- Max. dissimilarity: 0.204
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.149
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65310156 - lbodner
- 65384430 - Galvanicgirl
- 65425267 - lolinda
- WINNER - 65438938 - WiltedLotus
- 65580263 - JanetCormack
- 65604936 - Lovage

65310156 - lbodner
-II-I have got an interesting book selected from the art
theory of European painters. Piero della Francesca on Perspecti-
ive, Pourrin letters, selections from numerous treaties, Veron-
dre's interview (the minutes) until the Inquisition about Germans,
Buffons, Parrots, &c. IC is a fat American volume. By the
way, will you keeep the Marigon article on Cervantes for me,
please? At the moment I'm trying to find time to read La Perte.
By the way, Ricky seem to know a friend of Mic-
hael's. Bridgeman, I believe, his name is. He told Ricky that, in his (Bridgeman's) opinion, you were not very happy. All
this he volunteered, but Ricky was ponderously discreet, you
may be sure. And I remember Grace Stewart (that is her name
riger isn't it?) saying the same thing. How I love you, and, hope
in some ways your suffering may be slackened. I feel that I
have made you happy.
Now I must stop, have breakfast, and set about
any work. I have written this early in the hope I can post it in
time to reach you Saturday morning. I hang upon your
next word, my dearest.
I love you
P.S. After the 19th of this month the subsidy is being taken
off China tea so that its price will jump to 6s or 7s a lb.
You better let me have all the ration books you can mus-
ter between the 12 (when the new period starts) and that
date and I'll get lap song or whatever brand you want
while it is feasible. L
As there is this tiny margin at the botton there
is time to say once more what is always in my mind, in
my body - I love you.
65384430 - Galvanicgirl
-II-I have got an interesting book released from the our theory of European painters. Piers della Froncerca on Perspective, Poursim letters, selections from numerous treatises, veronare's interview (the minutes) until the Inquisitions about Germans, Russoons, Parrots, etc. It is a fat American volume. By the way, will you keep the Morison article on Cervantes for me, please? At the moment I'm trying to find time to read La Perte.
By the way, Ricky seems to know a friend of Michael's, Bridgeman, I believe, his name is. He told Ricky that in his (Bridgeman's) opinion, you were not very happy. All this he volunteered, but Ricky was ponderously discreet, you may be sure. And I remember Grace Stewart (that is her name isn't it?) saying the same thing. How I love you, and, though in some ways your suffering may be sharpened, I feel that I have made you happy.
Now I must stop, have breakfast, and set about my work. I have written this early in the hopeI can post it in time to reach you Saturday morning. I hang upon your next word, my dearest.
I love you
P.S. After the 19th of this month the subsidy is being taken off China tea so that its price will jump to 6s or 7s a lb. You better let me have all the ration books you can muster between the 12th (when the new period starts) and that date and I'll get Ian Sang on whatever brand you want while it is feasible.
As there is this tiny margin at the bottom there is time to say once more what is always in my mind, in my body - I love you.
65425267 - lolinda
-II-I have got an interesting book related from an art
theory of european painters. Piero dellaFrancesca on Perspect-
I've, Poussin letters, reflections from numerous treatises, Veron-
ere'sinterview (Les Minutes) until the inquisition about germans, Buffoons, Parrots,BC. 1C is a fat American Volume. By the
way, will you keep Al Morgan's article on Cervantes for me,
Please? At the moment I'm trying to find time to read La Peste.
By the way, Ricky seems to know friend of Mic-
hall's. Bridgeman, I believe, his name is. He told Ricky that,
in his (Bridgeman's) opinion, you were not very happy. All
this he volunteered, but Ricky ponderously discreet, you
may be sure. And I remember Grace Stewart (that is her name
Right isn't it?) saying all same thing. How I love you, and though
in some ways your suffering may be sharpened, I feel that I have made you happy.
Now I must stop, have breakfast, and set about
my work. I have written this early in the hope I can post it in
time to reach you Saturday morning. I hang upon your
next word, my dearest.
I Love you
P.S. After the 19th of this month the subsidy is being taken off China tea so that its price will jump to 6s or 7s a lb.
You better let me have all the ration books you can muster-
her between the 12th (when the new period starts) and that date and I'll get lap song or whatever brand you want
while it's feasible.
As there is this tiny margin at the bottom there
is time to say once more what is always in my mind, in my body - I love you.
WINNER - 65438938 - WiltedLotus
III have got an interesting book elected from the art theory of European painters. Piero della Francesca on Perspective, Poussin letters, selections from numerous treatises, Veronese's interview (the minutes) until the Inquisition about Germans, Buffoons, Parrots, &c. IC is a fat American volume. By the way, will you keep the Horizon article on Cervantes for me, please? At the moment I'm trying to find time to read La Peste.
By the way, Ricky seems to know a friend of Mic-hael's, Bridgeman, I believe, his name is. He told Ricky that, in his (Bridgman's) opinion, you were not very happy. All this he volunteered, but Ricky was ponderously discreet, you my be sure. And I remember Grace Stewart (that is her name right isn't it?) saying the same thing. How I love you, and, though in some ways your suffering may be sharpened, I feel that I have made you happy.
Now I must stop, have breakfast, and set about my work. I have written this early in the hope that I can post it in time to reach you Saturday morning. I hang upon your next word, my dearest.
I love you
P.S. After the 19th of this month the subsidy is being taken off China tea so that its price will jump to 6s or 7s a lb. You better let me have all the ration books you can mus-ter between the 12th (whe the new period starts) and that date and I'll get Lap Song or whatever brand you want while it is feasible. L
As there is this tiny margin at the bottom there is time to say once more what is always in my mind, in my body - I love you.
65580263 - JanetCormack
I have got an interesting book selected from the art theory of European painters. Piero della Francessca on Perspective, Poussin letters, selections from numeroustreatises, Veronese's interiors (the minutes) until the Inquisition about Semons, Buffoons, Parrots etc. IC is a fat American volume. By the way, will you keep the Horizon article on Cervantes for me, please? At the moment I'm trying to find time to read la Poste.By the way, Ricky seems to know a friend of Michael's. Bridgeman, I believe, his name is. He told Ricky that in his (Bridgeman's) opinion, you were not very happy. All this he volunteered, but Ricky wasponderously discreet, you may be sure. And I remember Grace Stewart (that is her name right isn't it?) saying the same thing. How I love you and, though in some ways your suffering may be sharpened, I feel that I have made you happy.
Now I must stop, have breakfast, and set about my work. I have written this early in the hope I can post it in time to reach you Saturday morning. I hang upon your next word, my dearest.
I love you
P.S. After the 19th of this month the subsidy is being taken off China tea so that is price will jump to 6s or 7s a lb. You better let me have all the ration books you can muster between the 12th (when the new period starts) and that date and I'll get Lap Song or whatever brand you want while it is feasible. L
As there is this tiny margin at the bottom there is time to say once more what is always in my mind, in my body - I love you.
65604936 - Lovage
-II-I have got an interesting book selected from the
theory of European painters. Piero della Francesca on Perspect-
ive, Poussin letters, selections from numerous treatises, Veron-
ase's interview ( minutes) with the Inquisition about ,
Bufoons, Parrots, &c. It is a fat American volume. By the
way, will you keep the Mauson article on Cervantes for me,
please? At the moment I'm trying to find time to read La Peste.
By the way, Ricky seems to know a friend of Mic-
hael's. Bridgeman, I believe, his name is. He told Ricky that,
in his (Bridgeman's) opinion, you were not very happy. All
this he volunteered, but Ricky was ponderously discreet, you
may be sure. And I remember Grace Stewart (that is her name right isn't it?) saying the same thing. How I love you and, though
in some ways your suffering may be sharpened, I feel that I
have made you happy.
Now I must stop, have breakfast, and set about
my work. I have written this early in the hope I can post it in
time to reach you Saturday morning. I hang upon your
next work, my dearest.
I love you
P.S. After the 19th of this month the subsidy is being taken
off China tea so that its price will jump to 6s or 7s a lb.
You better let me have all the ration books you can mus-
ter between the 12th (when the new period starts) and that
date and I'll get Lapsang or whatever brand you want
while it is feasible.
As there is this tiny margin at the bottom there
is time to say once more what is always in my mind, in my body - I love you.