- Max. dissimilarity: 0.33
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.176
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65321906 - not-logged-in-22c49bdccd044857ee8d
- WINNER - 65334469 - mcndiary
- 65422457 - JeremyX
- 65424408 - josiepegg
- 65439681 - cshepherd
- 65445197 - not-logged-in-1e820c0151c8cc8c23a5
- 65445474 - not-logged-in-59173d182d25d7164f32
- 65457330 - not-logged-in-a9d9ff3cfffb770198e5
- 65505378 - Lynst

65321906 - not-logged-in-22c49bdccd044857ee8d
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
Dearest Sylvia,
Would you think it too naive, too eager of me to arrive in Hasting on Tuesday at 10:40? I can get a train from Victoria at 8:45. Is that too early for you? Your cards and catalogues will be interesting though I doubt if I shall concentrate on them quite as hard as I should. Seeing you so briefly so rarely I am reluctant to waste a moment of your company.
Tonight on the radio are Summerson on Chiswick House and Edith Sitnell on her early poetry.
I finished Mr. Richardson's Books of Connaissance today, so feel I know all about pictures. I shall look at your latest work with a new understanding and a new range of jargon. I find you want all Antique Taft I feel lag critically.
Here are some poems for you. The first three are all remains of a larger and more emotional piece I wrote after our last meeting. They may not please you. I hardly know myself. Lessing says that the Owl of Minerva only comes out at night - a lonely way of suggesting irrational thought: I must get it into a poem.
I look forward very much to seeing you again. I'll bring Michael's Biro then. Your little white owl is very excited at the thought of seeing you again. He is going to fly on ahead of the train and will arrive at 10:39.
I love you. I love you very much.
Don't tell me if it is.
WINNER - 65334469 - mcndiary
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
Dearest Sylvia,
Would you think it too naive, too eager of me to
arrive in Masters on Friday at 10.40? I can get
a train from Victoria at 8.45. Is that too early
for you? Don't tell me if it is. Your cards and catalogues will be
interesting though I doubt if I shall concentrate on
them quite as hard as I should. Seeing you so
briefly so rarely I am reluctant to waste a moment
of your company.
Tonight on the radio are Summerron on thirwick House and Edith Sitwell on her Early Poetry.
I finished Mr. Richardson's Goals of connaissance
today, so feel I know, all about Pictures. I shall look
at your latest Work with a new Understanding and a
New Range of Jargon. I find you want the Antique Taft
I shall say critically.
Here are some poems for you. The first three are
the remains of a larger and more emotional piece I wrote
after our last meeting. They may not please you. I hardly
know myself. Lessing says that the Owl of Minerva
only comes out at night - a lovely way of suggesting
irrational thought: I must get it into a poem.
I look forward very much to seeing you again.
I'll bring Michael's Bird then. Your littlewhite owl
is very excited at the thought of seeing you again. He is
going to fly on ahead of the train and will arrive at 10.39.
I love you. I love you very much.
65422457 - JeremyX
11 Mansel Road Wimbledon7, IX, 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
Would you think it too naive, too eager of me to arrive in Hasting on Friday at 10.40? I can get a train from Victoria at 8.45. Is that too early for you? Don't tell me if it is. Your cards and catalogues will be interesting though I doubt if I shall concentrate on them quite as hard as I should. Seeing you so briefly so rarely I am reluctant to waste a moment of your company.
Tonight on the radio one Summerson on thinwick House and Edith Sitwell on her early Poetry.
I finished Ms Richardson's Book of Connaissance today, so feel I know, all about Pictures. I shall look at your latest Worke with a new Understanding and a New Range of Jargon. "I find you want the antique Tast," I shall say critically.
Here are some poems for you. The first three are the remains of a longer and more emotional piece I wrote after our last meeting. They may not please you. I hardly know myself. Lessing says that the Owl of Minerva only comes out at night - a lonely way of suggesting irrational thought: I must get it into a poem.
I look forward very much to seeing you again. I'll bring Michael's Biro then. Your little white Owl is very excited at the thought of seeing you again. He is going to fly on ahead of the train and will arrive at 10.39. I love you. I love you very much.
65424408 - josiepegg
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
Dearest Sylvia
Would you think it too na"ive, too eager of me to
arrive in Hasting on Friday at 10.40? I can get
a train from Victorai at 8.45. Is that too early
for you? (Don't tell me if it is!) Your cards and catalogues will be
interesting though I doubt if I shall concentrate on
them quite as hard as I should. Seeing you so
briefly so rarely I am reluctant to waste a moment
of your company.
Tonight on the radio one on Chiswick House and Edith Sitwell on her early poetry.
I finished Mr Richardson's Roads of Connaiffance
today, so feel I know all abpout pictures. I shall look
at your latest work with a new understanding and a
New Range of Jargon. "I find you want the antique Taft"
I shall say critically.
Here are some poems for you. The first three are
the remains of a larger and more emotional piece I wrote
after our last meeting. They may not please you. I hardly
know myself. Lessing says that the Owl of Minerva
only comes out at night - a lonely way of suggesting
irrational thought: I must get it into a poem.
I look forward very much to seeing you again.
I'll bring Michael's Biro then. Your little white owl
is very excited at the thought of seeing you again. He is
going to fly on ahead of the train and will arrive at 10.39.
I love you. I love you very much
65439681 - cshepherd
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
7. IX. 1948
Dearest Sylvia
Would you think it too naive, to eager of me to
arrive in Hastings on Friday at 10.40? I can get
a train from Victoria at 8.45. Is that too early
for you? (Don't tell me if it is.) Your cards and catalogues will be
interesting though I doubt if I shall concentrate on
them quite as hard as I should. Seeing you so
briefly so rarely I am reluctant to waste a moment
of your company.
Tonight on the radio are on Chiswick
House and Edith Sitwell on her early poetry.
I finished M. Richardson's Book of Connaissance
today, so feel I know all about Pictures. I shall look
at your latest Work with a new Understanding and a
New Range of Jargon. 'I find you want the Antique Taste',
I shall say critically.
Here are some poems for you. The first three are
the remains of a longer and more emotional piece I wrote
after our last meeting. They may not please you. I hardly
know myself. Lessing says that the Owl of Minerva
only comes out at night - a lovely way of suggesting
irrational though: I must get it into a poem.
I look forward very much to seeing you again.
I'll bring Michael's Biro then. Your little white Owl
is very excited at the thought of seeing you again. He is
going to fly on ahead of the train and will arrive at 10.39.
I love you. I love you very much.
65445197 - not-logged-in-1e820c0151c8cc8c23a5
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
Dearest Sylvia,
Would you think it too naive, too eager of me to arrive in Hastings on Friday at 10:40? I can get a train from Victoria at 8:45. Is that too early for you? Your cards and catalogues will be interesting though I doubt if I shall concentrate on them quite as hard as I should. Seeing you so briefly so rarely I am reluctant to waste a moment of your company.
Tonight on the radio are Summermon on Cluwich House and Edith Eitinell on her early poetry.
Identified Mr Richardson's Goals of Connaissance today, so feel I know all about Pictures. I shall look at your latest work with a new understanding and a new Range of Jargon. I find you want the antique Taft? I shall lag critically.
Here are some poems for you. The first three are all remains of a longer and more emotional piece I wrote after our last meeting. They may not please you. I hardly know myself. Lessing says that the Owl of Minerva only comes out at night - a lonely way of suggesting irrational thought: I must get it into a poem.
I look forward very much to seeing you again. I'll bring Michael's Biro then. Your little white owl is very excited at the thought of seeing you again. He is going to fly on ahead of the train and will arrive at 10:39.
I love you. I love you very much.
Don't tell me if it is.
65445474 - not-logged-in-59173d182d25d7164f32
Dearest Sylvia,Would you think it to na"ive, to eager of me to arrive in Hasting on Friday at 10.40 ? I can get a train from Victoria at 8.45. Is that too early for you ? Don't tell me if it is. Your cards and catalogues will be interesting though I doubt if I shall concentrate on them quite as hard as I should. Seeing you so briefly so namely I am reluctant to waste a moment of your company.
Tonight on the radio one on Chiswick House and Edith Sitwell on her early poetry.
I finished Mrs Rjchardson's books on Connaiffarce today, so feel I know, all about pictures. I shall look at your latest work with a new understand and a new range of jargon. I find you want the antique critically.
There are some poems for you. The first three are the remains of a larger and more emotional piece I wrote after our last meeting. They may not please you. I hardly know myself. lessing says that the oval of Minerva only comes out at night - a lonely way of suggesting irrational thought: I must get it into a poem.
I look forward very much to seeing you again, I bring Michael's Biro then. little white one is very excited at the thought of seeing you again. He is going to fly on ahead of the train and will arrive at 10.39.
I love you. I love you very much.
65457330 - not-logged-in-a9d9ff3cfffb770198e5
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
7, 1X, 1948
Would you think it too naive, too eager of me to
arrive in [Masling] on Tuesday at 10.40? I can get
a train from Victoria at 8:45. Is that too early
for you? Don't tell me if it is.
Your cards and catalogues will be
interesting though I doubt if I shall concerntrate on them quite as hard as I should. Seeing you so
briefly so [lovely] I am reluctant to waste a moment of your company.
Tonight on the radio one [Eammenon] on [Aiweck] House and [Adits][Sitinell] on his early poetry.
I [defined] [Mrs.] [Ridardfon's] Books of [Connaiffance]
today, so feel I know, all about Pictures. I shall look at your latest work with a new understanding and a new range of jargon. I find you want all Antique Taft? I shall log critically.
Here are some poems for you. The first three are
all remains of a lorgen and more emotional piece I wrote after our last meeting. They may not please you. I hardly know myself. [Leseirg]says that all [O ne] of [minerva] only comes out at night - a lonely way of suggesting irrational thought: I must get it into a poem.
I look forward [merry][mures]to seeing you again.
I'll sing [michaels][Bino] then. Your little white owl
is very excited at the thought of seeing you again. He is going to fly ahead of the train and will arrive at 10.39.
I love you. I love you [mery][mues]
65505378 - Lynst
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
Dearest Sylvia,
Would you think it too naive, too eager of me to
arrive in Hastings on Friday at 10.40? I can get
a train from Victoria at 8.45. Is that too early
for you? Don't tell me if it is. Your cards and catalogues will be
interesting though I doubt if I shall concentrate on
them quite as hard as I should. Seeing you so
briefly so lately I am reluctant to waste a moment
of your company.
Tonight on the radio are Summerson on Chiswick
House and Edith Sitwell on her early Poetry.
I finished Mr Ridardson's Books of Connaissance
today, so feel I know, all about Pictures, I shall look
at your latest Work with a new Understanding and a
New Range of Jargon. 'I find you want the Antique Taft',
I shall say critically.
Here are some poems for you. The first three are
the remains of a longer and more emotional piece I wrote
after our last meeting. They may not please you. I hardly
know myself. Lessing says that the Owl of Minerva
only comes out a - a lovely way of suggesting
irrational thought : I must get it into a poem.
I look forward very much to seeing you again.
I'll bring Michael's Biro then. Your little white Owl
is very excited at the thought of seeing you again. He is going to fly on ahead of the train and will arrive at 10.39.
I love you. I love you very much.