- Max. dissimilarity: 0.284
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.173
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65303260 - not-logged-in-4f8d632d93a545614433
- WINNER - 65316231 - not-logged-in-e3a73484c81666a96993
- 65320957 - not-logged-in-e05a30206c16d5536962
- 65328890 - Iron56
- 65338333 - Moiraobrien
- 65339929 - kereilly

65303260 - not-logged-in-4f8d632d93a545614433
64 St John's RoadBathwick
22 IX 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
Today I went to Wells and spent several hours in and outside the cathedral. It is the most intensive study of a major gothic work I have made and I must say I am very struck by the detail as well as the irregular whole. It is especially rich, as you know, in sculpture, and I saw also of course the splendid Chapter House, and the fine support for the central tower - you remember, the arch and inverted arch. How exciting spatially it makes nave and transepts. Some of these observations make rather familiar reading I'm afraid but I am genuinely excited by Gothic for about the first time.
Naturally I understand about the dates 30th or 1st. Let me know which so that I can book in time. Santre on the flute? I shall go back to Wimbledon on the 27th, next Monday evening. I hope to see over Prior Park on Sunday - that is why I am delaying my returns until then.
I hope that my next news of you will be more cheering than the latest. It grieves me very much that you should
WINNER - 65316231 - not-logged-in-e3a73484c81666a96993
64 St. John's Road,Bathwick
22 IX 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
Today I went to Wells and spent several hours in
and outside the Cathedral. It is the most intensive study
of a major Gothic work I have made and I must say I
am very struck by the detail as well as the irregular
whole. It is especially rich, as you know, in sculpture,
and I saw also of course the splendid Chapter House, and
the fine support for the central tower - you remember,
the arcs and inverted arcs How exciting spatially
it makes nave and transepts. Some of these observations
make rather familiar reading I'm afraid but I am genuinely
excited by Gothic for about the first time.
Naturally I understand about the dates 30th or 1st.
Let me know which so that I can book in time (Sartre or 788 Fente?). I shall go back
to Wimbledon on the 27th, next Monday evening. I hope to
see over Prior Park on Sunday - that is why I am delaying
my return until then.
I hope that my next news of you will be more cheering
that the latest. It grieves me very much that you should
65320957 - not-logged-in-e05a30206c16d5536962
Dearesr Sylvia,Today I went to Wells and spent several hours in and outside the cathedral. It is the most intensive study of a major gothic work I have made and I must sayI am very stuck by the detail as well as the the irregularwhole. It is especially nice, as you know, in sculpture and I saw also of course the splendid Chapter House, and the fine support for the central tower - you remember, the arch and inverted arch (drawing inserted here) How exciting spatially it makes nave and transcepts. Some of these observations make rather familiar reading I'm afraid but I am genuinely excited by Gothic for about the first time.
Naturally I understand about the dates30th or 1st let me know/which so that I can book in timeSatre on the flute? I shall go back to w
imbledon on the 27th, next Monday evening. I hope to seeones Prior Park on Sunday - that is why I am delaying my return until then.
I hope that me next news if you will be more cheering than the latest. It griefes me very much that you should
65328890 - Iron56
64 St. John's Road, Bathwich, Balt. Somerset. 22 IX 1948.Dearest Sylvia,
Today I went to Wells and spent several hours in and outside the cathedral, It is the most intensive study of a major Satlie work I have made and I must say I am very struck by the detail as well as the irregular whole. It is especially rich, as you know, in sculpture, and I saw also of course the splendid Oaptes House, and the sine support for the central tower-you remember the arch and inverted arch (sketch in prehentheses). How exciting spatially it makes nave and transepts. Some of these observations make rather familiar reading I'm afraid but I am genuinely excited by Satlie for about the first time.
Naturally I understand about the dates 30th or 1st, let me know which so that I can book in time. Sartre or FBR Fluto? (circled) I shall go back to Wimbledon on the 27th, next Monday evening. I hope to see over Prior Park on Sunday - that is why I am delaying my return until then.
I hope that my next news of you will be more cheering than the latest. It grieves me very much that you should
65338333 - Moiraobrien
64 St. John's Road,Barthwick,
22 IX 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
Today I went to Wells and spent several hours in and outside the cathedral. IC is the most intensive study of a major Gothic work I have made and I must say I am very struck by the detail as well as the irregular whole. IC is especially rich, as you know, in sculpture, and I saw also of course the splendid Chapter House and the fine support for the central tower - you remember, the arch and inverted arch. How exciting spatially it make name and transepts. Some of these observations make rather familiar reading I'm afraid but I am genuinely excited by Gothic for about the first time.
Naturally I understand about the dates 30th as 1 at let me know which so that I can book in timeSartre on 7th Flute?. I shall go back to Wimbledon on the 27th, next Monday evening. I hope to see over Prior Park on Sunday - that is why I am delaying my return until then.
I hope that my next news of you will be more cheering than the latest. It grieves me very much that you should
65339929 - kereilly
64 St. John's Road,Bathwick
22 IX 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
Today I went to Wells and spent several hours in and outside the cathedral. It is the most intensive study of a major hotlie work i have made and I must say I am very struck by the detail as well as the irregular mlale. It is especially rich, as you know, in sculpture, and I saw also of course the splendid Oapte House, and the fine support for the central tower - you remember, de ones and inverted ones. How exciting spatially it makes more and transepts. Some of these observations make rather familiar reading I'm afraid but I am genuinely excited by Gothic for the first time.
Naturally I understand about the dates 30th or 1st. Let me know which so that i can book in time. Sartre on 78l Route? I shall go back to Wimbledon on see 27th, next Monday evening. I hope to see over Prior Park on Sunday - that is why I am delaying my return until then.
I hope that my next news of you will be more cheering than the latest. It grieves me very much that you slowed