- Max. dissimilarity: 0.369
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.265
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65310887 - ChrisMM76
- 65311510 - Vmargene
- 65312654 - not-logged-in-0dd5298cab016041408e
- 65320075 - not-logged-in-8101775efe34c42067a9
- 65337984 - ivancucic

WINNER - 65310887 - ChrisMM76
Eleven Manfel Road, WimbledonEight September 1748
My Dearest Sylvia,
It is with Rare Pleasure that I think about
Friday. What I wonder, will You Wear? I long
to See you Hair again, in the New Taft. Your
Hand, so elegantly smooth, extend'd to me, in the
Station, Twenty Minutes Short of Eleven. How
often today, among my Eighteenth Century Folios,
did I anticipate Seeing You. the Great Doom of
the Reading Room made my think, albeit Ironically,
of the Historical Pictures of Hastings Station,
(Inferior to Mr. Hogarth's curious Inventions at
Bartholomews). Though they are in my Head, Now,
they will be Forgotten in my agitat'd Delight when
We Actually meet, Once More. Another circumstance,
that recalls You is my Hunt, as yet Unreward'd, for
a Pleasant Dining-Place; I recall'd the Gothick
places in which We have had, on Occasion, to Sup.
Did you hear Mr. Summerson's Talk on the Wireless
about the Earl of Burlington's Valla at Chifwick,
which recall'd to me, Our Walks there in a Happy
I Die for Sight, Sound, Sensation of You.
Be assur'd, Sylvia, of my deepest Love.
65311510 - Vmargene
Eleven Mansel Road, WimbledonEight September 1748
My Dearest Sylvia,
It is with Rare Pleasure that I think about
Friday. What I wonder will You Wear? I long
to see your Hair again, in the New Tast. Your
Hand, so elegantly smooth, extended to me, in the
Station,Twenty Minutes Short of Eleven. How
often today, among my Eighteenth Century Folios,
did I anticipate Seeing You. The Great Doom of
the Reading Room made me think, albeit Ironically,
of the Historical Pictures of Hastings Station,
inferior to Mr. Hogarth's curious inventions at
Bartholomew's. Though they are in my Head Now
they will be Forgotten in my agitated Delight when
We actually meet, Once More. Another circumstance
that recalls you is my Hunt, as yet Unrewarded, for
a Pleasant Dining-Place; I recalled the Gothic
place in which We have had, on Occasion, to Sup.
Did you hear Mr. Summerson's Talk on the Wireless
about the Earl of Burlington's Villa at Cheswick
which recalled to me Our Walks there in a Happy
I die for Sight, Sound and Sensation of You.
Be assured, Sylvia, of my deepest Love.
65312654 - not-logged-in-0dd5298cab016041408e
Eleven Manfel Road, WimbledonEight September 1748
My Dearest Fylvia
It is with rare pleasure that i think about Friday. What I wonder, will you wear? I long to see your hair again, in the new taft. Your hand, so elegantly smooth, extended to me, in the station, Twently minetues forth of eleven. How often today, among my eighteenth century police, did i anticipate feeling you. The great doom of the reading room made me think, abiet ironically, of the historical pictures of hastings station, inferior to Mr, Hogarth's curious inventions at Bathelemews. Though they are in my head, now they will be forgotton in my agitated delight when we actually meet, once more. Another circumstance that recalls you is my hunt, as yet unrewarded for a pleasant dining plate; I recall the gothick places in which we had, on occasion, to sup. Did you hear Mr, Summerson's talk on the wireless about the Earl of Burlington's Villa at Chifwick which recalled to me our walks there in a happy paft.
I die for sight, sound and sensation of you.
Be affur'd, fylvia, of my deepest Love.
65320075 - not-logged-in-8101775efe34c42067a9
Eleven Manfel Road, WimbledonEight Feptember 1748
My deareft Fylvia,
It is with Rare Pleafure that I think about Friday. What I wonder, will You Wear? I long to Fee your Hair again, in the New Taft. Your Hand, so elegantly fmooth, extend'd to me, in the Ftation, Twnety Minutes Fhort of Eleven. How often today, among my Eighteenth Century Folios did I anticipate Feeing You. The Great Doom of the Reading Rome made me think, albeit Ironically, of the Hiftorical Pictures of Haftings Ftation, (Inferior to Mr. Hogarth's curious Inventions at Bartholomews0. Though they are in my Head Now, they will be Forgotten in my agitat'd Delight when We Actually meet, Once More. Another circumftance, that recalls You in my Hunt, as yet Unreward'd, for a Pleafant Dining-Place; I recall'd the Gothick places in which We have had, on Occafion, to Fup. Did you hear Mr. Summerson's Talk on the Wireless about the Earl of Burlington's Villa at Chifwick, which recall'd to me, Our Walks there in a Happy Paft.
I Die for Fight, Found, and Fenfation of You. Be affur'd, Fylvia, of my deepeft Love.
65337984 - ivancucic
Eleven Manfel Road, WimbledonEight Feptember 1748
My Deareft Eylvia,
It is with Rare Pleasure that i think about
Friday. What i wonder, will You Wear ? I long
to See your Hair again, in the New Taft. Your
Hand, so elegantly fmooth, extend'd to me, in the
Ftation. Twnety Minutes Fhort of Eleven. How
often today, among my Eighteenth Century Folios,
dod o antocopate Feeong You. The Great Doom of
the Reading Rome made my think, albeit Ironically,
of the Historical Fictures of Hartings Ftation,
( inferior to Mr.Hogarth's curious Inventions at
Bartholemews). Though they are in my Head, Now,
they will be Forgetten in my agitat'd Delight when We Actually meet, Once More. Another circumftance, that recalls You in my Hunt, as yett Unrewad'd for a Pleafant Dining-Place; I recall's the Gothick places in which We have had, on Cocafion, To Fup. Did you hear Mr.Summerson's Talk on the Wireless about the Earl of Burlington's Villa at Chifwick which recall'd to me, Cur Walks there in a Happy Paft.
I die for Fight, Found, and Fenfation of You.
Be affur'd, Fylvia, of my deppeft Love.