- Max. dissimilarity: 0.055
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.038
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65305456 - not-logged-in-259a8879be5a42629e70
- 65318549 - mroone6
- WINNER - 65337318 - cliveblackaby
- 65363217 - Sean_Walters89
- 65379954 - csleahey

65305456 - not-logged-in-259a8879be5a42629e70
In case I forget to ask you tomorrow on the phone what did you say to Johnson, if anything, about me? Does he know I knew you were up, have we met? It is a precaution worth taking. Sorry.Think of my Conversation Piece poem when you are back at Pett. Perhaps it can soothe you a little bit. And do not forget what a mutual expression of us both are The Golden Age sonnets, I sent you last. Auden says that a poet and lover should not co-incide. But he excludes the possibility of collaboration between lover and subject who are also muse and lover. Do remember this relationship. Let me have the good news when you paint again.
Apologies are stupid between us because you know that I did not mean to hurt and that I blame the perverse expression my love took.
I love you, my dearest Sylvia. I love you. Do not feel despairing.
I so want to encourage you and yet I have upset you. I love you,
65318549 - mroone6
In case I forget to ask you tomorrowon the phone what did you say to Johnson,
if anything, about me? Does he know
I knew you were up, have we met? It
is a precaution worth taking. Sorry.
Think of my Conversation Piece poem
when you are back at Pett. Perhaps it
can soothe you a little but. And do
not forget what a mutual expression of
us both are The Golden Age sonnets, I
sent you last. Auden says that a poet
and lover should not co-incide. But
he excludes the possibility of collab-
oration between lover and subject who
is also muse and lover. Do remember
this relationship. Let me have the
good news when you paint again
Apologies are stupid between us be-
cause you know that I did not mean to
hurt and that I blame the perverse ex-
pression my love took.
I love you, my dearest Sylvia. I
love you. Do not feel despairing.
I so want to encourage you and yet I
have upset you. I love you,
WINNER - 65337318 - cliveblackaby
In case I forget to ask you tomorrowon the phone what did you say to Johnson,
if anything, about me? Does he know
I knew you were up, have we met? It is a precaution worth taking. sorry.
Think of my Conversation Piece poem
when you are back at Pett. Perhaps it
can soothe you a little bit. And do
not forget what a mutual expression of
us both are The Golden Age sonnets, I
sent you last. Auden says that a poet
and lover should not co-incide. But
he excludes the possibility of collab-
oration between lover and subject who
is also muse and lover. do remember
this relationship. Let me have the
good news when you paint again.
Apologies are stupid between us be-
cause you know that I did not mean to
hurt and that I blame the perverse ex-
pression my love took.
I love you, my dearest Sylvia. I
love you do not feel dispairing.
I so want to encourage you and yet I
have upset you. I love you,
65363217 - Sean_Walters89
In case i forget to ask you tomorrow on the phone what did you say to Johnson, if anything, about me? Does he know i knew you were up, have we met? It is a precaution worth taking. Sorry.Think of my conversation piece poem when you are back at Pett. Perhaps it can soothe you a little bit. And do not forget what a mutual expression of us both are The Golden Age sonnets, I sent you last. Auden says that a poet and lover should not co-incide. But he excludes the possibility of collaboration between lover and subject who is also muse and lover. Do remember this relationship. Let me have the good news when you paint again.
Apologies are stupid between us because you know that i did not mean to hurt that I blame the perverse expression my love took.
I love you, my dearest Sylvia. I love you. Do not feel despairing.
I do want to encourage you and yet i have upset you. I love you.
65379954 - csleahey
In case I forget to ask you tomorrow on the phone what did you say to Johnson, if anything, about me? Does he know I knew you were up, have we met? It is a precaution worth taking. Sorry.Think of my Conversation Piece poem when you are back at Pett. Perhaps it can you a little bit. And do not forget what a mutual expression of us both are The Golden Age Sonnets, I sent you last. Auden says that a poet and lover should not co-incide. But he excludes the possibility of collaboration between lover and subject who is also muse and lover. Do remember this relationship. Let me have the good news when you paint again.
Apologies are stupid between us because you know that I did not mean to hurt and that I blame the perverse expression my love took.
I love you, my dearest Sylvia. I love you. Do not feel despairing. I so want to encourage you and yet I have upset you. I love you,