- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.37
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65305745 - not-logged-in-98e861c4e0e73aef92a7
- 65308697 - lksdlaurel
- 65315664 - Mahmoth
- 65316052 - not-logged-in-5327e48f90d95ec2dc1a
- 65322337 - rcohn
- WINNER - 65322527 - Zagglezig

65305745 - not-logged-in-98e861c4e0e73aef92a7
65308697 - lksdlaurel
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
17th September 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
What a charming and feeling greeting you sent and what pleasure it gave Dandylion. He is wearing a new blue bow this morning and your letter has made him very happy. The White Owl kept his secret well and did not tell me, until today, that he had already sat to you for his portrait. When I opened the letter he fluttered impatiently: 'Well', he said, 'Recognise who it is?' I did, instantly. And what a dear, voluptuous rose. Darling Sylvia, thank you.
I tried to book for the ballet yesterday but now they are ending on the 25th. I am so sorry- I should have known earlier. Will you let me now at Bath what you would like to see instead and I'll book as soon as I return. What about Eileen Herlie's Medea? Do tell me.
I wish I had more time in this letter but soon I must go to London with Mother. In my new bew. And that reminds me: are you intending to lengthen your dress with the Italian material for your visit here? I think I shall send the Tawny Owl to find out if he can because you hinted at this, I thought in a letter.
Here is a small section for Sylvia the painter and Sylvia the Critic. I hope you're instructed or diverted by it:
Agostino Carracci's Sonnet to Niccolo Della Abate
Whoever a goodly painter seeks to be
Should take the ROman's drawing to his aid,
Movement from the Venetians, and their shade,
And worthy coloring from Lombardy...
The awesome Michelangelo must see
The truth to nature Titian has displayed,
The pure and sovereign style Correggio had,
And of a Raphael just symmetry.
Tebaldi's basis and his decoration,
Invention of learned Primaticcio's own,
And just a little grace from Parmigianino.
But leaving so much study and vexation
65315664 - Mahmoth
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
17th September 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
What a charming and feeling greeting you sent and what pleasure it gave Dandylion. He is wearing a new blue bow this morning and your letter has mad him very happy. The White Owl kept his secret well and did not tell me, until today, that he had already sat to you for his portrait. When I opened the letter he fluttered impatiently: 'Well', he said, 'Recognise who it is?' I did, instantly. And what a dear, voluptuous rose. Darling Sylvia, thank you.
I tried to book for the ballet yesterday but now they are ending on the 25th. I am so sorry - I should have known earlier. Will you let me know at bath what you would like to see instead and I'll book as soon as I return. What about Eileen Eerlie's Medea. Do tell me.
I wish I had more time in this letter but soon I must go to London with Mother. In my new bow. And that reminds me: are you intending to lengthen your dress with the Italian material [word erased: visit] for your visit here? I think I shall send the Tawny Owl to find out if he can because you hinted at this, I thought, in a letter.
Here's a small section for Sylvia the Painter and Sylvia the Critic. I hope you're instructed or diverted by it; Agostingo Carracci's sonnet to Niccolo dell'Abate
Whoever a goodly painter seeks to be
Should take the Romans' drawing to his aid,
Movement from the Venetians and their shade,
And worthy coloring from Lombardy.
The awesome Michelangelo must see
The truth to nature Titian has dispalyed
The pure and sovereign style Correggio had,
And of a Raphael just symmetry.
Tibaldi's basis and his decoration,
Invention of learned Primaticcio's own,
And just a little grace from Parmigianino.
But leaving so much study and vexation
65316052 - not-logged-in-5327e48f90d95ec2dc1a
17th September 1948Dearest Sylvia,
What a charming and feeling greeting you sent and what pleasure it gave Dandylion. He is wearing a new blue bow this morning and you letter has made him very happy. The White Owl kept his secret well and did not tell me, until today, that he had already sat for you for his portrait. When I opened the letter, he fluttered impatiently: "Well", he said, "Recognize who it is?" I did instantly. And what a dear, voluptuous rose. Darling Sylvia, thank you.
I tried to book for the ballet yesterday, but, now they are ending on the 25th. I am so sorry - I should have know earlier. Will you let me know at Bath what you would like to see instead and I'll book as soon as I return. What about Eileen Herlie's Medea. Do tell me.
I wish I had more time in this letter, but soon I must go to London with Mother. In my new bow. And that reminds me: are you intending to lengthen your dress with the Italian material for your visit here? I think I shall send the Tany Owl to find out if he can because you hinted at this, I thought, in a letter.
Here is a small section for Sylvia, the Painter, and Sylvia the Critic. I hope you're instructed or diverted by it; Agostiino Carracci's sonnet to Niccolo dell Abate.
"Whoever a goodly painter seeks to be
Should take the Roman' drawing to his aid,
Movement from the Venetians, and their shade,
And worthy coloring from Lombardy.
The awesome Michelangelo must see
The truth to nature Titian has displayed,
The pure and sovereign style Clorreggi had,
And of a Raphael just symmetry.
Thibaldi's basis, and his decoration,
Invention of learned Primaticcio's own,
And just a little grace from Parmigianino.
But leaving so much study and vexation
65322337 - rcohn
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
17th September 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
What a charming and feeling greeting you sent and what pleasure it gave Dandylion. He is wearing a new blue bow this morning and your letter has made him very happy. The White Owl kept his secret well and did not tell me, until today, that he had already sat to your for his portrait. When I opened the letter he fluttered impatiently: 'Well', he said, 'Recognise who it is?' I did instantly. And what a dear, voluptuous rose. Darling Sylvia, thank you.
I tried to book for the ballet yesterday but now they are ending on the 25th. I am so sorry - I should have known earlier. Will you let me know at Bath what you would like to see instead and I'll book as soon as I return. What about Eileen Herlie's Medea. Do tell me.
I wish I had more time in this letter but soon I must go to London with Mother. In my new bow. And that reminds me: are you intending to lengthen your dress with the Italian material for your visit here? I think I shall send the Tawny Owl to find out if he can be-cause you hinted at this, I thought, in a letter.
Here is a small section for Sylvia the Painter and Sylvia the Critic. I hope you're instructed or di-verted by it; Agostino Carracci's sonnet to Niccolo dell'Abate.
Whoever a goodly painter seeks to be
Should take the Romans' drawing to his aid,
Movement from the Venetians, and their shade,
And worthy coloring from Lombardy.
The awesome Michelangelo must see
The truth to nature Titian has displayed,
The pure and sovereign style Correggio had,
And of a Raphael just symmetry.
Tibaldi's basis, and his decoration,
Invention of learned Primaticcio's own,
And just a little grace from Parmigianino.
But leaving so much study and vexation
WINNER - 65322527 - Zagglezig
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
17th September 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
What a charming and feeling greeting you sent and
what pleasure it gave Dandylion. He is wearing a
new blue bow this morning and your letter has made
him very happy. TheWhite Owl kept his secret well
and did not tell me, until today, that he had already
sat to you for his portrait. When I opened the
letters he fluttered impatiently: 'Well', he said,
'Recognize who it is?' I did instantly. And
what a dear, voluptuous rose. Darling Sylvia, thank
I tried to book for the ballet yesterday but now
they are ending on the 25th. I am so sorry - I should
have known earlier. Will you let me know at Bath what
you would like to see instead and I'll book as soon as
I return. What about Eileen Herlie's Medea. Do tell
I wish I had more time in this letter but soon I must
go to London with Mother. In my new bow. And that
reminds me: are you intending to lengthen your dress
with the Italian material for your visit here? I think
I shall send the Tawny Owl to find out if he can be-
cause you hinted at this, I thought, in a letter.
Here is a small section for Sylvia the Painter and
Sylvia the Critic. I hope you're instructed or di-
verted by it; Agostino Carracci's sonnet to Niccolo
dell Abate.
Whoever a goodly painter seeks to be
Should take the Romans' drawing to his aid,
Movement from the Venetians, and their shade,
And worthy coloring from Lombardy.
The awesome Michelangelo must see
The truth to nature Titian has displayed
The pure and sovereign style Correggio had,
And of a Raphael just symmetry.
Tibaldi's basis, and his decoration
Invention of learned Primaticcio's own,
And just a little grace from Parmigianino.
But leaving so much study and vexation