- Max. dissimilarity: 0.293
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.192
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65318503 - not-logged-in-747d13474905bd567012
- 65328898 - Bethbeth
- 65363322 - blanchg
- 65363366 - etipeti
- WINNER - 65377268 - not-logged-in-37115b0e32b1cb518784

65318503 - not-logged-in-747d13474905bd567012
I have decided that I must treat myself to a dayat Brighton while the Regency Festival is on there.
It sounds delicious: the furniture and ceramics in
particular. Today I have also been having a look
at a couple of painted decorations - one of them con-
nected by rumor and legend with Hogarth. I should
like you to see it one day. Here is a very rough
sketch of te main part of it, above te stairwell.
(The site of Hogarth's house by the way has been en-
tirely cleared now.)
Well I must fly now to the post to try and get
it before the last collection. I have a minute
left, however, and you can guess wat I want to say
in it. That I love you. By the way: I have sent in
all three letters to you in Italy. This is the
fourth. Again - I love you.
This so you
know if you
got them all.
P.S. Since the wall decoration I have skecthed
derives (despite the bare trees) from the
Claude - Tiepolo tradition of sea parts
with a mediterranean sky line I was
reminded of you immediately. I am
so glad you are enjoying so many
pictures - statues - places. Look
after yourself, darling.
65328898 - Bethbeth
I have decided that I must treat myself to a day at Brighton while the Regency Festival is on there. It sounds delicious: the furniture and ceramics in particular. Today I have also been having a look at a couple of painted decorations - one of them connected by rumor and legend with Hogarth. I should like you to see it one day. Here is a very rough sketch of the main part of it, above the stairwell. (The site of Hogarth's house by the way has been entirely cleared now.)Well I must fly now to the post to try and get it before the last collection. I have a minute left, however, and you can guess what I want to say in it. That I love you. By the way: I have sent in all three letters to you in Italy. This is the fourth. Again - I love you.
x I say this so you can know if you have them all.
P.S. Since wall decoration I have sketched derives (despite have trees) from Claude - Tiepole of sea parts, will a mediterranean sky live I was reminded of you immediately. I am so glad you are enjoying so many pictures - statues - places. Look after yourself, darling.
65363322 - blanchg
I have decided that I must treat myself to a day at Brighton while the Regency Festival is on there. It sounds delicious: the furniture and ceramics in particular. Today I have also been having a look at a couple of painted decorations - one of them connected by rumor and legend with Hogarth. I should like you to see it one day. Here is a very rough sketch of the main part of it, above the stairwell. (The site of Hogarth's house by the way has been entirely cleared now.)Well I must fly now tot he post to try and get it before the last collection. I have a minute left, however, and you can guess what I want to say in it. That I love you. By the way: I have sent in all three letters to you in Italy. This is the fourth. Again - I love you.
P.S. Since the wall decoration I have sketched dering (despite the bare trees) from the Clarde - Tiepoletiodition of sea ports will a Mediterranean slay line I was reminded of you immealiales. I am so glad you are enjoying so many pictures - statues - places. Look after yourself, darling.
I say this so you can know if you have them all.
65363366 - etipeti
I Have decided that I must treat myself to a dayat Brighton While the Regency Festival is on there.
It sounds delicious: the furniture and ceramics in particular. Today I have also been having a look
at a couple of painted decorations one of them con-
nected by rumor and legend with Hogarth. I should
like you to see it one day. Here is a very rough
sketch of the main part of it, above the stairwell.
(The site of Hogarth's house by the way has been en-
tirely cleared now.)
Well I must fly now to the post to try to get
it before the last collection. I have a minute
left, however, and you can guess what I want to say
in it. That I love you. By the way: I have sent in all three letters you you in Italy. This is the
fourth. Again - I love you.
X I say this so you can know if you have them all
P.S. Since the wall decorations i have I am so glad you are enjoying Darling.
WINNER - 65377268 - not-logged-in-37115b0e32b1cb518784
I have decided that I must treat myself to a day at Brighton while the Regency Festival is on there. It sounds delicious: the furniture and ceramics in particular. Today I have also been having a look at a couple of painted decorations - one of them connected by rumor and legend with Hogarth. I should like you to see it one day. Here is a very rough sketch of the main part of it, above the stairwell. (The site of Hogarth's house by the way has been entirely cleared now.)Well I must fly now to the post to try and get it before the last collection. I have a minute left, however, and you can guess what I want to say in it. That I love you. By the way: I have sent in all three letters to you in Italy. This is the fourth*. Again - I love you. Lawrence.
P.S. Since all small decoration I have sketched derives (despite all bare trees) from its Claude Tepoli tradition of sea parts will a mediterranean sky line I was reminded of you immediates. I am so glad you are enjoying so many pictures - statues - places. Look after yourrely, darling. L
* I say this so you can know if you have them all.