- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.526
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65311592 - purpleape14
- WINNER - 65356910 - srasg56
- 65373594 - Galvanicgirl
- 65430540 - WiltedLotus
- 65433656 - not-logged-in-8ebbac2b0da32e2201ae
- 65466862 - JeanNimes

65311592 - purpleape14
10 XII 11 Mansel Road -Dearest Sylvia,
I am in the B in library - waiting for some books to come. I want to say how much I love you I dreamed about you last night- in connection with the poet Gay I have been looking thru' Gay & found these pleasing verses -
Last masquerade was Sylvia nymph like seen,
Her hand a crook sustained, his dress was green;
An amorous shepherd led her through the crowd;
The nymph was innocent, the shepher vow'd;
But nymphs their innocence with shpherd trust.
It is from The Tea-Table - a Town Eclogue.
I hope your cold is not bad.
I looked at lotte yesterday & I do agree with you - I had not realised how escriting it is as a picture. What did you see by Latto in Italy?
I have got lb5 to come now from A N G for school lectures, I have about lb100 in the bank, and various prospects which I will tell you about when we meet. How I long for our next meeting. Will it be Monday?
WINNER - 65356910 - srasg56
10 XII 11 Mansel Road -Dearest Sylvia,
I am in the B M Library - waiting for
some books to come. I want to say how much I love lyo. I dreamed about you last night - in connection with the post Gay.
I have been looking thru' Gay & found these pleasing verses -
Last masquerade was Sylvia nymph-like seem,
Her hand a crook sustained, her dress was green;
An amorous shepherd led her through the crowd;
The nymph was innocent, the shepherd row'd;
But nymphs their innocence with shepherds trust;
So both withdrew, as nymphs & shepherd must.
It is from The Tea-Table - a Town Eclogue
I hope your cold is not bad.
I looked at lotti yesterday & I do agree with you - I had not realised how exciting it is as a picture. What did you see by lotti in Italy?
I have got lb5 to come now from the N G for school lectures, have about lb100 in the bank, and various prospects which I will tell you about when we meet. How I long for our next meeting. Will it be Monday?
65373594 - Galvanicgirl
10 XII 11 Mansel Road -Dearest Sylvia,
I am in the BM library - waiting for some books to come. I want to say how much I love you. I dreamed about you last night - in connection with the poet Gay. I have been looking thru' Gay and found these pleasing verses -
Last masquerade was Sylvia nymph-like seem,
Her hand a crook sustained , her dress was green;
An amourus shepherd led her through the crowd;
The nymph was innocent, the shepherd vow'd;
But nymphs their innocence until shepherds trust;
So both withdrew, as hyphens and shepherds must
It is from The Tea-Table - a Town Ecloque
Hope your cold is not bad
I looked at latto yesterday and I do agree with you - I had not realized how exciting it is as a picture. What did you see by latto in Italy?
I have gar $5 to come now from the NG for school lectures, I have about $100 in the bank, and various prorpeds which I will tell you about when we meet.
How I long for our next meeting. Will it be Monday?
65430540 - WiltedLotus
10 XII 11 Mansel Rood -Deares Sylvia,
I am in the MB library - waiting for some books to come. I want to say how much I love you. I dreamed about you last night - in connection with the poet Gay. I have been looking thru Gay & found these pleasing verses -
Last masquerade was Sylvia nymph- like seen,
Her hand a crook sustained, her dress was green;
An amorous shepherd led her through the crowd;
The nymph was innocent, the shepherd raw'd;
But nymphs their innocence with shepherds trust;
So both withdrew, as nymphs & shepherds must.
It is from the Tea-Table - a Town
I hope your cold is not bad.
I looked at Iotte yesterday & I do agree with you - I had not realized how exciting it is as a picture. What did you see by Ialto in Italy?
I have got [pounds] 5 to come now from the NG for school lectures, I have about [pounds] 100 in the bank, and various prospects which I will tell you about when we meet. How long for our next meeting. Will it be Monday?
65433656 - not-logged-in-8ebbac2b0da32e2201ae
11 mansel roadDearest Sylvia,
I am in de BM library - waiting for some books to come. I want to say how much i love you. I dreamed about you last night - in connection with the poet say. I have been looking them'say & fount these pleasing messes -
Last masquerade was Sylvia nympf- who seem,
hes hand a crook sustaine, hes dress was green;
an amorous shepherd le hes through the crowd;
the nymph was inocent, the shepherd now'd;
but nymph deir innocence with shepherds cruise;
so goth withdraw, as ninphs; shepherd must.
T'is from The Tea-table - a Tom echogue
I hope your cold is not bad.
I booked at latte yesterday & i do agree with you - i had not realizedhow escrit it is as a picture. What did you see ly molt in Italy?
I have got fs to come now from the NG for school lectures, I have about F100 in the bank, and various prospects while i will tel you about when we meet.
Now how long for our next meeting? Will it be monday?
65466862 - JeanNimes