- Max. dissimilarity: 0.08
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.04
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65322748 - LadyCrazyCat
- 65330499 - Vixen999
- 65353280 - not-logged-in-2cf345dd1f3e6a9525c9
- WINNER - 65353943 - not-logged-in-fc0941391c253fa8481b
- 65360803 - Africatraveler

65322748 - LadyCrazyCat
11 Mansel Road,Wimbledon.
6th November, 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
Your watercolours ravish me. They are beside me now. It is not enough to say thank you for them because one says that on so many occasions and this is so delightful a one. To answer them I will say 'I love you'. How different they are, the roses delicate and allusive, Fairlight impetuous and strong. I admire you as a painter, Sylvia.
What a pleasure to meet our rose again which I saw last at your throat. What a daring composition it is: I do enjoy the placing of the vase and the way you made the dazzling white paper express light. The play of cut glass and reflected leaves is exquisite and the roses - how sensual. The emphasis on the red of the dark rose is powerful and in itself beautifully painted. Though you work directly from what you see you have the power of investing your subjects with your personality and feeling. The vermilion touches in the crimson rose take my breath away - evoking so much of the libido, in its passionate, but always pictorial, intensity.
65330499 - Vixen999
11 Mansel Road,Wimbledon.
6th November, 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
Your watercolours ravish me. They are beside me now. It is not enought to say thank you for them because one says that on so many occasions and this is so delightful a one. To answer them I will say 'I love you'. How different they are, the roses delicate and allusive, Fiarlight impetuous and strong. I admire you as a painter, Sylvia.
What a pleasure to meet our rose again which i saw last at your throught. What a daring composition it is: I do enjoy the placing of the vase and the way you have made the dazzling white paper express light. The play of cut glass and refeleced leaves is exquisitie and the roses - how sensual. The emphasis on the red of the dark rose is powerful and in iteself beautifully painted. Though you work directly from what you see you have the power of investing your subjects with your personality and felling. The vermilion touches in the crimson rose take my breath away - evoking so much of the libido, in its passionate, but always pictorial, intensity.
65353280 - not-logged-in-2cf345dd1f3e6a9525c9
11 Mansel Road,Wimbledon.
6th November, 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
Your watercolours ravish me. They
are beside me now. It is not enough
to say thank you for them because one
says that on so many occasions and this
is so delightful a one. To answer
them I will say 'I love you'. How dif-
ferent they are, the roses delicate and
allusive, Fairlight impetuous and strong.
I admire you as a paint, Sylvia.
What a pleasure to meet our rose a-
gain which i saw last at your throat.
What a daring composition it is: I do
enjoy the placing of the vase and the
way you have made the dazzling white
paper express light. The play of cut
glass and reflected leaves is exquisite
and the roses - how sensual. The em-
phasis on the red of the dark rose is
powerful and in itself beautifully paint-
ed. Though you work directly from what
you see you have the power of investing
your subjects with your personality and
feeling. The vermilion touches in the
crimson rose take my breath away - evok-
ing so much of the libido, in its pas-
sionate, but always pictorial, intensity.
WINNER - 65353943 - not-logged-in-fc0941391c253fa8481b
11 Mansel Road,Wimbledon.
6th November, 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
Your watercolours ravish me. They are beside me now. It is not enough to say thank you for them because one says that on so many occasions and this is so delightful a one. To answer them I will say 'I love you'. How different they are, the roses delicate and allusive, Fairlight impetuous and strong. I admire you as a painter, Sylvia.
What a pleasure to meet our rose again which I saw last at your throat. What a daring composition it is: I do enjoy the placing of the vase and the way you have made the dazzling white paper express light. The play of cut glass and reflected leaves is exquisite and the roses - how sensual. The emphasis on the red of the dark rose is powerful and in itself beautifully painted. Though you work directly from what you see you have the power of investing you subjects with your personality and feeling. The vermilion touches in the crimson rose take my breath away - evoking so much of the libido, in its passionate, but always pictorial, intensity.
65360803 - Africatraveler
11 Mansel Road, Wimbledon6th November, 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
Your watercolours ravish me. They are beside me now. It is not enough to say thank you for them because one says that on so many occasions and this is so delightful a one. To answer them I will say 'I love you'. How different they are, the roses delicate and allusive, Fairlight impetuous and strong. I admire you as a painter, Sylvia.
What a pleasure to meet our rose again which I saw last at your throat. What a daring composition it is: I do enjoy the placing of the vase and the way you have made the dazzling white paper express light. The play of cut glass and reflected leave is exquisite and the roses - how sensual. The emphasis on the red of the dark rose is powerful and in itself beautifully painted. Though you work directly from what you see you have the power of investing your subjects with your personality and feeling. The vermilion touches in the crimson rose take my breath away - evoking so much of the libido, in its passionate, but always pictorial, intensity.