- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.427
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65408224 - 141Dial34
- 65679360 - k.h.pot
- 65724088 - JanetCormack
- 65992864 - reddder
- 66249071 - slicitra
- WINNER - 66253977 - ethomson

65408224 - 141Dial34
65679360 - k.h.pot
And another line by Draylion. Love and the Poetare exchanging moments.
'As well', saith he' too forward as to slow.'
The truth of this was not always known to
me, Sylvia.
I wish I knew what ill weather will do.
It is 11.15 now and sun and cloud alter-
nate. I might go to Hampton Court for it
is free today and a shilling tomorrow.
Whatever I do I shall think of you. I ex-
pect you are in the kitchen at the moment
(my poor owl, my poor cat) and I am look-
ing forward very much to washing - up
again. I have not done it since last
time in Pett.
How I love you. I wish I could organise
a triumph in your honour. Thousands of bour-
geois should be deployed in such a manner
as to write your name by their warring. I
should then set fire to them and have your
name inscribed in fire in the pleasant
evening. Fireworks of a kind. Next a
procession of owls and cats with roses in
their beaks and mouths. This would go on
for two days and there would be banquets
going on at the same time in case you tired
of this procession. However I must con-
tinue this phantasy in another letter. I
have only a little room to say I love
you, very dearly, very madly.
P.S. could you conveniently return Sewanee
as I need it for some notes I am making?
65724088 - JanetCormack
And another line by Drayon, Love and the Poet are exchanging moments.'As well' saith he 'too forward as to slow'. The truth of this was not always known to me, Sylvia.
I wish I knew what the weather will do. It is 11.15 now and sun and cloud alternate. I might go to Hampton Court for it is free today and a shilling tomorrow. Whatever I do I shall think of you. I expect you are in the kitchen at the moment (my poor owl, my poor cat) and I am looking forward very much to washing-up again. I have not done it since last time in Pett.
How I love you. I wish I could organise a triumph in your honour. Thousands of bourgeois should be deployed in such a matter as to write your name by their massing. I should then set fire to them and have your name inscribed in fire in the pleasant evening. Fireworks of a kind. Next a procession of owls and cats with roses in their beaks and mouts. This would go on for two days and there would be banquets going on at the same time in case you tired of this procession. However I must continue this phantasy in another letter. I have only a little room to say I love you, very dearly, very madly.
P.S. Could you conveniently return Sewanee as I need it for some notes I am making?L
65992864 - reddder
And another line by Drayton. Love and the Poet are exchanging proverbs.'As well', scuits to 'too forward as to elan? The tinth of this was not always known to me, sylvia.
I miss I knew the weather will do. I C is 11.15 now and sun and cloud alternate. I might go to Hampton Court for it is free today and a shilling tomorrow. Whatever I do I shall think of you. I expect you are in the britches at the moment (my poor owl, my poor cat) and I am looking forward very much to washing-up again. I have not done it since last time in Pelt.
How I love you. I wish I could organise a triumph in your honor. Thousands of bourgeois could be deployed in such a manner as to write your name by their warring. I should then set fire to them and have your name inscribed in fire in the pleasant evening. Fireworks of a bird. Next in procession of owls and cats with roses in their beaks and mouths. This would go on for two days and there would be bouquets going on at the same time in case you tired of this procession. However I must continue this phantasy in another letter. I have only a little a little room to say I love you, very dearly, very madly.
P.S. Could you conveniently return Sewanee as I need it for some notes I am making"
66249071 - slicitra
And line by . Love and the poet are exchanging moments.As well suits he 'too forward as to slow.'
The truth of this was not always known. To me, Sylvia.
I wish I knew what the weather will do. It is 11:15 now and sun and cloud alternate. I might go to Hampton court for it is free today and a shilling tomorrow.
Whatever I do I shall think of you. I expect you are in the kitchen at the momnent (my poor, my poor cat) and I am looking forward very much to washing-up again. I have not done it since last time in Pett.
How I love you. I wish I could organise a triumph in your honour. Thousands of should be displayed in such a manner as to write your name by their massing. I should then set fire to them and have your name inscribed in fire in the pleasant evening. Fireworks of a bird. Next a procession of owls and cats with roses in the beaks and mouths. This would go on for two days and there would be bouquets going on at the same time in case you tired of this procession. However I must continue this fantasy in another letter. I have only a little room to say I love you, very dearly, very madly.
P.S. Could you conveniently return as I need it for some noted I am making?
WINNER - 66253977 - ethomson
And another line by Drayton. Love and the Poetare exchanging moments.
'As well,' saith he 'too forward as to slow.'
The truth of this was not always known to
me, Sylvia.
I wish I knew what the weather will do.
It is 11.15 now and sun and cloud alter-
nate. I might go to Hampton Court for it
is free today and a shilling tomorrow.
whatever I do I shall think of you. I ex-
pect you are in the kitchen at the moment
(my poor owl, my poor cat) and I am look-
ing forward very much to washing-up
again. I have not done it since last
time in Pett.
How I love you. I wish I could organise
a triumph in your honour. Thousands of bour-
geois should be deployed in such a manner
as to write your name by their massing. I
should then set fire to them and have your
name inscribed in fire in the pleasant
evening. Fireworks of a kind. Next a
process of owls and cats with roses in
their beaks and mouths. This would go on
for two days and there would be banquets
going on at the same time in case you tired
of this procession. However I must con-
tinue this phantasy in another letter. I
have only a little room to say I love
you , very dearly, very madly.
P.S. Could you conveniently return Sewanee
as I need it for some notes I am making?