- Max. dissimilarity: 0.044
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.013
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65309157 - not-logged-in-c70f9a9698735a9dc316
- 65310033 - not-logged-in-8101775efe34c42067a9
- 65314134 - Zagglezig
- 65317384 - kanjoku
- 65338670 - Bambina41
- 65371459 - PenguinCo.
- 65382004 - Preacher357
- 65448350 - southsidesunny

WINNER - 65309157 - not-logged-in-c70f9a9698735a9dc316
31st December 1948 Wimbledon.Dearest Sylvia,
At last the time approaches when our
love can be expressed without the pain
and frustration of separation and though
I know the difficulty you must be feel-
ing I promise you everything that love
can do. How wonderful it will be to
meet you and not have the Southern Rail-
way, a sinister and threatening perspec-
tive in the background. To talk to you
and not fear for the night when you will
be gone. Your love is heroic because
you are leaving much that you love. I
know this and I will keep you safe as
well as adore you.
Tomorrow is an anniversary of my vis-
it to Pett, the first and the fifty-
third. Oh dearest I love you more than
I ever believed possible in those early
days. Do you remember how, in the sum-
mer, you said that our love had flower-
ed mutually like two roses together.
That poignant and lovely image is always
in my thoughts - as often as you are and
that, need I say it, is always. This
New Year will begin our life together
as the last New Year saw our love begin.
Thank you for your loving letters which
make me happy and seem to me a prelude
of such happiness and love.
65310033 - not-logged-in-8101775efe34c42067a9
31st December 1948Wimbledon
Dearest Sylvia,
At las the time approaches when our love can be expressed without the pain and frustration of separation and though I know the difficulty you must be feel-ing I promise you everything that love can do. How wonderful it will be to meet you and not have the Southern Rail-way, a sinister and threatening perspec-tive in the background. To talk to you and not fear for the night when you will be gone. Your love is heroic because you are leaving much that you love. I know this and I will keep you safe as well as adore you.
Tomorrow is an anniversary of my vis-it to Pett, the first and the fifty-third. Oh dearest I love you more than I ever believed possible in those early days. Do you remember how, in the sum-mer, you said that our love had flower-ed mutually like two roses together. That poignant and lovely i mage is always in my thoughts - as often as you are and that, need I say it, is always. This New Year will begin our life together as the last New Year saw our love begin.
Thank you for your loving letters whic h make me happy and seem to me a prelude of such happiness and love.
65314134 - Zagglezig
31st December 1948 Wimbledon.Dearest Sylvia,
At last the time approaches when our
love can be expressed without the pain
and frustration of separation and though
I know the difficulty you must be feel-
ing I promise you everything that love
can do. How wonderful it will be to
meet you and not have the Southern Rail-
way, a sinister and threatening perspec-
tive in the background. To talk to you
and not fear for the night when you will
be gone. Your love is heroic because
you are leaving much that you love. I
know this and I will keep you safe as
well as adore you.
Tomorrow is an anniversary of my vis-
it to Pett, the first and the fifty-
third. Oh dearest I love you more than
I ever believed possible in those early
days. Do you remember how, in the sum-
mer, you said that our love had flower-
ed mutually like two roses together.
That poignant and lovely image is always
in my thoughts - as often as you are and
that, need I say it, is always. This
New Year will begin our life together
as the last New Year saw our love begin.
Thank you for your loving letters which
make me happy and seem to me a prelude
of such happiness and love.
65317384 - kanjoku
31st December 1948Wimbledon.
Dearest Sylvia,
At last the time approaches when our love can be expressed without the pain and frustration of separation and though I know the difficulty you must be feeling I promise you everything that love can do. How wonderful it will be to meet you and not have the Southern Railway, a sinister and threatening perspective in the background. To talk to you and not fear for the night when you will be gone. Your love is heroic because you are leaving much that you love. I know this and I will keep you safe as well as adore you.
Tomorrow is an anniversary of my visit to Pett, the first and the fifty-third. Oh dearest I love you more than I ever believed possible in those early days. Do you remember how, in the summer, you said that our love had flowered mutually like two roses together. That poignant and lovely image is always in my thoughts - as often as you are and that, need I say it, is always. This New Year will begin our life together as the last New Year saw our love begin.
Thank you for your loving letters which make me happy and seem to me a prelude of such happiness and love.
65338670 - Bambina41
31st December 1948 Wimbledon.Dearest Sylvia,
At last the time approaches when our love can be expressed without the pain and frustration of separation and though I know the difficulty you must be feeling I promise you everything that love can do. How wonderful it will be to meet you and not have the Southern Railway, sinister and threatening perspective in the background. To talk to you and not fear for the night when you will be gone. Your love is heroic because you are leaving much that you love. I know this and will keep you safe as well as adore you.
Tomorrow is an anniversary of my visit to Pett, the first and the fifty-third. Oh dearest I love you more than I ever believed possible in those early days. Do you remember how, in the summer, you said that our love had flowered mutually like two roses together. That poignant and lovely image is always in my thoughts -as often as you are and that, need I say it, is always. This New Year will begin our life together as the last New Year saw our love begin.
Thank you for your loving letters which make me happy and seem to me a prelude of such happiness and love.
65371459 - PenguinCo.
31st December 1948 Wimbledon.Dearest Sylvia,
At last the time approaches when our love can be expressed without the pain and frustration of separation and though I know the difficulty you must be feeling I promise you everything that love can do. How wonderful it will be to meet you and not have the Southern Railway, a sinister and threatening perspective in the background. To talk to you and not fear for the night when you will be gone. Your love is heroic because you are leaving much that you love. I know this and I will keep you safe as well as adore you.
Tomorrow is an anniversary of my visit to Pett, the first and the fifty-third. Oh dearest I love you more than I ever believed possible in those early days. Do you remember how, in the summer, you said that our love had flowered mutually like two roses together. That poignant and lovely image is always in my thoughts - as often as you are and that, need I say it, is always. This New Year will begin our life together as the last New Year saw our love begin.
Thank you for your loving letters which make me happy and seem to me a prelude of such happiness and love.
65382004 - Preacher357
31st December 1948 Wimbledon.Dearest Sylvia,
At last the time approaches when our
love can be expressed without the pain
and frustration of separation and though
I know the diffuculty you must be feel-
ing, I promise you everything that love
can do. How wonderful it will be to
meet you and not have the Southern Rail-
way, a sinister and threatening perspec-
tive in the background. To talk to you
and not fear for the night when you will
be gone. Your love is heroic because
you are leaving much that you love. I
know this and I will keep you safe as
well as adore you.
Tomorrow is an anniversary of my vis-
it to Pett, the first and the fifty-
third. Oh dearest I love you more than
I ever believed possible in those early
days. Do you remember how, in the sum-
mer, you said that our love had flower-
ed mutually like to roses together?
That poignant and lovely image is always
in my thoughts - as often as you are and
that, need I say it, is always. This
New Year will begin our life together
as the last New Year saw our love begin.
Thank you for your loving letters which
make me happy and seem to me a prelude
of suck happiness and love.
65448350 - southsidesunny
31st December 1948 Wimbledon.Dearest Sylvia ,
At last the time approaches when our
love can be expressed without the pain
and frustration of separation and though
I know the difficulty you must be feel-
ing I promise you everything that love
can do. How wonderful it will be to
meet you and not have the Southern Rail-
way, a sinister and threatening perspect-
tive in the background. To talk to you
and not fear for the night when you will
be gone. Your love is heroic because
you are leaving much that you love. I
know this and I will keep you safe as
well as adore you.
Tomorrow is an anniversary of my vis-
it to Pett, the first and the fifty-
third. Oh dearest I love you more than
I ever believed possible in those early
days. Do you remember how, in the sum-
mer, you said that our love had flower-
ed mutually like two roses together.
That poignant and lovely image is always
in my thoughts - as often as you are and
that, need I say it, is always. This
New Year will begin our life together
as the last New Year saw our love begin.
Thank you for your loving letters whic
h make me happy and seem to me a prelude
of such happiness and love.