- Max. dissimilarity: 0.986
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.433
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65329692 - not-logged-in-5b9a1e83e65c230d6887
- WINNER - 65331790 - lawofrelativity
- 65335585 - tpod74
- 65342871 - BelleB
- 65372491 - mayah24

65329692 - not-logged-in-5b9a1e83e65c230d6887
23rd December 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I hope you are well, happy and thinking of me. I love you very much and feel frustated that I cannot convey all I feel in words in a letter. Still you know the great feeling my words try to express. I love you, dearest, and anticipate the future happily for us both. Do now worry, please, for we will be alright I am sure. I love you.
My income tax for the coming year is NIL and for the past year 12s. only - my appeal for expenses has worked. It still remains to retrieve eight guineas from them, however...
You ask about my activities. So far, the Observer: my reviews will not appear till the New Year so I will save the cuttings for your arrival rather than send then off at the last minute. I am not doing anything about Denis Kilham Roberts' suggestions until after Christmas because I expect the people
WINNER - 65331790 - lawofrelativity
23rd December 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I hope you are well, happy, and thinking of me. I love you very much and feel frustrated that I cannot convey all I feel in words in a letter. Still you know the great feeling my words try to express. I love you, dearest, and anticipate the future happily for us both. Do not worry, please, for we will be alright I am sure. I love you.
My income tax for the coming year is NIL and for the past year 12s. only - my appeal for expenses has worked. It still remains to retrieve eight guineas from them, however...
You ask about my activities. So far, the Observer: my reviews will not appear till the New Year so I will save the cuttings for your arrival rather than send them off at the last minute. I am not doing anything Denis Kilham Roberts' suggestions until after Christmas because I expect the people
65335585 - tpod74
Phone Wimbledon 196711, Mansel Road Wimbledon, SW19
23rd December 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I hope you are well, happy and thinking of me. I love you very much and feel frustrated that I cannot convey all I feel in words in a letter. Still you know the great feeling my words try to express. I love you, dearest, and anticipate the future happily for us both. Do not worry, please, for we will be alright I am sure. I love you.
My income tax for the coming year is NIL and for the pas 12s. only - my appeal for expenses has worked. It still remains to retrieve eight guineas from them, however...
You ask about my activities. So far, the Observer: my reviews will not appear till the New Year so I will save the cuttings for your arrival rather than send them off at the last minute. I am not anything about Denis Kilham Roberts' suggestions until after Christmas because I expect the people
65342871 - BelleB
23rd December 1948Dearest Sylvia,
I hope you are well, happy, and thinking of me. I love you very much and feel frustrated that I cannot convey all I feel in words in a letter. Still you know the great feeling my words try to express. I love you, dearest, and anticipate the future happily for us both. Do not worry, please, for we will be alright I am sure. I love you.
My income tax for the coming year is NIL and for the past year 12s. only - my appeal for expenses has worked. It still remains to retrieve eight guineas from them, however...
You ask about my activities. So far, the Observer: my reviews will not appear till the New Year so I will save the cuttings for your arrival rather than send them off at the last minute. I am not doing anything about Denis Kilham Roberts' suggestions until after Christmas because I expect the people
65372491 - mayah24
23rd Devember 1948