- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.365
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65309874 - michaeltherrien
- 65310854 - not-logged-in-4863a6844133942a3978
- 65325323 - mburns629
- 65326752 - Culebra78
- WINNER - 65334111 - not-logged-in-e79f1fb010d0f7f37886
- 65334527 - not-logged-in-47b26b05219bd3d39c5d

65309874 - michaeltherrien
28th December 1948Dearest Sylvia,
I thought at first they were black-
berry leaves and then, for some reason,
managed to persuade myself they were
rose-leaves. You can imagine why -
I am sure.
Yes, do bring your navy blue with
the taffeta. Dandylion adores that
dress as you know. I have no idea
what we shall have to do - except that
I have to speak at an opening ceremony.
I suppose a dinner or two is possible.
I am sure your grey coat is enough -
it is charming. Certainly no evening dress
For Christmas I had a kind of Gal-
lery book about the Louvre Embarkation
to Cythera and this morning I intend
to spend two modest book tokens.
By the way - a word of explanation.
I went to Zwemmer to get the Giorgione
Adoration book but it seemed expensive
for very little. I was undecided when
the tawny owl tugged me to where the
white one was struggling to get down
a large book. It was the Leadership
65310854 - not-logged-in-4863a6844133942a3978
65325323 - mburns629
Phone WIMbledon. 1967 11, Mansel Road, Wimbledon, S.W. 1928th December 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I thought at first they were black-berry leaves and then, for some reason, managed to persuade myself they were rose-leaves. You can imagine why- I am sure.
Yes, do bring your navy blue with the taffeta. Dandylion adores that dress as you know. I have no idea what we shall have to do- except that I have to speak at an opening ceremony. I suppose a dinner or two is possible. I am sure your grey coat is enough- it is charming. Certainly no evening dress
For Christmas I had a kind of Gallery book about the Louvre Embarkation to Cythera and this morning I intend to spend two modest book tokens.
By the way- a word of explanation. I went to Zwemmer to get the Giorgione Adoration book but it seemed expensive for very little. I was undecided when the tawny owl tugged me to where the white one was struggling to get down a large book. It was the leadership
65326752 - Culebra78
PHONE: Wimbledon.196711, Mansel Road, Wimbledon, S.W. 19
28th December 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I thought at first they were blackberry leaves and then, for some reason, managed to persuade myself they were rose-leaves. You can imagine why - I am sure.
Yes, do bring your navy blue with the taffeta. Dandelion adores that dress as you know. I have no idea what we shall have to do - except that I have to speak at an opening ceremony. I suppose a dinner or two is possible certainly no evening dress. I am sure your grey coat is enough - it is charming.
For Christmans I had a kind of Gallery book about the Louvre Embarkation to Cythera and this morning I intend to spend two modest book tokens.
By the way - a word of explanation. I went to Zwemmer to get the Giorgione Adoration book but it seemed expensive for very little. I was undecided when the tawny owl tugged me to where the white one was struggling to get down a large book. It was the Leadership
WINNER - 65334111 - not-logged-in-e79f1fb010d0f7f37886
28th December 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I thought at first they were black-
berry leaves and then, for some reason,
managed to persuade myself there were rose-leaves. You can imagine why -
I am sure.
Yes, do bring your navy blue with
the taffeta. Dandylion adores that
dress as you know. I have no idea
what we shall have to do - except that
I have to speak at an opening ceremony.
I suppose a dinner or two is possible.
I am sure your grey coat is enough -
it is charming. certainly no evening dress
For Christmas I had a kind of Gal-
lery book about the Louvre Embarkation
to Cythera and this morning I intend
to spend two modest book tokens.
by the way - a word of explanation.
I went to Zwemmer to get the Giorgione
Adoration book but it seemed expensive
for very little. I was undecided when
the tawny owl tugged me to where the
white one was struggling to get down
a large book. It was the Leadership
65334527 - not-logged-in-47b26b05219bd3d39c5d
Phone: WIMbledon. 1967. 11, Mansel Road, Wimbledon, S. W. 1928th December 1948
Dearest Sylvia,
I thought at first they were black-berry leaves and then, for some reason, managed to pursuade myself they were rose-leaves. You can imagine whi - I am sure.
Yes, do bring your navy blue with the taffeta. Dandylion adores that dress as you know. I have no idea what we shall have to do - except that I have to speak at an opening ceremony. I suppose a dinner or two is possible. I am sure your grey coat is enough - it is charming. Certainly no evening dress.
For Christmas I had a kind of Gal-lery book about the Louvre Embarkation to Cythera and this morning I intend to spend two modest book tokens.
By the way - a word of explanation. I went to Zwemmer to get the Giorgione Adoration book but it seemed expensive for very little. I was undecided when the tawny owl tugged me to where the white one was struggling to get down a large book. It was the Leadership