- Max. dissimilarity: 0.208
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.138
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65319617 - not-logged-in-750fe4ea3b88beb8d0e4
- 65330995 - Culebra78
- 65354579 - k8mielke
- WINNER - 65361073 - cb.auder
- 65397878 - Reggers44

65319617 - not-logged-in-750fe4ea3b88beb8d0e4
for you richly deserve them. Another good reason is that you wear them so well.When I opened any bedroom door and leant across the bed to put the light on the rich heavy perfume of our two robes [weighted] and sweetened the air. I shall sleep tonight with them beside me. Talking of roses I am pleased you liked my room better.
I must thank you for your gifts of food. As cook you know how worthwhile they were. But what I must really thank you for is coming so soon to see me. I do know what a trial it is and I know your divided loyalty must be painful. I did not intend to be so emotional because it may worry you but as you know it is involuntary. Do not fear, because seeing you again, being and charmed and satisfied by you after a long gap has made me better. Tonight happy and sad, calm, longing, all those things I am, get I think somewhat balanced. So do not feel on my behalf, your love has helped me where your absence upset me.
27.Will 1948
I wrote all above last night because I was so full of you and had to call to you and a letter was the only means at my disposal.
65330995 - Culebra78
2for you richly deserve them. Other good season is that you wear them so well.
When I opened my bedroom door and leant across the bed to put the light on, the rich heavy perfume of our two roses weighted and sweetened the air. I shall sleep tonight with them beside me. Talking of roses I am pleased you liked my room better.
I must thank you for your gifts of food. As cook you know how valuable they were. But what I must really thank you for is coming so soon to see me. I do know what a trial it is and I know your divided loyalty must be painful. I did not intend to be so emotional because it may worry you but, as you know, it was involuntary. Do not fear, though, because seeing you again, being swathed and charmed and satisfied by you after a long gap has made me better. Tonight, happy/sad, calm/longing, all those things I am, yet they are I think somewhat balanced. So do not feel angst on my behalf, your love has helped me where your absence upset me.
27. VIII, 1948
I wrote the above last night because I was so full of you and had to "call" to you and a letter was the only means at my disposal.
65354579 - k8mielke
2 for you richly deserve them. Rather good reason is that you wear them so well.When I opened my bedroom door and leant across the bed to put the on the rich heavy perfume of our two roses delighted and sweetened the air. I shall sleep tonight with them beside me. Talking of roses I am pleased you liked my room letter.
I must thank you for your gift of food. As cook you grow how they were. But what I must really thank you for is coming so soon to see me. I do know what a it is and I know your divided loyalty must be painful. I did not intend to be so emotional because it may worry you but, as you , it was . Do not fear, though, because seeing you again, being and charmed and satisfied by you after a long gap has made me better. Tonight, happy/sad, calm/longing, all those things I am, get I think somewhat balanced. So do not feel angst on my behalf, your love has helped me where your absence me.
27. VIII, 1948
I wrote the above last night because I was so full of you and had to 'call' to you and a letter was the only means at my disposal.
WINNER - 65361073 - cb.auder
2for you richly deserve them. One rather good reason is that you wear them so well.
When I opened my bedroom door and leant across the bed to put the light on, the rich heavy perfume of our two roses weighted and sweetened the air. I shall sleep tonight with them beside me. Talking of roses I am pleased you liked my room better.
I must thank you for your gifts of food. As cook you know how valuable they were. But what I must really thank you for is coming so soon to see me. I do know what a trial it is and I know your divided loyalty must be painful. I did not intend to be so emotional because it may worry you but, as you know, it was involuntary. Do not fear, though, because seeing you again, being soothed and charmed and satisfied by you after a long gap, has made me better. Tonight, happy (sad, calm) longing, all those things I am, yet they are I think somewhat balanced. So do not feel angst on my behalf, your love has helped me where your absence upset me.
27. VIII, 1948
I wrote the above last night because I was so full of you and had to 'talk' to you and a letter was the only means at my disposal
65397878 - Reggers44
2for you richly deserve them. another good
reason is that you wear them so well.
When I opened my bedroom door
and leant across the bed to put the
light on, the rich heavy perfume of
our two roses weighted and sweetened
the air. I shall sleep tonight with them by me. Talking of roses I
am pleased you liked my room better.
I must thank you for your gifts
of food. as cook you know how valu -
able they were.But what I must real -
ly thank you for is coming so soon to
see me. I do know what a trial it
is and I know your divided loyalty
must be painful. I did not intend
to be so emotional because it may
worry you but, as you know, it was
involuntary. Do not fear, though,
because seeing you again, being
soothed and charmed and satisfied by
you after a long gap has made me
better.Tonight happy/sad, calm/
longing, all those things I am, yet they
are I think somewhat balanced. So do
not feel angst on my behalf, your
love has helped me where you absence
upset me.
27.VIII 1948
I wrote the above last night because I was
so full of you and had to 'talk' to you and
a letter was the only means at my disposal