- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.358
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65335707 - not-logged-in-c8598a8d059f9f47a2ba
- 65335735 - tpod74
- 65356089 - jordanbg
- 65392820 - davemill
- WINNER - 65393112 - alinablahblah
- 65393209 - not-logged-in-7e062fd288b6cb8e7002
- 65410663 - ChamboPip

65335707 - not-logged-in-c8598a8d059f9f47a2ba
Remembering how, in the past, I have been thoughtlessly confident of the future I named a minimum weekly sum. I have asked Johnson to think about lectures for me. I am going to see Skipp again and I want to find out about reviews. I have thought of writing to Denys Sutton for advice about using my talents profitably. Possibly Name may help me too. Some of these can be expected to work, so there is a reason to hope for more than lb6 a week but I said that as a a kind of cornerstone. Sylvia, my dearest, I intend to reestablish your social position.I agree wholeheartedly about doing Michael the least harm. When you say you are being patient do you mean he will not discuss it? You ask me to be patient. Do you think of my request for more letters, or what? I do not quite understand. Tell me, please.
For Sylvia on 5th November.
Tonight the stars have rivals
That flare and blink and glitter:
Comets explore the gardens
And Catherine wheels boast
Of spiral martyrdoms.
65335735 - tpod74
65356089 - jordanbg
3Remembering how, in the past, I have
been thoughtlessly confident of the fut-
ure I named a minimum weekly sum. I
have asked Johnson to think about lec-
tures for me. I am going to see Skipp
again and I want to find out about re-
views. I have thought of writing to
Denys Sutton for advice about using my
talents profitably. Possibly Hake may
help me to. Some of these can be ex-
pected to work, so there is reason to
hope for more than 6 a week but I said
that as a kind of cornerstone. Sylvia, my
dearest, I intend to re-establish your
social position.
I agree whole-heartedly about doing
Michael the last harm. When you say
you are being patient do you mean he
will not discuss it? You ask me to be
patient. Do you think of my request
for more letters, or what? I do not
quite understand. Tell me, please.
For Sylvia on 5th November.
Tonight the stars have rivals
That flare and blink and glitter:
Comets explore the gardens
And catherine wheels boast
Of spiral martyrdoms.
65392820 - davemill
3Remembering how, in the past, I have
been thoughtlessly confident of the fut-
ure I named a minimum weekly sum. I
have asked Johnson to think about lec-
tures for me. I am going to see Skipp
again and I want to find out about re-
views. I have thought of writing to
Denys Sutton for advice about using my
talents profitably. Possibly Hake may
help me too. Some of these can be ex-
pected to work, so there is reason to
hope for more than lb a week but I said
that as a kind of cornerstone. Sylvia, my
dearest, I intend to re-establish your
social position.
I agree whole-heartedly about doing
Michael the last harm. When you say
you are being patient do you mean he
will not discuss it? You ask me to be
patient. Do you think of my request
for more letters, or what? I do not
quite understand. Tell me, please.
For Sylvia on 5th November.
Tonight the stars have rivals
Thaty flare and blink and glitter:
Comets explore the gardens
And catherine wheels boast
Of spiral martyrdoms.
WINNER - 65393112 - alinablahblah
Remembering how, in the past, I have been thoughtlessly confident of the future I named a minimum weekly sum. I have asked Johnson to think about lectures for me. I am going to see Skipp again and I want to find out about reviews. I have thought of writing to Denys Sutton for advice about using my talents profitably. Possibly Hake may help me too. Some of these can be expected to work, so there is reason to hope for more than lb6 a week but I said that as a kind of cornerstone. Sylvia, my dearest, I intend to re-establish your social posotion.I agree whole-heartedly about doing Michael the last harm. When you say you are being patient do you mean he will not discuss it? You ask me to be patient. Do you think of my request for more letters, or what? I do not quite understand. Tell me, please.
For Sylvia on 5th November.
Tonight the stars have rivals
That flare and blink and glitter:
Comets explore the gardens
And catherine wheels boast
Of spiral martyrdoms.
65393209 - not-logged-in-7e062fd288b6cb8e7002
Remembering how, in the past, I have been thoughtlessly confident of the future I named a minimum weekly sum. have asked Johnson to think about lectures for me. I am going to see Skipp again and I want to find out about reviews. I have thought of writing to Denys Sutton for advice about using my talents profitably. Possibly Hake may help me too. Some of theses can be expected to work, so there is reason to hope for more that E6 a week but I said that as a kind of cornerstone. Sylvia, my dearest, I intend to re-establish your social position.I agree whole-heartedly about doing Michael the last harm. When you say you are going to be patient do you mean you will not discuss it? You ask me to be patient. Do you think of my request for more letters, or what? I do not quite understand. Tell me, please.
For Sylvia on 5th November
65410663 - ChamboPip
Remembering how, in the past, I havebeen thoughtlessly confident of the fut-
ure I named a minimum weekly sum. I
have asked Johnson to think about lec-
tures for me. I am going to see Skipp
again and I want to find out about re-
views. I have thought of writing to
Denys Sutton for advice about using my
talents profitably. Possibly Hake may
help me too. Some of these can be ex-
pected to work, so there is no reason to
hope for more than lb6 a week but I said
that as a kind of cornerstone. Sylvia, my
dearest, I intend to re-establish your
social position.
I agree whole-heartedly about doing
Michael the least harm. When you say
you are being patient do you mean he
will not discuss it? You ask me to be
patient. Do you think of my request
for more letters, or what? I do not
quite understand. Tell me, please.
For Sylvia on 5th November
Tonight the stars have rivals
That flare and blink and glitter:
Comets explore the gardens
And catherine wheels boast
of spiral martyrdoms.