- Max. dissimilarity: 0.127
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.072
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65453846 - Ricehammer
- 65465083 - Sabine_Tuck
- 65488544 - Raunita
- 65528592 - altheist
- 65624757 - tracey1985
- 65703656 - Mel492
- WINNER - 65734040 - snikdekl

65453846 - Ricehammer
carpet is faun with blue patterns and the walls yellowish I am afraid. Cheap day fares to London, incidentally, are available after 9.30 s we shall be able to go to the museums, &c., without bad expense. Breakfast is between 7.30 and 9.0 and dinner at 7.0. If there are other facts I have omitted tell me and I shall try to tell you.The New Burlington magazine is devoted mainly to Charles I. It is an exquisite delight to read the articles and look at the many busts and pictures of him. Such cavaliers as ourselves are wonderfully catered for and in the year ore such articles are promised.
I hope you slept well last night darling and that you are very well. Phrases from Mrs Goodman keep coming into my head and I remember how beautifully you read it - in the gallery, in bed, in the train. My lyrical darling I adore you. I hope you finish your watercolour satisfactorily - I am confident you will.
We were both right about the Greenwood Prize! The competition is closed by now BUT it has been extended until the end of February. So I shall not send in my Autumn Poem but an Epithalamium, a Portrait of Sylvia. I have made some notes already: you see, my Muse, how promptly your poet responds to your wishes. Our creative influence on each other is marvellous. I have managed to complete your Sestina also: it follows the letter. As you will notice - many of the images are derived from your ring, - Cupid, hand, &c.
I love you my dearest Sylvia and I hope my thoughts and your knowledge of my love will make the next few days easy for you.
I love you, Lawrence
The plan is not complete I think, dais on two being missing &c.
65465083 - Sabine_Tuck
carpet is faun with blue patterns and the walls yellowish I am afraid. Cheap day fares to London, incidentally, are available after 9.30 so we shall be able to go to the museums, etc., without bad expense. Breakfast is between 7.30 and 9.0 and Dinner at 7.0. If there are other facts I have omitted tell me and I shall try to tell you.The new Burlington magazine is devoted mainly to Charles I. It is an exquisite delight to read the articles and look at the many busts and pictures of him. Such cavaliers as ourselves are wonderfully catered for and in the year more such articles are promised.
I hope you slept well last night darling and that you are very well. Phrases from Mrs Goodman keep coming into my head and I remember how beautifully you read it - in the gallery, in bed, in the train. My lyrical darling I adore you. I hope you finish your watercolour satisfactorily - I am confident you will.
We were both right about the Greenwood Prize! the competition is closed by now BUT it has been extended until the end of February. So I shall not send in my Autumn Poem but and Epithalamium, a Portrait of Sylvia. I have made some notes already: you see, my Muse, how promptly your poet responds to your wishes. Our creative influence on each other is marvellous. I have managed to complete your Sestina also: it follows the letter. As you will notice - many of the images are derived from your ring, - Cupid, hand, etc.
I love you my dearest Sylvia and I hope my thoughts of your knowledge of my love will make the next few days easy for you.
I love you, Lawrence
The plan is not complete I think, a chair or two being missing etc.
65488544 - Raunita
carpet is faun with blue patterns and the walls yellowish I am afraid. Cheap day fares to London, incidentally, are available after 9.30 so we shall be able to go to the museums, &c., without bad expenses. Breakfast is between 7.30 and 9.0 and Dinner at 7.0. If there are other facts I have omitted tell me and I shall try to tell you.The plan is not complete I think,
a chair or two
being missing &c.
wash basin
door here
arm chair
The new Burlington magazine is devoted mainly to Charles I. It is an exquisite delight to read the articles and look at the many busts and pictures of him. Such cavaliers as ourselves are wonderfully catered for and in the year more such articles are promised.
I hope you slept well last night darling and that you are very well. Phrases from Mrs Goodran keep coming into my head and I remember how beautifully you read it - in the gallery, in bed, in the train. My lyrical darling I adore you. I hope you finish your watercolor satisfactorily - I am confident you will.
We were both right about the Greenwood Prize! The competition is closed by now BUT it has been extended until the end of February. So I shall not send in my Autumn Poem but an Epithalamium, a Portrait of Sylvia. I have made notes already; you see, my Muse, how promptly your poet responds to your wishes. Our creative influence on each other is marvelous. I have managed to complete your Sestina also: it follows the letter. As you will notice - many of the images are derived from your ring, - Cupid, hand, &c.
I love you my dearest Sylvia and I hope my thoughts and your knowledge of my love will make the next few days easy for you.
I love you, Lawrence
65528592 - altheist
carpet is faun with blue patterns and the walls yellowish I am afraid. Cheap day fares to London, incidentally, are available after 9:30 so we shall be able to go to the museums & C. without bad experience. Breakfast if between 7:30 and 9:00 and Dinner at 7:00. If there are other facts I have omitted tell me and I shall try to tell you.The new Burlington magazine is devoted mainly to Charles I. It is an exquisite delight to read the articles and look at the many busts and pictures of him. Such cavaliers as ourselves are wonderfully catered for and in the year more such articles are promised.
I hope you slept well last night darling and that you are very well. Phrases from Mrs. Goodman keep coming into my head and I remember how beautifully you read it - in the gallery, in bed, in the train. My lyrical darling I adore you. I hope you finish your watercolour satisfactorily - I am confident you will.
We were both right about the Greenwood Prize! The competition is closed by now but it has been extended until the end of February. So I shall not send in my Autumn Poem but an Epithalamium, a Portrait of Sylvia. I have made some notes already: you see, my Muse, how promptly your poet responds to your wishes. Out creative influence on each other is marvelous. I have managed to complete you Sestina also: it follows the letter. As you will notice - many of the images are derived from your ring, Cupid, hand, & C.
I love you my dearest Sylvia and I hope my thoughts and your knowledge of my love will make the next few days easy for you.
I love you,
The plan is not complete I think. A Chair or two being missing & C.
65624757 - tracey1985
carpet is faun with blue patterns and the walls yellowish I am afraid. Cheap day fares to London, incidentally, are available after 9.30 so we shall be able to go to the museums, &c., without bad expense. Breakfast is between 7.30 and 9.0 and Dinner at 7.0. If there are other facts I have omitted tell me and I shall try to tell you.The plan is not complete I think a dais or two being missing 8c
The new Burlington magazine is devoted mainly to Charles I. It is an exquisite delight to read the articles and look at the many busts and pictures of him. Such cavaliers as ourselves are wonderfully catered for and in the year more such articles are promised.
I hope you slept well ast night darling and that you are very well. Phrases from Mrs Goodran keep coming into my head and I remember how beautifully you read it - in the gallery, in bed, in the train. My lyrical darling I adore you. I hope you finish your watercolour satisfactorily - I am confident you will.
We were both right about the Greenwood Prize! Tthe competition is closed by now BUT it has been extended until the end of February. So I shall not send in my Autumn Poem but an Epithalamium, a Portrait of Sylvia. I have made some notes already: you see, my Muse, how promptly your poet responds to your wishes. Our creative influence on each other is marvellous. I have managed to complete your Sestina also: it follows the letter. As you will notice - many of the images are derived from your ring, - Cupid, hand, &c.
I love you my dearest Sylvia and I hope my thoughts and your knowledge of my love will make the next few days easy for you.
I love you Lawrence
65703656 - Mel492
carpet is faun with blue patterns and the walls yellowish I am afraid. Cheap day fares to London, incidentally, are available after 9.30 so we shall be able to go to the museums, without bad expense. Breakfast is between 7.30 and 9.0 and Dinner at 7.0. If there are other facts I have omitted tell me and I will try to tell you.The. plan is not complete I think a chair or two being missing
The new Burlington magazine is devoted mainly to Charles 1. It is an exquisite delight to read the articles and look at the many busts and pictures of him. Such cavaliers as ourselves are wonderfully catered for and in the year more such articles are promised.
I hope you slept well last night darling and that you are very well. Phrases from Mrs Goodman keep coming into my head and I remember how beautiful you read it - in the gallery, in bed, in the train. My lyrical darling I adore you. I hope you finish your watercolour satisfactorily - I am confident you will.
We were both right about the Greenwood Prize! The competition is closed by now BUT it has been extended till the end of February. So I shall not send in my Autumn Poem but an Epithalamion, a portrait of Sylvia. I have made some notes already :you see, my Muse, how promptly your poet responds to your wishes. Our creative influence on each other is marvellous. I have managed to complete your Sestina also: it follows the letter. As you will notice - many of the images are derived from your ring, Cupid, hand,
I love you my dearest Sylvia and I hope my thoughts and your knowledge of my love will make the next few days easy for you.
I love you, Lawrence
WINNER - 65734040 - snikdekl
carpet is faun with blue patterns and the walls yellowish I amafraid. Cheap day fares to London, incidentally, are avail-
able after 9.30 so we shall be able to go to the museums, &c.,
without bad expense. Breakfast is between 7.30 and 9.0 and
Dinner at 7.0. If there are other facts I have omitted tell
me and I shall try to tell you.
The plan is not
complete I think,
a chair or two
being missing &c.
The new Burlington magazine is devoted mainly to Charles I. It
is an exquisite delight to read the articles and look at the many
busts and pictures of him. Such cavaliers as ourselves are
wonderfully catered for and in the year more such articles are
I hope you slept well last night darling and that you are very well.
Phrases from Mrs Goodran keep coming into my head and I remember
how beautifully you read it - in the gallery, in bed, in the
train. My lyrical darling I adore you. I hope you finish your
watercolour satisfactorily - I am confident you will.
We were both right about the Greenwood Prize! The competition
is closed by now BUT it has been extended until the end of Feb-
ruary. So I shall not send in my Autumn Poem but an Epitha-
lamium, a Portrait of Sylvia. I have made some notes already: you
see, my Muse, how promptly your poet responds to your wishes.
Our creative influence on each other is marvellous. I have
managed to complete your Sestina also: it follows the letter.
As you will notice - many of the images are derived from your
ring, - Cupid, hand, &c.
I love you my dearest Sylvia and I hope my thoughts and your know-
ledge of my love will make the next few days easy for you.
I love you, Lawrence.