- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.487
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65312360 - cshepherd
- 65367864 - Galvanicgirl
- 65369442 - not-logged-in-01e1a9411b1234ec2a4a
- 65378064 - not-logged-in-0ff182729078d7bcff61
- WINNER - 65402305 - kathedral

65312360 - cshepherd
Delicate confessions of shadow
Along the marshes make certain of evening
And the crisp chinoiserie of hawthorn
Reminds - you are a painter
But leave this landscape for a time
Without regret or fear take the voyage
Which will unite our separated loves
And may this journey presage the future
Sylvia is coming to London,
" " " " "
Get out the roses the owls and the trumpets,
Make a mighty fanfare for Sylvia
Sylvia is coming by roadway,
" " " " "
Wrap the shipping lines and aeroplanes in black;
Tell his , better wear his new suit.
Sylvia is wearing her new dress,
" " " " " "
Tell all the women they needn't get up,
'Cause nobody'll notice them today.
Sylvia's going to meet me,
" " " " "
And Sylvia's bringing a fine gift -
It is her body and incomparable smile.
65367864 - Galvanicgirl
Delicate confessions of shadow
Along the marshes make certain of evening
And its crisp chinoiserie of hawthorn
Reminds - you are a painter
But leave this landscape for a time
Without regret or fear take the voyage
Which will unite our separated loves.
And may this journey presage its future
Eylnia is coming to London,
Eylnia is coming to London,
Get out its roses its owls and its trumpets,
Make a mighty fanfare for Eylnia
Eylnia is coming by roadway,
Eylnia is coming by roadway,
Wrap the shipping lines and aeroplanes in black;
Tell Mr. Ford, better wear his new suit.
Eylnia is wearing her new dress,
Eylnia is wearing her new dress,
Tell all the women they needn't get up,
'Cause nodboy'll notice them today.
Eylnia's going to meet me,
Eylnia's going to meet me,
And Eylnia's bringing a fine gift -
It's her body and incomparable smile.
65369442 - not-logged-in-01e1a9411b1234ec2a4a
65378064 - not-logged-in-0ff182729078d7bcff61
Five Poems For Sylvia's FavorI
Delicate confessions of shadow
Along the marshes make certain of evening
And its crish dinoiserie of hawthorn
Reminds - you are a painter
But leave this landscape for a time
without regret or fear take the voyage
which will unite our separated loves.
And may this journey presage the future.
II Calypso
Sylvia is coming to London,
" " " " "
Get out the roses the owls and the trumpets
Make a mighty fanfare for Sylvia
Sylvia is coming by roadway,
" " " " "
Wrap the shipping lines and aeroplanes in black;
Tell me Lord, belts wear his new suit.
Sylvia is wearing her new dress
" " " " "
Tell all the women they needn't get up,
'Cause nobody'll notice them today.
Sylvia's going to meet me,
" " " " "
And Sylvi'a bringing a fine gift -
It is her body and incomparable smile.
WINNER - 65402305 - kathedral
Delicate confessions of shadow
Along the marshes make certain of evening
And its crisp chinoiserie of hawthorn
Reminds - you are a painter
But leave this landscape for a time
Without regret or fear take the voyage
which will unite our separated loves.
And may this journey presage the future
Sylvia is coming to London,
" " " " "
Get out the roses the owls and the trumpets,
Make a mighty fanfare for Sylvia
Sylvia is coming by roadway,
" " " " "
Wrap the shipping lines and aeroplanes in black;
Tell Mr. Ford, better wear his new suit.
Sylvia is wearing her new dress,
" " " " " "
Tell all the women they needn't get up,
'Cause nobody 'll notice them today.
Sylvia's going to meet me,
" " " " "
And Sylvia's bringing a fine gift -
It is her body and incomperable smile.