- Max. dissimilarity: 0.045
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.018
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65313861 - mroone6
- 65314242 - EmeraldDragon
- 65314565 - seachanged
- 65316809 - not-logged-in-39f0b9831afdc3f23a31
- 65317467 - thamesave

WINNER - 65313861 - mroone6
11 Mansel Road,Wimbledon
13th December.
Dearest Sylvia,
I am writing immediately after
speaking to you. I am so unhappy
that you have been poorly but am
cheered at your recovering now. I
am sending this letter with your
owls who declared, on hearing the
news, they must visit you. They
take each a kiss and a hug of the
wing for you.
This morning I shall see an address
I have. Then this afternoon the
B.M. where I am writing about book
illustrations by H. which are very
amusing. They make me value your
Homer more than ever. Tonight I
am going to see Rosenau: she invit-
ed me last week but I said no but now
I shall go.
About David: the catalogues were
sold out last Sunday (!) but when I go
again (I've been twice) I will get you
one if they are available again. Ros-
enau's lecture on David was good - so
much better than her book oddly enough.
I spent yesterday morning in bed, the
65314242 - EmeraldDragon
11 Mansel Road, Wimbledon.13th December.
Dearest Sylvia,
I am writing immediately after
speaking to you. I am so unhappy
that you have been poorly but am
cheered at your recovering now. I
am sending this letter with your
owls who declared, on hearing the
news, they must visit you. They
take each a kiss and a hug of the
wing for you.
This morning I shall see an address
I have. Then this afternoon the
B.M. where I am writing about book
illustrations by H. which are very
amusing. They make me value
Homer more than ever. Tonight I
am going to see Rosenau: she invit-
ed me last week but I said no but now
I shall go.
About David: the catalogues were
sold out last Sunday (!) but when I go
again (I've been twice) I will get you
one if they are still available again. Ros-
enau's lecture on David was good - so
much better than her book oddly enough.
I spent yesterday morning in bed, the
65314565 - seachanged
11 Mansel Road,Wimbledon.
13th December.
Dearest Sylvia,
I am writing immediately after
speaking to you. I am so unhappy
that you have been poorly but am
cheered at your recovering now. I
am sending this letter with your
owls who declared, on hearing the
news, they must visit you. They
take each a kiss and a hug of the
wing for you.
This morning I shall see an address
I have. then this afternoon the
B.M. where I am writing about book
illustrations by H. which are very
amusing. They make me value your
Homer more than ever. Tonight I
am going to see Rosenau: she invit-
ed me last week but I said no but now
I shall go.
About David: the catalogues were
sold out last Sunday (!) but when I go
again (I've been twice) I will get you
one if they are available again. Ros-
enau's lecture on David was good - so
much better than her book oddly enough.
I spent yesterday morning in bed, the
65316809 - not-logged-in-39f0b9831afdc3f23a31
11 Mansel RoadWimbledon
13th December
Dearest Sylvia,
I am writing immediately after speaking to you. I am so unhappy that you have been poorly but am cheered at your recovering now. I am sending this letter with your owls who declared, on hearing the news, they must visit you. They take each a kiss and a hug of the wing for you.
This morning I have see an address I have. Then this afternoon, the B.M. where I am writing about book illustrations by H which are very amusing. They make me value your Homer more than ever. Tonight I am going to see Rosenau: she invited me last week but I said no but now I shall go.
About David: the catalogues were sold out last Sunday (!) but when I go again (I've been twice) I will get you one if they are available again. Rosenau's lecture on David was good - so much better than her book oddly enough.
I spent yesterday morning in bed, the
65317467 - thamesave
11 Mansel Road,Wimbledon.
13th December.
Dearest Sylvia,
I am writing immediately after speaking to you. I am so unhappy that you have been poorly but am cheered at your recovering now. I am sending this letter with your owls who declared, on hearing the news, they must visit you. They take each a kiss and a hug of the wing for you
This morning I shall see an address I have. Then this afternoon the B.M. where I am writing about book illustrations by H. which are very amusing. They make me value your Homer more than ever. Tonight I am going to see Rosenau: She invited me last week but I said no but now I shall go.
About David: the catalogues were sold out last Sunday (!) but when I go again (I've been twice) I will get you one if they are available again. Rosenau's lecture on David was good - so much better than her book oddly enough.
I spent yesterday morning in bed, the