- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.438
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65324397 - not-logged-in-ab7f19adcc468523d843
- 65329460 - Spilge
- 65331361 - not-logged-in-5b9a1e83e65c230d6887
- 65332318 - not-logged-in-09d4e4fefb2883cabf25
- 65358338 - ssajan

WINNER - 65324397 - not-logged-in-ab7f19adcc468523d843
Our owls are very gay and at the same time secretive - hooting together very quickly and softly, stopping when I come into the room. I shouldn't be surprised if they are not planning something for our next meeting - we shall see. They are as happy as I am at the thought of living with you and though they realise the gravity of the situation they realise too its possibility for great happiness. They will behave admirably, of that you may be sure - fond, yet tactful. They have been carol singing lately and the white one has caught a slight cold (nothing to worry about) but I have made him stay in tonight. He is busy designing his Christmas cards.Dearest Sylvia, I love you passionately. Do not fear overmuch for the future because I promise you content, tenderness, intellectual harmony - love. I believe that you do not fear for my part now, only for yours. Have confidence in the power of love - to sooth and to create. Your allegiance to Michael will not imperil our love I believe because our love is exceptionally strong, suitable to each other, involved with the very springs of artistic creation.
I love you,
65329460 - Spilge
Our owls are very gay and at the same time secretive - hooting together very quickly and softly, stopping when i come into the room. I shouldn`t be surprised if they are not planning something for our next meeting - we shall see. They are as happy as I am at the thought of living with you and though they realise the gravity of the situation they realise too its possibility for great happiness. They will behave admirably, of that you may be sure - fond, yet tactful. They have been carol singing lately and the white one has caught a slight cold (nothing to worry about) but i have made him stay in tonight. He is busy designing his Christmas cards.Dearest Sylvia, I love you passionately. Do not fear overmuch for the future because I promise you content, tenderness, intellectual harmony - love. I believe that you do not fear for my part now, only for yours. Have confidence in the power of love - to sooth and to create. Your allegiance to Michael will not imperil our love I believe because our love is exceptionally strong, suitable to each other, involved with the very springs of artistic creation.
I love you,
65331361 - not-logged-in-5b9a1e83e65c230d6887
Our owls are very gay and at the same time secretive - hooting together very quickly and soflty, stopping when I come into the room. I shouldn't be surprised if they are not planning something for our next meeting - we shall see. They are as happy as I am at the thought of living with you and though they realise too its possibility for great happiness. They will behave admirably, of that you may be sure - fond yet tactful. They have been carol singing lately and the white one has caught a slight cold (nothing to worry about) but I have made him stay in tonight. He is busy designing his Chrstimas cards.Dearest Sylvia, I love you passionately. Do not fear overmuch for the future because I promise you content, tenderness, intellectual harmony - love. I believe that you do not fear for my part now, only for yours. Have confidence in the power of love - to sooth and to create. Your alleigance to Michael will not imperil our love I believe beacuse our love is exceptionally strong, suitable to each other, involved with the very springs of artistic creation.
I love you,
65332318 - not-logged-in-09d4e4fefb2883cabf25
65358338 - ssajan
Our owls are very gay and at the same time secretive - hooting together very quickly and softly, stopping when I come into the room. I shouldn't be surprised if they are not planing something for our next meeting - we shall see. They are as happy as I am at the thought of living with you and though they realize the gravity of the situation they realize too its possibility for great happiness. They wee behave admirably, of that you may be sure - fond, yet tactful. They have been carol singing lately and the white one has caught a slight cold (nothing to worry about) but I have made him stay in tonight. He is busy designing his Christmas cards.Dearest Sylvia, I love you passionately. Do not fear overmuch for the future because I promise you contentment, tenderness, intellectual harmony - love. I believe that you do not fear for my part now, only for yours. Have confidence in the power of love - to soothe and create. Your allegiance to Michael will not imperil our love I believe because our love is exceptionally strong, suitable to each other, involved with the very springs of artistic creation.
I love you, Lawrence