- Max. dissimilarity: 0.708
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.246
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65294819 - H_Spiers
- 65313631 - not-logged-in-c9b2c93efc284b846cb0
- 65318540 - phoebesachs
- 65321452 - twabnitz
- WINNER - 65339215 - mrscoyle
- 65339760 - elizabethanneparis
- 65372892 - PenguinCo.

65294819 - H_Spiers
20th October 1948Dearest Sylvia,
How are you? I hope every trace of your neuralgia has gone. I remember how it lingered once before, but I tell myself it is Wednesday already so you should be recovered.
I look in vain for a way to vary my declarations of love, but I must hope that your need to read the words equals my need to write them - I love you, and long for the opportunity to say them to you. I love you so much.
I want to write a lover's alphabet. Will you collaborate? For example: C is for Cupid, curled up asleep; D is desire which burns when he wakes.
65313631 - not-logged-in-c9b2c93efc284b846cb0
11, Mansel Road,Wimbledon.
20th October 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
How are you? I hope every trace of your neuralgia has gone. I remember how it lingered once before, but I tell myself it is Wednesday already so you should be recovered.
I look in vain for a way to vary my declarations of love, but I must hope that your need to read the words equals my need to write them - I love you, and long for the opportunity to say them to you. I love you so much.
I want to write a lover's alphabet. Will you collaborate? For example: C is for Cupid, curled up asleep; D is for desire which burns when he wakes. H is for Hymen, honey, and hair. L is for Lawrence, longing for you. S is for Sylvia, sacrifice to liberty. And so on. Send me some suggestions - even single words, please.
Le Diable au Corps is exquisite though harrowing. The main point is the boy's evasion of responbility for his actions which are immaturely motivated. Michelene Presle was, perhaps, a shade passive. I was moved by it very much indeed. Pictorially it is a delight and the action compels attention from beginning to end.
Also I saw a film called The Pirate with new Cole Porter songs including one that amused me called Be A Clown:
If you become a doctor, folk'll face you with dread.
If you become a dentist, they'll be glad when you're dead.
But people always love you if you can stand on your head.
Be a clown, be a clown, &c.
The sun is on me as I type and makes me think how nice it must be at Pett, cold, I imagine, yet fine and crisp. Oh, dear.
It is nearly eleven o'clock and so time to tell you, once more, that my thoughts never leave you. You possess me even in absence though I hasten to remark that this is not a reason to make you think your absence from me is easier than from Michael. I love you and long for our weekend. Do make it two nights. I love you.
Dandylion says that he will return your delicious kiss any morning or afternoon when there is a slight breeze and you walk down to the shop. He will kiss the back of your neck, darling.
Eleven has struck. I love you.
65318540 - phoebesachs
11, Mansel Road,Wimbledon.
20th Ocotber 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
How are you ? I hope every trace of your neuralgia has gone. I remember how it lingered once before, but I tell myself it is Wednesday already so you should be recovered.
I look in vain for a way to vary my declarations of love, but I must hope that your need to read the words equals my need to write them - I love you, and long for the opportunity to say them to you. I love you so much.
I want to write a lover's alphabet. Will you collaborate? For example: C is for Cupid, curled up asleep; D is desire which burns when he wakes. H is for Hymen, honey, and hair. L is for Lawrence, longing for you. S is for Sylvia, sacrifice to liberty. And so on. Send me some suggestions - even single words, please.
Le Diable au Corps is exquisite though harrowing. The main point is the boy's evasion of responsibility for his actions which are immaturely motivated. Michelene Fresle was, perhaps, a shade passive. I was moved by it very much indeed. Pictorially it is a delight and the action compels attention from beginning to end.
Also I saw a film called the Pirate with new Cold Porter songs including one that amused be called Be A Clown:
If you become a doctor, folk'll face you with dread.
If you become a dentist, they'll be glad when you're dead.
But people always love you if you can stand on your head.
Be a clown, be a clown?&c.
The sun is on me as I type and makes me think how nice it must be at Pett, cold, I imagine, yet fine and crisp. Oh, dear.
It is nearly eleven o'clock and so time to tell you, once more, that my thoughts never leave you. You possess me even in absence though I hasten to remark that this is not a reason to make you think absence from me is easier than from Michael. I love you and long for our weekend. Do make it two nights. I love you.
Dandylion says that he will return your delicious kiss any morning or afternoon when there is a slight breeze and you walk down to the shop. He will kiss the back of your neck, darling.
Eleven has struck. I love you,
65321452 - twabnitz
11, Mansel Road,Wimbledon.
20th October, 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
How are you? I hope every trace of your neuralgia has gone. I remember how it lingered once before, but I tell myself it is Wednesday already so you should be recovered.
I look in vain for a way to vary my declarations of love, but I must hope that your need to read the words equals my need to write them - I love you, and long for the opportunity to say the to you. I love you so much.
I want to write a lover's alphabet. Will you collaborate? For example: C is for Cupid, curled up asleep; D is desire which burns when he wakes. H is Hyman, honey, and hair. L is for Lawrence, longing for you. S is for Sylvia, sacrifice to liberty. And so on. Send me some sugtgestions - even single words, please.
Le Diable au Corps is exquisite though harrowing. The main point is the boy's evasion of responsibility for his actions which are immaturely motivated. Michelene Presle was, perhaps, a shade passive. I was moved by it very much indeed. Pictorially it is a delight and the action compells attention from beginning to end.
Also I saw a film called The Pirate with new Cole Porter songs including one that amused me called Be A Clown:
If you become a doctor, folk'll face you with dread.
If you become a dentist, they'll be glad when you're dead.
But people always love you if you can stand on your head.
Be a clown, be a clown, &c.
The sun is on me as I type and makes me think how nice it must be at Pett, [cold][hand written], I imagine, yet fine and crisp. Oh, dear.
It is nearly eleven o'clock and so time to tell you, once more, that my thoughts never leave you. You possess me even in absence from me is easier than from Michael. I love you and long for our weekend. Do make it two nights. I love you.
Dandylion says that he will return your delicious kiss any morning or afternoon when there is a slight breeze and you walk down to the shop. He will kiss the back of your neck, darling.
Eleven has struck. I love you,
[Lawrence] [signature]
WINNER - 65339215 - mrscoyle
11, Mansel RoadWimbeldon
20th October 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
How are you? I hope every trace of your neuralgia has gone. I remember how it lingered once before, but I tell myself it is Wednesday already so you should be recovered.
I look in vain for a way to vary my declaration of love, but I must hope that your need to read the words equals my need to write them - I love you, and long for the opportunity to say them to you. I love you so much.
I want to write a lover's alphabet. Will you collaborate? For example: C is for Cupid, curled up asleep; D is desire which burns when he wakes. H is for Hymen, honey and hair. L is for Lawrence, longing for you. S is for Sylvia, sacrifice to liberty. And so on. Send me some suggestions - even single words please.
Le Diable au Corps is exquisite though harrowing. The main point is the boy's evasion of responsibility for his actions which are immaturely motivated. Micheline Presle was, perhaps, a shade passive. I was moved by it very much indeed. Pictorially it is a delight and the action compels attention from beginning to end.
Also I saw a film called The Pirate with new Cole Porter songs including one that amused me called Be A Clown:
If you become a doctor, folk'll face you with dread.
If you become a dentist, they'll be glad when you're dead.
But people always love you if you can stand on your head.
Be a clown, be a clown?&c.
The sun is on me as I type and makes me think how nice it must be at Pett, cold I imagine, yet fine and crisp. Oh, dear.
It is nearly eleven o'clock and so time to tell you once more, that my thoughts never leave you. You possess me even in absence though I hasten to remark that this is not a reason to make you think absence from me is easier than from Michael. I love you and long for our weekend. Do make it two nights. I love you.
Dandylion says that he will return your delicious kiss any morning or afternoon when there is a slight breeze and you walk down to the shop. He will kiss the back of your neck, darling.
Eleven has struck. I love you.
65339760 - elizabethanneparis
11, Mansel Rd,Wimbledon
20th October 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
How are you? I hope every trace of your neuralgia
has gone. I remember how it lingered once before, but I tell myself it is Wednesday already so you should be recovered.
I look in vain for a way to vary my declarations of
love, but I must hope that your need to read the words equals my need to write them- I love you, and long for the opportunity to say them to you. I love you so much.
I want to write a lover's alphabet. Will you colla-borate? For example: C is for Cupid, curled up asleep; D is for desire which burns when he wakes. H is for Hymen, honey, and hair. L is for Lawrence, longing for you. S is for Sylvia, sacrifice to liberty. And so on. Send me some suggestions- even single words, please.
Le Diable au Corps is exquisite though harrowing. The main point is the boy's evasion of responsibility for his actions which are immaturely motivated. Michelene Fresle was, perhaps, a shade passive. I was moved by it very much indeed. Fictionally it is a delight and the action compels attention from beginning to end.
Also I saw a film called The Pirate with new Cole Porter songs including one that amused me called Be A Clown:
If you become a doctor, folk'll face you with dread.
If you become a dentist, they'll be glad you're dead.
But people always love you if you can stand on your head.
Be a clown, be a clown?
The sun is on me as I type and makes me think how nice it must be at Pett, cold, I imagine, yet fine and crisp. Oh, dear.
It is nearly eleven o'clock and so time to tell you, once more, that my thoughts never leave you. You possess me even in absence though I hasten to remark that this is not a reason to make you think absence from me is easier than from Michael. I love you and long for our weekend. Do make it two nights. I love you.
Dandylion says that he will return your delicious kiss and morning or afternoon when there is a slight breese and you walk down to the shop. He will kiss the back of your neck, darling.
Eleven has struck. I love you,
65372892 - PenguinCo.
11, Mansel Road,Wimbledon.
20th October 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
How are you? I hope every trace of your neuralgia has gone. I remember how it lingered once before, but I tell myself it is Wednesday already so you should be recovered.
I look in vein for a way to vary my declaration of love, but I must hope that your need to read the words equals my need to write them - I love you, and long for the opportunity to say them to you. I love you so much.
I want to write a lover's alphabet. Will you collaborate? For example: C is for Cupid, curled up asleep; D is desire which burns when he wakes. He is for Hymen, honey, and hair. L is for Lawrence, longing for you. S is for Sylvia, sacrifice to liberty. And so on. Send me some suggestions - even single words, please.
Le Diable au Corps is exquisite though harrowing. The main point is the boy's evasion of responsibility for his actions which are immaturely motivated. Michelene Fresle was, perhaps, a shade passive. I was moved by it very much indeed. Pictorially it is a delight and the action compells attention from beginning to end.
Also I saw a film called The Pirate with the new Cole Porter songs including one that amused me called Be A Clown:
If you become a doctor, folk'll face you with dread.
If you become a dentist, they'll be glad when you're dead.
But people always love you if you can stand on your head.
Be a clown, be a clown,&c.
The sun is on me as I type and makes me think how nice it must be at Pett, cold, I imagine, yet fine and crisp. Oh, dear.
It is nearly eleven o'clock and so time to tell you, once more, that my thoughts never leave you. You possess me even in absence though I hasten to remark that this is not a reason to make you think absence from me is easier than from Michael. I love you and long for our weekend. Do make it two nights. I love you.
Dandylion says that he will return your delicious kiss any morning or afternoon when there is a slight breeze and you walk down to the shop. He will kiss the back of your neck, darling.
Eleven has struck. I love you,