- Max. dissimilarity: 0.064
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.032
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65477264 - vanderfb
- 65545762 - nltrose
- WINNER - 65558008 - tinkapuppy
- 65575921 - Afanafritos
- 65652732 - ChrisMM76
- 65719850 - JeremyX

65477264 - vanderfb
I enclose a proof of my Hogarth review which may interest you: I must have been so rude to Ayrton the editor has left it out. I think it's probably better for it. What I have no enclosed this time is a postal order for Tiny but there was a vast queue at the Post Office. I shan't forget.THE ARROW OF LOVE
This boy - roses in his bottom -
Agile as pollen in the wind -
Aims his bow, and fires, the feather
Is like a butterfly in the air.
But, symbol of a major will,
His arrow's barbed - so if we pull
The flesh must tear - we must succumb,
Enclose the arrow with cur flesh.
My dearest Sylvia, my rose, I love you. I know my love disturbs you and that your love for me disturbs you too. Do not fear it for that reason - and, I ask you, do not feel frightened about my part in your future. I shall love and protect you, adore you and receive my inspiration from you.
Oh, I love you, Lawrence
65545762 - nltrose
I enclose a p[roof of my Hogarth re--view which may interest you: I must have
been so rude to Ayrton the editor has
left it out. I think it's probably bet-
ter for it. What I have not enclosed
this time is a postal order for Tiny but
there was a vast queue at the Post Office.
I shan't forget.
This boy - roses in his bottom -
Agile as pollen in the wind --
Aims his bow, and fires, the feather
Is like a butterfly in the air.
But, symbol of a major will,
His arrow's barbed - so if we pull
The flesh must tear - we must succumb,
Enclose the arrow with our flesh.
My dearest Sylvia, my rose, I love
you. I know my love disturbs you and
that your love for me disturbs you too.
Do not fear it for that reason - and, I
ask you, do not feel frightened about
why part in your future. I shall love
and protect you, adore you and receive my
my inspiration from you.
Oh, I love you, Lawrence
WINNER - 65558008 - tinkapuppy
I enclose a proof of my Hogarth re-view which may interest you: I must have
been so rude to Ayrton the editor has
left it out. I think it's probably bet-
ter for it. What I have not enclosed
this time is a postal order for Tiny but
there was a vast queue at the Post Office.
I shan't forget.
This boy - roses in his bottom -
Agile as pollen in the wind -
Aims his bow, and fires, the feather
Is like a butterfly in the air.
But, symbol of a major will,
His arrow's barbed - so if we pull
The flesh must tear - we must succumb,
Enclose the arrow with cur flesh.
My dearest Sylvia, my rose, I love
you. I know my love disturbs you and
that your love for me disturbs you too.
Do not fear it for that reason - and, I
ask you, do not feel frightened about
my part in your future. I shall love
and protect you; adore you and receive
my inspiration from you.
Oh, I love you, Lawrence
65575921 - Afanafritos
I enclose a proof of my Hogarth review which may interest you: I must have been so rude to Ayrton the editor has left it out. I think it's probably better for it. What I have not enclosed this time is a postal orde for Tiny but there was a vast queue at the Post Office. I shan't forget.THE ARROW OF LOVE
This boy - roses in his bottom -
Agile as pollen in the wind --
Aims his bow, and fires, the feather
Is like a butterlfy in the air.
But, symbol of a major will,
His arrow's barbed - so if we pull
The flesh must tear - we must succumb,
Enclose the arrow with cur flesh.
My dearest Sylvia, my rose, I love you. I know my love disturbs you and that your love for me disturbs you too. Do not fear it for that reason - and, I ask you, do not feel frightened about my part in your future. I shall love and protect you adore you an receive my inspiration from you.
Oh, I love you, Lawrence
65652732 - ChrisMM76
I enclose a proof of my Hogarth re-view which may interest you: I must have
been so rude to Ayrton the editor has
left it out. I think it's probably bet-
ter for it. What I have not enclosed
this time is a postal order for Tiny but
there was a vast queue at the Post Office.
I shan't forget.
This boy - roses in his bottom-
Angile as pollen in the wind -
Aims his bow, and fires, the feather
Is like a butterfly in the air.
But, symbol of a major will,
His arrow's barbed - so if we pull
The flesh must tear - we must succumb
Enclose the arrow with our flesh.
My dearest Sylvia, my rose, I love
you. I know my love disturbs you and
that your love for me disturbs you too.
Do not fear it for that reason - and, I
ask you, do not feel frightened about
my part in your future. I shall love
and protect you, adore you and receive
my inspiration from you.
Oh, I love you, Lawrence
65719850 - JeremyX
I enclose a proof of my Hogarth re-view which may interest you: I must have been so rude to Ayrton the editor has left it out. I think it's probably bet-
ter for it. What I have not enclosed this time is a postal order for Tiny but there was a vast queue at the post Office. I shan't forget.
This boy - roses in his bottom -
Agile as pollen in the wind -
Aims his bow, and fires, the feather
Is like a butterfly in the air.
But, symbol of a major will,
His arrow's barbed - so if we pull
The flesh must tear - we must succumb,
Enclose the arrow with our flesh.
My dearest Sylvia, my rose, I love you. I know my love disturbs you and that your love for me disturbs you too. Do not fear it for that reason - and, I ask you, do not feel frightened about my part in your future. I shall love and protect you, adore you and receive my inspiration from you.
Oh, I love you, Lawrence