- Max. dissimilarity: 0.179
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.113
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65316016 - natclass
- 65342522 - tony21
- WINNER - 65427957 - rcohn
- 65432041 - ChrisMM76
- 65440049 - val08
- 65462716 - WiltedLotus

65316016 - natclass
9th October 1948Sylvia, dearest, your comment breaks my heart. Do not find in this a fresh course for grief because it is rather a sign of my continuing love. At a time like this existentialist dogma may seem true but it is at times like this we can judge matters lest clearly. I wonder if this is not the unconscious determining factor in Michael's condition about us not meeting when we are so close in geography. It makes me seem 'remote' though in fact I am not. Recognize this darling because though 'absence' leads to a sense of psychological separation the role of my absence is the one you ask of me. Do recognize this darling for it is imperative that you think about Michael's actions as well as suffer from them. Does not that room , not very good in itself I admit, remind you of our bonds - I mean the one in my last letter that one? I want to see you before you return to Pelt long enough to re-assure you of my physical reality and my undiminished love. I leave the arrangement totally to you and I do not expect the opportunity to consummate - just to see you for a short while and talk, not analytically or pleadingly, but just to say things which may soothe you. Don't forget I shall be in all Friday except lunch time. I am writing this in the Hong Kong, Ehaftshary Avenue. This afternoon I am going to see some Hogarths in Bord Street. Sir Henry Mahe wanted mainly I think 'to sum me up' or 'get my measure' as they say. He
65342522 - tony21
Sylvia, dearest, your comment breaks my heart. Do not find in this a fresh cause for grief because it is rather a sign of my continuing love. At a time like this existentialist dogma may seem true but it is at times like this we can judge matters least clearly. I wonder if this is not all unconscious determining factors in Michael's condition bout us not meeting when we are so close in geography. It makes me seem 'remote' though in fact I am not. Recognise this darling because though 'absence' leads to a sense of psychological separation the role of absence is the one you ask of me. Do you recognise this darling for it is imperative that you think about Michael's actions as well as suffer from them. Does not that poem, not very good in itself I admit, remind you of our bonds - I mean the one in my last letter but one? I want to see you before you return to Pelt long enough to re-assure you of my physical reality and my un-diminished love. I leave the arrangement totally to you and I do not expect the opportunity to consumate - just to see you for a short while and talk, not analytically or pleadingly, but just to say things which may soothe you. Don't forget I shall be in all Friday except lunch time. I am writing this in the Hong Kong, Shaftsbury Avenue. This afternoon I am going to see some Hogarths in Bond Street. Sir Henry Halre wanted mainly I think 'to sum me up' as 'get my measure' as they say. HeWINNER - 65427957 - rcohn
9th October 1948Sylvia, dearest, your torment breaks my heart. Do not find in this a fresh course for grief because it is rather a sign of my continuing love. At a time like this existentialist dogma may seem true but it is at times like this we can judge matters least clearly. I wonder if this is not the unconscious determin-ing factor in Michael's condition about us not meeting when we are so close in geography. It makes me seem remote though in fact I am not. Recognise this darling because though 'absence' leads to a sense of psychological separation the role of absence is the one you ask of me. Do recognise this darling for it is imperative that you think about Michael's actions as well as suffer from them. Does not that poem, not very good in itself I admit, remind you of our bonds - I mean the one in my last letter but one? I want to see you before you return to Pett long enough to re-assure you of my physical reality and my un-diminished love. I leave the arrangement totally to you and I do not expect the opportunity to consumate - just to see you for a short while and talk, not ana-lytically or pleadingly, but just to say things which may soothe you. Don't forget I shall be in all Friday except lunch time.
I am writing this in the Hong Kong, Shaftsbury Avenue. This afternoon I am going to see some Hogarths in Bond Street. Sir Henry Hake wanted mainly I think 'to sum me up' or 'get my measure' as they say. He
65432041 - ChrisMM76
9th October 1948Sylvia, dearest, your torment breaks my heart. Do not find in
this a fresh course for grief because it is rather a sign of my
continueing love. At a time like this existentialist dogma
may seem true but it is at times like this we can judge matters
least clearly. I wonder if this is not the unconscious determin-
ing factor in Michael's condition about us not meeting when we
are so close in geography. It makes me seem 'remote' though in
fact I am not. Recognize this darling because though 'absence'
leads to a sense of psychological separation the role of absence is the one
you ask of me. Do recognize this darling for it is imperative that
you think about Michael's actions as well as suffer from them. Does
not that poem, not very good it itself I admit, remind you of our
bonds - I mean the one in my last letter but one? I want to
see you before you return to Pett long enough to re-assure you
of my physical reality and my un-diminished love. I leave the
arrangement totally to you and I do not expect the opportunity
to consumate - just to see you for a short while and talk, not over-
lytically or pleadingly, but just to say things which may soothe you.
Don't forget I shall be in all Friday except lunch time.
I am writing this in the Hong Kong Shaftsbury Avenue. this afternoon
I am going to see some Hogarths in Bond Street. Sir Henry Hake wanted
mainly I think 'to sum me up' or 'get my measure' as they say. He
65440049 - val08
9th October 1948, Eugenia, dearest, your torment breaks my heart. Do not find in this a fresh cause for grief because it is rather a sign of my continuing bone. At a time like this existentialist dogma may seem true but it is at times like this we can judge matters least clearly. I wonder if this is not the unconscious determining factor in Michael's condition about us not meeting when we are so close in geography. It makes me seem 'remote' though in fact I am not. recognize this darling because though 'absence' leads to a [/sense]of psychological separation role of absence is the one you of me. Do recognize this darling for it is imperative that you think about Michael's actions as well as suffer from them. Does not that poems, not very good in itself I admit, remind you of our bands - Im mean the one in my last letter [/hurt]one ? I want to see you before you return to long enough to re-assure you of my physical reality and my un-diminished bone. I leave the arrangement totally to you and I do not expect the opportunity to consumate - just to see you for a short while and talk, not /onalytically[] as pleadingly, mais just to say things which may soothe you. Don't forget I shall be in all Friday except lunch time. I am writing this in the Hong Kong. Shaftsbury avenue. This afternoon I am going to see some Hogarths in Bord street. Sir Henry [/Hahe] wanted mainly I think 'to sum me up'as 'get my measure' as they say. He65462716 - WiltedLotus
9th October 1948Sylvia, dearest, your torment breaks my heart. Do not find in this a fresh cause for grief because it is rather a sign of my continuing love. At a time like this existentialist dogma may seem true but it is at times like this we can judge matters least clearly. I wonder if this is not the unconscious determin-ating factor in Michael's condition about us not meeting when we are so close in geography. It makes me seem 'remote' though in fact I'm not. Recognize this darling because thoug 'absence' leads to a sense of psychological separation the role of absence is the one you ask of me. Do recognize this darling for it is imperative that you think about Michael's actions as well as suffer from them. Does not that poem, not very good in itself I admit, remind you of our bonds - I mean the one in my last letter but one? I want to see you before you return to Pett long enough to re-assure you of my physical reality and my un-diminished love I leave the arrangement totally to you and I do not expect the opportunity to consumate - just to see you for a short while and talk, not analytically or pleadingly, but just to say things which may soothe you. Don't forget I shall be in all Friday except lunch time.
I am writing this n the Hong Kong, Shaftsbury Avenue. This afternoon I am going to see some Hogarths in Bond Street. Sir Henry Hale wanted mainly I think 'to sum me up' or 'get my measure' as they say. He