- Max. dissimilarity: 0.069
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.034
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65305132 - lauragross
- 65309087 - not-logged-in-259a8879be5a42629e70
- 65318495 - not-logged-in-a3a171691835527adc72
- 65326505 - Pastor_Ruth
- 65329654 - tony21

WINNER - 65305132 - lauragross
official buff one I had before.I have adapted the Sleeping Beauty story for our purposes. Seven lines show you asleep and seven lines your awakening. One Northern and one Southern stanza.
The dust made deserts in the loggia
The tournament was Medusa-still
Swans lay toppled silent on the glass
The courtiers the jester and the cooks
Were dead as the locked and silent fountains.
She lay in a hall of silver tapestries
Statuesque for a century.
Then morning made roses in the sky
Melted the icicles of the fountains
A kiss revived the slumbering lady
And birds flew from the billowing tapestries
The tournament rattled gaily in the tiltyard
And she walked forward from the dark dream
On the arm of love preceded by pearls and torches.
I love you, Sylvia, I love you. Do write me whenever you can without upsetting the fragile situation at Pett.
Does Tiny want any garlic?
65309087 - not-logged-in-259a8879be5a42629e70
official buff one I had before.I have adapted the Sleeping Beauty
story for our purposes. Seven lines
show you asleep and seven lines your
awakening. One Northern and one South-
ern stanza.
The dust made deserts in the loggia
The tournament was Medusa-still
Swans lay toppled silent on the glass
The courtiers the jester and the cooks
Were dead as the locked and silent foun-
She lay in a hall of silver tapestries
Statuesque for a century.
Then morning made roses in the sky
Melted the icicles of the fountains
A kiss revived the slumbering lady
And birds flew from the billowing tap-
The tournament rattled gaily in the tilt-
And she walked forward from the dark
On the arm of love preceded by pearls
and torches.
I love you, Sylvia, I love you. Do
write me whenever you can without up-
setting the fragile situation at Pett.
Does Tiny want any garlic?
65318495 - not-logged-in-a3a171691835527adc72
official buff one I had before.I have adapted the Sleeping Beauty story for our purposes. Seven lines show you asleep and seven lines your awakening. One Northern and one South-
ren stanza.
The dust made deserts in the loggia
The tournament was Medusa-still
Swans lay toppled silent on the glass
The courtiers the jester and the cooks
Were dead as the locked and silent foun-
She lay in a hall of silver tapestries
Statuesque for a century.
Then morning made roses in the sky
Melted the icicles of the fountains
A kiss revived the slumbering lady
And birds flew from the billowing tap-
The tournament rattled gaily in the tilt-
And she walked forward from the dark
On the arm of love preceded by pearls
and torches.
I love you, Sylvia, I love you. Do
write me whenever you can without up-
setting the fragile situation at Pett.
Does Tiny want any garlic?
65326505 - Pastor_Ruth
5Official buff one I had before.
I have adapted the Sleeping Beauty story for our purposes. Seven lines show you asleep and seven lines your awakening. One Northern and one South-ern stanza.
The dust made deserts in the loggia
The tournament was Medusa-still
Swans lay toppled silent on the glass
The courtiers the jester and the cooks
Were dead as the locked and silent foun-tains.
She lay in a hall of silver tapestries
Statuesque for a century.
Then morning made roses in the sky
Melted the iciciles of the fountains
A kiss revived the slumbering lady
And birds flew from the billowing tap-estries
The tournament rattled gaily in the tilt-yard
And she walked forward from the dark dream
On the arom of love preceded by pearls
and torches.
I love you, Sylvia, I love you. Do write me whenever you can without up-setting the fragile situation at Pett.
Does Tiny want any garlic?
65329654 - tony21
5official buff one I had before.
I have adapted the Sleeping Beauty story for our purposes. Seven lines show you asleep and seven lines your awakening. One Northern and one Southern stanza.
The dust made deserts in the loggia
The tournament was Medusa-still
Swans lay toppled silent on the glass
The courtiers the jester and the cooks
Were as the locked and silent fountains.
She lay in a hall of silver tapestries
Statuesque for a century.
The morning made roses in the sky
Melted the icicles of the fountains
A kiss revived the slumbering lady
A bird flew from the billowing tapestries
The tournament rattled gaily in the tiltyard
And she walked forward from the dark dream
On the arm of love preceded by pearls and torches.
I love you, Sylvia, I love you. Do write me whenever you can without upsetting the fragile situation at Pett.
Does Tiny want any garlic?