- Max. dissimilarity: 0.989
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.416
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65416175 - not-logged-in-4f647c3380cdf8dc2f81
- 65425919 -
- 65442248 - not-logged-in-59173d182d25d7164f32
- 65446521 - cshepherd
- 65470390 - BronteAlcott
- WINNER - 65656046 - trillera
- 65656738 - Jacobi

65416175 - not-logged-in-4f647c3380cdf8dc2f81
what I mean. In the65425919 -
What I mean the [courtaused] memorial exhibition remains [.ca loge ]reminded me of your Venetion lecture and so did the small Dejures San I' heshe. ( I remembered the Clogall exhibition and your early remarks about us being in the avant-garde when we might have been Beleize Park as I later discovered.) Venice: that reminds me. Enclosed with this letter is the Wordsworth sonnet that I mentioned which you did not know. And will you let me know if the [signa] address is in sufficient. You can write from Paris or Florence if necessary, but I decided it would be wise not to ask C.J. you know [where] he is. Another reminiscence of you, my sweet Syeria. CeluaBedford had a book by Richard Doyle about three men travelling in Europe in the 1900 or so period. i saw it this evening with [Charles], and all patients and unotched many Oppenheim. It was very amusing but Charles preferred, I am sorry but not surprised to say, a book of Belder sketches. She, Celia Bedford, had several amusing65442248 - not-logged-in-59173d182d25d7164f32
What I mean. The Courtauld memorial exhibition remains la loge reminded me of your Venetian lecture and so did the small Dejunras l'herhe. (I remembered the Clogall exhibition and your wry remarks about us being the the avant garde when we might have been Belsize Park as I later discovered) enice, that reminds me. En closed with this letter is the Wordsworth sonnet that I mentioned which you did not know. And will you let me know if the sign address is insufficient. You can write from Paris or Florence, if necessary, but I decided it would be wiser not to ask C.J you know what his is. Another reminiscence of you, my sweet Sylvia. Celia Bedford had a book by Richard Doyle about three men travelling in Europe in the 1900s so period. I saw it this evening with Clanles, and all and Mary Oppenheim. It was very amusing but Clanles preferred, I am sorry but not surprised to say a book of Belden sketches. She, Celia Bedford, had several amusing65446521 - cshepherd
what I mean. In the Courtauld memor-ial exhibition Renoir's La Loge re-
minded me of your Venetian lec-
ture and so did the small Dejeuner
sur l'Herbe. (I remembered the Chagall
exhibition and your wry remarks a-
bout us being in the avant garde when
we might have been Belsize Park
as I later discovered.) Venice: that
reminds me. Enclosed with this let-
ter is the Wordsworth sonnet that I
mentioned which you did not know.
And will you let me know if the Siena
address is insufficient. You can write
from Paris or Florence, if necessary,
but I decided it would be wiser not
to ask C.J. You know what he is. An-
other reminiscence of you, my sweet
Sylvia. Celia Bedford had a book
by Richard Doyle about three men trav-
elling in Europe in the 1900 or so period.
I saw it this evening with Charles, and
and wretched Mary Oppenheim.
It was very amusing but Charles prefer-
red, I am sorry but not surprised to
say, a book of Belchen sketches. She,
Celia Bedford, had several amusing
65470390 - BronteAlcott
what I mean. In the Courtauld Memorial exhibition Renoir's La Loge reminded me of your Venetian lecture and so did the small D'ejeuner sur l'herbe. (I remembered the Chagall exhibition and your wry remarks about us being in the avant grade when we might have been Belsize Park as I later discovered.) Venice: that reminds me. Enclosed with this letter is the Wordsworth sonnet that I mentioned which you did not know. And will you let me know if the Sienna address is insufficient. You can write from Paris or Florence, if necessary, but I decided it would be wiser not to ask C.J. You know what he is. Another reminiscence of you, my sweet Sylvia. Celia Bedford had a book by Richard Doyle about three men traveling in Europe in the 1900 or so period. I saw it this evening with Charles, and the Paisers and watched Mary Oppenheim. It was very amusing but Charles preferred, I am sorry but not surprised to say, a book of Belden sketches. She, Celia Bedford, had several amusingWINNER - 65656046 - trillera
what I mean. In the Courtauld memor-ial exhibition Renoir's La Loge re-minded me of your Venetian lec-ture and so did the small Dejeuner sur l'herbe. (I remembered the Chagall exhibition and your wry remarks a-bout us being in the avant garde when we might have been Belsize Park as I later discovered.) Venice = that reminds me. Enclosed with this let-ter is the Wordsworth sonnet that I mentioned which you did not know. And will you let me know if the Eigna address is insufficient. You can write from Paris or Florence, if necessary, but I decided it would be wiser not to ask C.J. You know what he is. An-other reminiscence of you, my sweet Sylvia. Celia Bedford had a book by Richard Doyle about three men trav-elling in Europe in the 1900 or so period. I saw it this evening with Charles, and all Poisers and wretched Mary Oppenheim. It was very amusing but Charles prefer-red, I am sorry but not surprised to say, a book of Belden sketches. She, Celia Bedford, had several amusing65656738 - Jacobi
what I mean in the Courtland memoirial exhibition Renoir's La Loge reminded me of your Venetian lecture and so did the small Dejuner sur l' herbe. (I remembered the Chagall exhibition and your wry remarks a-bout us being in avant garde (underscore avant garde) when we might have been Belsige Park discovered.) Venice - that reminds me. Enclosed with this letter is the Wordsworth sonnet that I mentioned which you did not know. And will you let me know if address is insufficient. You can write from Paris or Florence if necessary, but I decided it would be wiser not to ask C.J . You know what he is. An- others reminiscence of you, my sweet Sylvia. Celia Bedford had a book by Richard Doyle about three men travel-
ling in Europe in the 1900 or so period. saw it this evening with , and all posers and Mary Oppenheim. It was very amusing but prefer-
red, I am sorry but not surprised to say, a book of Belder sketches. She, Celia Bedford, had several amusing