- Max. dissimilarity: 0.087
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.044
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65315883 - not-logged-in-0dd5298cab016041408e
- WINNER - 65323828 - not-logged-in-ecb9105679ebdbd06a01
- 65351893 - scully_67
- 65369157 - Galvanicgirl
- 65382492 - PenguinCo.
- 65384842 - johndpieper

65315883 - not-logged-in-0dd5298cab016041408e
with him he will not bear permit my continued existence in relation to you. You say 'it seems safe and easy' but, in fact, you are in the perilous position: if you weaken now and take the line of least resistance you will be returning to the position you needed to escape from. Ask me, ask the Woods, but mainly ask yourself: can you expect happiness with Micheal for long?I know what you mean by stability but i can get that soon. The point is I love you. I appeal to you for both our sake's but Micheal appeals to you for his own. You must take a mature view of love and its satisfactions: your marriage with Micheal failed. I have to write more openly than i really wish, even though it may seem ruthless (it it not), for i do not want you to avoid acting simply because you are confused.What happens when Micheal's next revulsion occurs? Be Strong. Come to me after Christmas. I love you. Come then, dearest.
Your dream was horrible but the result is angst and fear.
Thank you darling for your letter which came this morning. I am delighted at your promise to write more. I appreciate this so much. I shall give the postman a vast Christmas box this year. I owe him a great deal.
By the way: for the 'thermometric' in the firework poem read 'therianthropic'. I am embarrassed.
Thank you for the New Statesmen. I read Arthur Marshall with tremendous enjoyment but i am dubious about the smell of blood. The man's comments on Raleigh's witty poem are naive and pompous, don't you think. I like Anthony West's reference to Horgarth in his review of Ison's book. Thank you for drawing my attention to it.
Dearest do not forget that Micheal was not particularly happy at Pett before it suited him to say so.
I love you and long to see you. Think of what I say, for if you relax your guard, however persuasive Micheal is, you move against love and art.
Sylvia I love you, oh my dearest love.
WINNER - 65323828 - not-logged-in-ecb9105679ebdbd06a01
with him he will not bear or permit my continued existence in relation to you. You say 'it seems safe and cosy' but, in fact, you are in a perilous position: if you weaken now and take the line of least resistance you will be returning to the position you needed to escape from. Ask me, ask the Woods, but mainly ask yourself: can you expect happiness with Michael for long? I know what you mean by stability but I can get that soon. The point is I love you. I appeal to you for both our sakes but Michael appeals to you for his own. You must take a mature view of love and it's satisfactions: your marriage with Michael failed. I have to write more openly than I really wish, even though it may seem ruthless (it is not), for I do not want you to avoid acting simply because you are confused. What happens when Michael's next revulsion occurs? Be strong. Come to me after Christmas. I love you. Come then, dearest.Your dream was horrible but the result of angst and fear.
Thank you darling for your letter which came this morning. I am delighted at your promise to write more. I appreciate this so much. I shall give the Postman a vast Christmas box this year. I owe him a great deal.
By the way: for 'theriomorphic' in the firework poem read 'therianthropic'. I am embarrassed.
Thank you for the New Statesman. I read Arthur Marshall with tremendous enjoyment but I am dubious about The Smell of Blood. The man's comments on Raleigh's witty poem are naive and pompous, don't you think. I like Anthony West's reference to Hogarth in his review of Ison's book. Thank you for drawing my attention to it. Dearest do not forget that Michael was not particularly happy at Pett before it suited him to say so.
I love you and long to see you. Think of what I say, for if you relax your guard, however persuasive Michael is, you move against love and art.
Sylvia I love you, oh my dearest love, Lawrence
65351893 - scully_67
with him he will not bear or permit my continued existence inrelation to you. You say 'it seems safe and easy' but, in fact,
you are in a perilous position: if you weaken now and take the
line of least resistance you will be returning to the position
you need to escape from. Ask me, ask the Woods, but mainly
ask yourself: can you expect happiness with Michael for long?
I know what you mean by stability but I can get that soon. The
point is I love you. I appeal to you for both our sakes but
Michael appeals to you for his own. You must take a mature
view of love and its satisfactions: your marriage with Michael
failed. I have to write more openly than I really wish, even
though it may seem ruthless (it is not), for I do not want you
to avoid acting simply because you are confused. What happens
when Michael's next revulsion occurs? Be strong. Come to me
after Christmas. I love you. Come then, dearest.
Your dream was horrible but the result of angst and fear.
Thank you darling for your letter which came this morning.
I am delighted at your promise to write more. I appreciate
this so much. I shall give the Postman a vast Christmas box
this year. I owe him a great deal.
By the way: for 'therimorphic' in the firework poem read
'therianthropic'. I am embarrassed.
Thank you for the New Statesmen. I read Arthur Marshall
with tremendous enjoyment but I am dubious about The Smell
of Blood. The man's comments on Raleigh's witty poem are
naive and pompous, don't you think. I like Anthony West's
reference to Hogarth in his review of Ison's book. Thank
you for drawing my attention to it.
Dearest do not forget that Michael was not particularly
happy at Pett before it suited him to say so.
I love you and long to see you. Think of what I say, for
if you relax your guard, however persuasive Michael is, you
move against love and art.
Sylvia I love you, oh my dearest love,
65369157 - Galvanicgirl
With him he will not hear or permit my continued existence in relation to you. You say 'it seems safe and easy' but, in fact, you are in a perilous position: if you weaken now and take the line of least resistance you will be returning to the position you needed to escape from. Ask me, ask the Woods, but mainly ask yourself: can you expect happiness with Michael for long? I know what you mean by stability but I can get that soon. The point is I love you. I appeal to you for both our sakes but Michael appeals to you for his own. You must take a mature view of love and its satisfactions: your marriage with Michael failed. I have to write more openly than I really wish, even though it may seem ruthless (it is not), for I do not want you to avoid acting simply because you are confused. What happens when Michael's next revulsion occurs? Be strong. Come to me after Christmas. I love you. Come then, dearest.Your dream was horrible but the result of angst and fear.
Thank you darling for your letter which came this morning. I am delighted at your promise to write more. I appreciate this so much. I shall give the Postman a vast Christmas box this year. I owe him a great deal.
By the way: for 'theriomorphic' in the firework poem read 'therianthropic'. I am embarrassed.
Thank you for the New Statesmen. I read Arthur Marshall with tremendous enjoyment but I am dubious about the Smell of Blood. The man's comments on Raleigh's witty poem are naive and pompous, don't you think. I like Anthony West's reference to Hogarth in his review of Ison's book. Thank you for drawing my attention to it.
Dearest do not forget that Michael was not particularly happy at Pett before it suited him to say so.
I love you and long to see you. Think of what I say, for if you relax your guard, however persuasive Michael is, you move against love and art.
Sylvia I love you, oh my dearest love,
65382492 - PenguinCo.
with him he will not bear or permit my continued existance in relation to you. You say 'it seems safe and easy' but, in fact, you are in a perillous position: if you weaken now and take the line of least resistance you will be returning to the position you needed to escape from. Ask me, ask the Woods, but mainly ask yourself: can you expect happiness with Michael for long? I know what you mean by stability but I can get that soon. The point is I love you. I appeal to you for both our sakes but Michael appeals to you for his own. You must take a mature view of love and its satisfactions: your marriage with Michael failed. I have to write more openly than I really wish, even though it may seen ruthless (it is not), for I do not want you to avoid acting simply because you are confused. What happens when Michael's next revulsion occurs? Be strong. Come to me after Christmas. I love you. Come then dearest.Your dream was horrible but the result of angst and fear.
Thank you darling for your letter which came this morning I am delighted at your promise to write more. I appreciate this so much. I shall give the Postmen a vast Christmas box this year. I owe him a great deal.
By the way: for 'theriomorphic' in the firework poem read 'therianthropic'. I am embarressed.
Thank you for the New Statesmen. I read Arthur Marshall with tremendous enjoyment but I am dubious about The Smell of Blood. The man's comments on Raleigh's witty poem are naive and pompous, don't you think. I like Anthony West's reference to Hogarth in his review of Ison's book. Thank you for drawing my attention to it.
Dearest do not forget that Michael was not particularly happy at Pett before it suited him to say so.
I love you and long to see you. Think of what I say, for if you relax your guard, however persuasive Michael is, you move against love and art.
Sylvia I love you, oh my dearest love,
65384842 - johndpieper
with him he will not bear or permit my continued existance in relation to you. You say 'it seemd safe and cosy' but, in fact, you are in a perillous position: if you weaken now and take the the line of least resistance you will be returning to the position you needed to escape from . Ask me, ask the Woods, but mainly ask yourself: can you expect happiness with Michael for long? I know what you mean by stability but I can get that soon. The point is I love you. I appeal to you for both our sakes but Michael appeals to you for his own. You must take a mature view of love and its satisfactions: you marriage with Michael failed. I have to more openly than I really wish, even though it may seem ruthless (it is not), for I do not want you to avoid acting simply because you are confused. What happens when Michael's next revulsion occurs? Be strong. Come to me after Christmas. I love you. Come then, dearest.Your dream was horrible but the result of angst and fear.
Thank you darling for your letter which came this morning. I am delighted at your promise to write more. I appreciate this so much. I shall give the Postman a vast Christmas box this year. I owe him a great deal.
By the way: for 'theriomorphic' in the firework poem read 'therianthropic'. I am embarrassed.
Thank you for the New Statesmen. I read Arthur Marshall with tremendous enjoyment but I am dubious about The Smell of Blood. The man's comments on Raleigh's witty poem are naive and pompous, don't you think. I like Anthony West's reference to Hogarth in his review of Ison's book. Thank you for drawing my attention to it.
Dearest do not forget that Michael was not particularly happy at Pett before it suited him to say so.
I love you and long to see you. Think of what I say, for if you relax your guard, however persuasive Michael is, you move against love and art.
Sylvia I love you, oh my dearest love,