- Max. dissimilarity: 0.252
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.182
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65310893 - not-logged-in-cfed6928459daaf6d187
- 65324641 - not-logged-in-298a2bce29af35930df5
- 65330231 - horsetcher
- 65335661 - ChrisMM76
- WINNER - 65351755 - LibrarianDiva

65310893 - not-logged-in-cfed6928459daaf6d187
11 Marvel RoadWimbledon
1 XI 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I wil make my letters less frequent but but I had to I had to send you this note promptly.
Do you remember that you said that you wee a coward? I agreed thoughtlessly. Forgive me. I realize that the reverse is true. You are and I think audacious. You are going to act despite your love for Micheal and it means probably giving up Pett for a time. This feeling of remoteness you experienced on Saturday and Sunday shows,, however,that we must not delay and I treasure the strengths which your recognition of this when we are
65324641 - not-logged-in-298a2bce29af35930df5
11 Mavrel Rood1.XI. 1948 Wimbledon
Dearest Sylvia,
I will make my letters less frequent, but but I had to send you this note promptly.
Do you remember that you said you were a coward? I agreed thoughtlessly. Forgive me. I realise that the reverse is true. You are brave and I think audacious. You are going to act despite your love for Michael and it means probably giving up Pelt for a time. The feeling of "remoteness" you experienced on Saturday and Sunday shows, however, that we must not delay and I treasure the strength which your recognition of this reveals. When we are to-
65330231 - horsetcher
11 Manrel Road1 XI 1948 (November 1, 1948?) Wimbledon
Dearest Sylvia,
I will make my letters less frequent but fatter but I had to send you this note promptly.
Do you remember that you said you were a coward? I agreed thoughtlessly. Forgive me. I realize that the reverse is true. you are brave and I think audacious. You are going to act despite your love for Michael and it means probably giving up Pelt for a time. The feeling of 'remoteness' you experienced on Saturday and Sunday shows, however, that we must not delay and I treasure the strength which you recognition of this reveals when we are to-
65335661 - ChrisMM76
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
1 . XI . 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I will make my letters less frequent
but fatter but I had to send you this
note promptly.
Do you remember that you said you
were a coward? I agreed thoughtlessly,
forgive me. I realise that to reverse
in time. You are brave and I think aud-
acious. You are going to act despite
your love for Michael and it means pro-
bably giving up Pett for a time. the
feeling of 'remoteness' you experienced
on Saturday and Sunday shows
however, that we must not delay and
I treasure the strength which your recog-
nition of this reveals when we are to -
WINNER - 65351755 - LibrarianDiva
11 Marrel RoodWimbledon
1. XI 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I will make my letters less frequent
but but fattes but I had to send you this
note promptly
Do you remember that you said you
were a coward? I agreed thoughtlessly
Forgive me. I realise that the reverse
is true. You are brave and I think aud-
acious. You are going to act despite
your love for Michael and it means pro-
bably giving up Pett for a time. The
feeling of 'remoteness' you experienced
on Saturday and Sunday shows, [strike] hovever [/strike]
however, that we must not delay and
I treasure the strength which your recog-
nition of this reveals. When we are to-