicism of the Flytes
is brilliantly represented though I cannot
enjoy the return to the faith after attempt-
ed escapes.
Also I've read Scott Fitzgerald 's
novel 'The Great Gatsby' -a pre-taste of
Citizen Kane in some respects. I expect the
Woods know it. And The Poisoned hours
by Hugh Kingsmill: light and flashy(up to a
point, I admit) but I'm sure you will for-
65348000 - supanova_x
I'm glad the ballets here were enjoyable. You make me wish I had taken advantage of an opportunity to see them recently at Wimbledon. I hope Ting did not delete any white influences. IC was lean of this that half kept me away.I want to tell you of my recent reading which has been faint frivolous Evelyn Waughs 'Brideshead Revisited' - half sympathetic and half odious. I trust you have read it - have you not? I wish it were as easy to dismiss as 'The razors Edge' but of course it wasn't/ The implacable eroding catholicism of the feytes is brilliantly represented though I cannot enjoy the return to the faith after attempted escapes.
Also I'm read Scott Fitzgerald novel 'The Great Gatsby' - a pre - taste of Citizen Kane in some respects. I expect the woods know it. And The Poisoned Crown by Hugh Kingsmill: liger is feasty (up to a point, I admit) and I'm sure you will forgive me after reading the following quote -
65386584 - kristin1
I am glad the Ballets Negre were enjoyable. You make me wish I had taken advantage of an opportunity to see them recently at Wimbledon. I hope did not detect any white influences. It was fear of this that half kept me away.I want to tell you of my recent reading which has been fairly frivolous. Evelyn Waugh's ' Brideshead Revisited' - half-sympathetic and half odious. I trust you have read it - have you not? I wish it was as easy to dismiss as the Razor's Edge but, of course, it isn't. The implacable pervading of the Flytes is brilliantly represented though I cannot enjoy their return to the after attempted escapes.
Also I read Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby - a pre-taste of Citizen Kane in some respects. I expect the woods know it. And The Poisoners by - and I'm sure you will forgive me after reading the following, quot-