- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.418
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65303461 - ewrightlittle
- 65311881 - not-logged-in-a0a1f2a65aac2e7aed2f
- WINNER - 65322744 - vickiechen
- 65340772 - not-logged-in-4e45f4a5afcbee43d6e1
- 65357215 - l4q

65303461 - ewrightlittle
much your presence. You have inspired me to write as it is but with you how happy I shall be. I am doing the chapter on the Conversation Pieces at the moment. How nice if I were able to show you the photographs and discuss them and ask your opinion. That is why I look forward to writing a book with you: our collaboration would encourage us and widen the ordinary critical approach. All the work you are doing now on Klingender is splendid preparation for Wright. I still have, of course, the small book on him. I intend to write to Anthony Blunt who will know if anybody else is interested in Wright or Dobson. What is our approach to be? Fairly complete - artistic biographical, sociological? The print room of the B.M. will contain many of those fine mezzotints of Wright Which will be useful.Wimbledon: what a place to live in! I value your visit here as a Cytherean must have valued Venus choice of his island to land on first after her birth. How dark the day is by tea-time. 46 shopping days to Christmas say the placards in the stores. Soon, then, the new year.
Well, my naked lover, The daedal past is answered And you are glad and sad,
65311881 - not-logged-in-a0a1f2a65aac2e7aed2f
WINNER - 65322744 - vickiechen
2much your presence. You have inspired
me to write as it is but with you how
happy I shall be. I am doing the chap-
ter on the Conversation Pieces at the mom-
ent. How nice if I were able to show
you the photographs and discuss them and
ask your opinion. That is why I look
forward to writing a book with you: our
collaboration would encourage us and wid-
en the ordinary critical approach. All
the work you are doing now on Klingender
is splendid preparation for Wright. I
still have, of course, the small book on
him. I intend to write to Anthony Blunt
who will know if anybody else is interest-
ed in Wright or Dobson. What is our ap-
proach to be? Fairly complete - artistic
biographical, sociological? The print
room omf the B.M. will contain many of thos-
e fine mezzotints of Wright which will be
Wimbledon: what a place to live in!
I value your visit here as a Cytherean
must have valued Venus choice of his is-
land to land on first after her birth.
How dark the day is by tea-time. 46
shopping days to Christmas say the plac-
ards in the stores. Soon, then, the new
Well, my naked lover,
The daedal past is answered
And you are glad and sad,
65340772 - not-logged-in-4e45f4a5afcbee43d6e1
much your presence. You have inspired me to write as it is but you how happy I shall be. I am doing the chapter on the Conversation Pieces at moment. How nice if I were able to show the photographs and discuss them and ask your opinion. That is why I look forward to writing a book with you: our collaboration would encourage us and widen the ordinary critical approach. All the work you are doing now on Klingender is splendid preparation for Wright. I still have, of course the small book on him. I intend to write to Anthony Blunt who will know if anybody else in interested in Wright or Dobson. What is your approach to be? Fairly complete- artistic, biographical, sociological? The print room of the B.M. will contain many of those fine mezzotints of Wright which will be useful.Wimbledon: what a place to live in! I value your visit here as a Cytherean must have valued Venus choice of his island to land on first after her birth. How dark the day is by tea-time. 46 shopping days til Christmas say the placards in the stores. Soon, then, the new year.
Well, my naked lover,
The daedal past is answered
And you are glad and sad,
65357215 - l4q
much your presence. You have inspired me to write as it is but with you how happy I shall be. I am doing the chapter on the Conversation Pieces at the moment. How nice if I were able to show you the photographs and discuss them and ask your opinion. That is why I look forward to writing a book with you: our collaboration would encourage us and widen the ordinary critical approach. All the work you are doing now on Klingender is splendid preparation for Wright. I still have, of course, the small book on him. I intend to write to Anthony Blunt who will know if anybody else is interested in Wright or Dobson. What is our approach to be? Fairly complete - artistic biographical, sociological? The print room of the B.M. will contain many of those fine mezzotints of Wright which will be useful.Wimbledon: what a place to live in! I value your visit here as a Cytherean must have valued Venus' choice of his island to land on first after her birth. How dark the day is by tea-time. 46 shopping days to Christmas say the placards in the stores. Soon, then, the new year.
Well, my naked lover,
The daedal past is answered
And you are glad and sad,