- Max. dissimilarity: 0.954
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.412
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65318619 - sjruss
- 65324746 - not-logged-in-f90ddc5a751ad0a5c628
- WINNER - 65331958 - Preacher357
- 65371356 - not-logged-in-01e1a9411b1234ec2a4a
- 65390586 - Salwell

65318619 - sjruss
beauty: this doubt is only an inheritance from an unhappy past. My estimation of you in this respect is objective I assure you because I felt it long before I realised I loved you. At the Wallpaper Exhibition: Oh, my dearest, I remember, then, your laugh and your delicate appreciation of the exhibitions.About Dennis: what he may have made me feel is not more than Clifford had already. Namely that I have not been very unreasonable in my request to see you regularly. So, unfeelingly I struggled. But think of all our frustration. Do recognise a responsibility as well as a feeling towards your lover.
What I should like to have, no, I should adore to have, are occasional drawings in your letters. Just an occasional owl, or flower - in your round, expressive pen - work. Color is difficult, I recognise that. My owls, your owls, our owls, THE owls, ask it, too, when you have time though you are not to bother, too much.
Well, I suppose I must get back to work soon but I think that I shall fill up this page and the next one. Have you noticed how I always go on to the end of the page? It is because it is such a pleasure, even chattering as I am in this letter to you and I want to get all I can for my 2d1/2.
65324746 - not-logged-in-f90ddc5a751ad0a5c628
beauty: this doubt is only an inheritance from an unhappy past. My estimation of you in this respect is objective I assure you because I felt it long before I realised I loved you. At the Wallpaper exhibition: Oh, m dearest, I remember, then, your laugh and your delicate appreciation of the exhibits.About Dennis: what he may have made me fell is not more than Clifford had already. Namely that I have not been very unreasonable in my request to see you regularly. So, unfeelingly I struggled. But think of all our frustration. Do recognise a responsibilty as well as a feling towrads your lover.
What I should like to have, no, I should adore to have, are occasional drawings in your letters. Just an occasional owl, or flower - in your orund, expressive pen-wor. Color is difficult, I recognise that. My owls, your owls, our owls, THE owls, ask it, too, when you have time though you are not to bother, too much.
Wlell, I suppose I must get back to work soon but I think that I shall fill up this page and the next one. Have you noticed how I always go on to the end of the page? It is because it is such a pleasure, even chattering as I am in this letter to you and I want to get all I can for my 2d1/2.
WINNER - 65331958 - Preacher357
-3-beauty: this doubt is only an inher-
itance from an unhappy past. My est-
imation of you in this respect is ob-
jective I assure you because I felt it
long before I realised I loved you.
At the Wallpaper Exhibition: Oh, my
dearest, I remember, then your laugh
and your delicate appreciation of the exhibits.
About Dennis: what he may have made
me feel is not more than Clifford had
already. Namely that I have not been
very unreasonable in my request to see
you regularly. So, unfeelingly I
struggled. But think of all our frus-
tration. Do recognise a responsibil-
ity as well as a feeling towards your
What I should like to have, no, I
should adore to have, are occasional
drawings in your letters. Just an oc-
casional owl, or flower - in your round,
expressive pen-work. Color is diffi-
cult, I recognise that. My owls, your
owls, our owls, the owls, ask it, too,
when you have time though your are not
to bother, too much.
Well, I suppose I must get back to
work soon but I think that I shall fill
up this page and the next one. Have
you noticed how I always go on to the
end of the page? It is because it is
such a pleasure, even chattering as I
am in this letter to you and I want to
get all I can for my 2d1/2.
65371356 - not-logged-in-01e1a9411b1234ec2a4a
beauty: this doubt is only is an inher-ritence from an unhappy past.65390586 - Salwell
-3-beauty: this doubt is only inher-
itance from an unhappy past. My est-
imation of you in respect is ob-
jective I assure you because I felt it
long before i realised I loved you.
At the Wallpaper Exhibition: Oh, my
dearest, I remember, then, your laugh
and your delicate appreciation of the exhibits.
About Dennis: what he may have made
me feel is not more than Clifford had
already. Namely that I have not been
very unreasonable in my request to see
you regularly. So, unfeeling I
struggled. But think of all our frus-
tration. Do recognise a responsibil-
ity as well as a feeling towards your
What I should like to have, no, I
should adore to have, are occasional
drawings in your letters. Just an oc-
casional owl, or flower - in your round,
expressive pen-work. Color is diffi-
cult, I recognise that. My owls, your
owls, our owls, THE owls, ask it, too,
when you have time though you are not
to bother, too much.
Well. I suppose I must get back to
work soon but I think that I shall fill
up this page and the next one. Have
you noticed how I always go on to the
end of the page? It is because it is
such a pleasure, even chattering as I
am in this letter to you and I want to
get all I can for my 2d1/2.