- Max. dissimilarity: 0.262
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.186
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65336279 - k8mielke
- WINNER - 65355938 - not-logged-in-4f3cc5738d15953108ea
- 65409158 - ChamboPip
- 65432607 - Bambina41
- 65482854 - Mary6375
- 65485270 - not-logged-in-7356ea3fad4ce5c74515

65336279 - k8mielke
Dearest Sylvia,I know it is wicked of me to write twice in one day when I have work to do and you have Michael to think of. Still I feel I must write a few lines.
Thank you for sending me Clifford's from . I have written a note to him which I shall post this evening - late then this letter - because I have to get some stamps.
The quotation may amuse you. It is from a handbook for painters - by LOMA220:
'Wanton embracing are also of forms, and must always be expressed with this regard, that the hands as the instruments thereof, due touch the most tender parts of the body.' (16th consolation which Mogarth read.)
Today I have written about 2000 words. I believe (must have thought of you at least 2000 times. Perhaps I should say you are never out of my mind. O, what pleasure re-reading your twin-letters. You have, in the past, apologized for yourself on being a letter writer. This is quite wrong (here at least I mention to contradict minerva, though rarely else) for I catch in your words exquisite modulations of mood and thought so that I share the thoughts behind your words. If this is not the secret of letter writing what can it be!
Another thing your letters do is encourage my love by revealing yours to me. And yet my love is implicit in the works you write originally. I hope my letters do the same, for to lovers who are separated silence is the worst torment, I am sure. It is impossible to define the reciprocal abilities of love yet how strongly we feel them and how receiving the of recognition.
Love you,
WINNER - 65355938 - not-logged-in-4f3cc5738d15953108ea
30. VIII 1948 11 Mansel Road WimbledonDearest Sylvia,
I know it is wicked of me to write twice in one day when I have work to do and you have michael to think of. Still I feel I must write a few lines.
Thank you for sending me Clifford's Ganseation from Luchs. I have written a note to him which I shall post this evening - later than this letter - because I have to get some stamps.
This quotation may amuse you. It is from a (1608 handbook for painters - by LOMAZZO:
'Wanton embracings are also of diviers forms, and must alwaies be expressed with this regarde, that the handes as the instrumentes thereof, doe touch the most tender partes of the body'. ((16th translation which Mo-
garth read.)
Today I have written about 2000 words. I believe I must have thought of you at least 2000 times. Perhaps I should say you are never out of my mind. O, what plea-
sure re-reading your twin-letters. You have, in the past, apologised for yourself as being a poor letter writer. This is quite wrong (here at least I venture to contradict minerva, though rarely else) for I catch in your words exquisite modulations of mood and thought so that I share the thoughts behind your words. If this is not the secret of letter writing what can it be!
Another thing your letters do is encourage my love by revealing yours to me. And yet my love is implicit in the words you write originally. I hope my letters do the same, for to lovers who one separates silence is the worst torment, I am sure. It is impossible to define the reciprocal subtleties of love yet how strongly we feel them and how piercing the ex-
perience of recognition.
I love you
65409158 - ChamboPip
30.v111 1948 11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
Dearest Sylvia,
I know it is wicked of me to write twice in one day
when I have work to do and you have Michael to think
of still I feel I must write a few lines.
Thank you for sending me Clifford's translation from Tuchs. . I have written a note to him which I
shall post this evening - later than this letter - because
I have to get some stamps.
This quotation may amuse you. It is from a C16th handbook for painters - by LOMAZZO:
'Wanton embracings are also of diverse forms, and
must alwaies be expressed with this regarde, that the
handes as the instrumentes thereof, due touch the most
tender partes of the body? (C16th translation which Mo-
zants read.)
Today I have written about 2000 words I believe
I must have thought of you at least 2000 times. Perhaps I
should say you are never out of my mind. O, what plea-
sure re-reading your twin-letters. You have, in hte
past apologised for yourself as being a poor letter
writer. This is quite wrond (here at least I venture to
contradict Minerva though rarely else) for I catch in
your words exquisite modulations of mood and thought
so that I share the thoughts behind your words. If this is not
the secret of letter writing what can it be!
Another thing your letters do is encourage my love by
revealing yours to me. And yet my love is implicit in the
words you write originally. I hope my letters do the same,
for to lovers who are separated silence is the worst torment
I am sure. It is impossible to define the reciprocal subtleties
of love yet how strongly we feel them and piercing the ex-
perience of recognition,
I love you
65432607 - Bambina41
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
30. VIII 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I know it is wicked of me to write twice in one day when I have work to do and you have Michael to think of. Still I feel I must write a few lines.
Thank you for sending me Clifford's translation from Tuchs. I have written a note to him which I shall post this evening-later than this letter-because I have to get some stamps.
This quotation may amuse you. It's from a old handbook for painters - by LOMAZZO:
'Wanton embracings are also of diverse forms, and must always be expressed with this regard, that the hands as the instruments thereof, do touch the most tender parts of the body' (16th translation which Hogarts read.)
____________________________________________________ Today I have written about 2000 words. I believe I must have thought of you at last 2000 times. Perhaps I should say you are never out of my mind. O, what pleasure reading your twin letters. You have, in the past, apologized for yourself as being a poor letter writer. This is quite wrong (here at least I venture to contradict Minerva, though rarely else) for I catch in your words exquisite modulations of mood and thought so that I share the thoughts behind your words. If this is not the secret of letter writings what can it be!
Another thing your letters do is encourage my love by revealing yours to me. And yet my love is implicit in the words you write originally. I hope my letters do the same, for two lovers who are separated silence is the worse torment, I am sure. It is impossible to define the reciprocal abilities of love yet how strongly we feel them and how piercing the experience of recognition.
I love you,
65482854 - Mary6375
Manuel RoadWimbledon
Dearest Sylvia,
I know it is wicked of me to write twice in one day when I have work to do and you have Michael to think of. Still I feel I must write a few lines.
Thank you for sending me Cliffords's translation from Tuchs. I have written a note to him which I shall post this evening, later than this letter - because I have to get stamps.
This quotation my amuse you. It is from a (1 cce handbook for painters - by LOMAZZO.
'Wanton embracings are also of divers forms, and might always be expressed with this regarde, that the hands of the instrument, thereof, doe touch the most tender parts of the body.' (16th translation which Mozart read).
Today I have written about 2000 words. I believe I must have thought of you at least 2000 times. Perhaps I should say you are never out of my mind. Our, what pleasure re-reading your twin-letters. You have, in the past, apologised for yourself as being a poor letter writer. This is quite wrong ( here at least I venture to contradict Minerva, though rarely else) for I catch in your words exquisite modulating of mood and thought so that I have the thoughts behind the words. If this is not the secret of letter writing what can it be!
Another thing your letters do is encourage my love by revealing yours to me. And yet my love is implicit in the words you write originally. I hope my letters do the same, for to lovers who are separated silence is the worst comment, I am sure. It is impossible to define the reciprocal utilities of love yet how strongly we feel them and how piercing the experience of recognition.
I love you,
65485270 - not-logged-in-7356ea3fad4ce5c74515
11 Maurel RoadWimbledon
30. VIII 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I know it is wicked of me to write twice in one day when I have work to do and you have Michael to think of. Still I feel I must write a few lines.
Thank you for sending me Clifford's Cianslation from Fuchs. I have written a note to him which I shall post this evening - later than his letter - because I have to get some stamps.
This quotation may amuse you. It is from a (lets handbook for painters - by LOMA220 :
'Wanton embracings are also of divers forms, and must always be expressed with this regard, that the hands as the instruments, thereof, doe couch the mostcende parts of the body'. ((16th translation which Mogants read.)
Today I have written about 2000 words. I believe I must have thought of you at least 2000 times. Perhaps I should say you are never out of my mind. O, what pleasure re-reading your twin-letters. You have, in the past, apologized for yourself as being a poor letter writer. This is quite wrong (here at least I venture to contradict Minerva, though rarely else) for I catch in your words exquisite modulations of mood and though so that I share the thoughts behind your words. If this is not the secret of letter writing what can it be!
Another thing your letters do is encourage my love by revealing yours to me. And yet my love is implicit in the words you write originally. I hope my letters do the same, for to lovers who are separated silence is the worst comment, I am sure. It is impossible to define the reciprocal valtuties of love yet how strongly we feel them and how piercing the experience of recognition.
I love you