- Max. dissimilarity: 0.121
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.052
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65449380 - gailkoelker
- 65476911 - saffyre13
- 65607688 - susanmb70
- 65649372 - Mary6375
- 65684203 - not-logged-in-9aa71deff6ad00fe4135
- 65688400 - maryjolarson
- WINNER - 65718738 - ayasabry

65449380 - gailkoelker
Blackheath 6 ii 1949Dearest Sylvia,
What a lovely image-that of the cassone. It enchants and comforts me. You are a poet yourself-in such an image you show it, and in your landscape and sky descriptions, too.
I am intrigued at your news of an idea for a large composition...
Also about your colour scheme for Aberdeen House.
Thanks you so much for the clothing coupons. I hope to be able to dazzle and please you when next we meet by leaning back in the train and crossing my legs.
As well as my Banstead lecture I have got one in the morning at the N.G. to children. It is called "Looking at Pictures". A lot of new primitives are up so I shall talk about them. Also tomorrow I am meeting Helen Rosenau at the B?M. She wants me to vet a letter she is writing to the Burlington in reply to an attack Douglas Cooper has made on her appropos David.
Today I am working on Hogarth-accurately rather than happily. I have just had a
65476911 - saffyre13
Blackheath 6 ii 1949Dearest Sylvia,
What a lovely image - that of the cassone. It enchants and comforts me. You are a poet yourself - in such an image you show it, and in your landscape and sky descriptions, too.
I am intrigued at your news of an idea for a large composition...
Also about your colour scheme for Aberdeen House.
Thank you so much for the clothing coupons. I hope to be able to dazzle and please you when next we meet by leaning back in the train and crossing my legs.
As well as my Banstead lecture I have got one in the morning at the N.G. to children. It is called 'Looking at Pictures'. A lot of new primitives are up so I shall talk about them. Also tomorrow I am meeting Helen Rosenau at the B?M. She wants me to vet a letter she is writing to the Burlington in reply to an attach Douglas Cooper has made on her appropos David.
Today I am working on Hogarth - accurately rather than happily. I have just had a
65607688 - susanmb70
Blackheath 6 ii 1949Dearest Sylvia,
What a lovely imate - that of the cassone. It enchants and comforts me. You are a poet yourself - in such an image you show it, and in your landscape and sky descriptions, too.
I am intrigued at your news of an idea for a large composition...
Also about your colour scheme for Aberdeen House.
Thank you so much for the clothing coupons. I hope to be able to dazzle and please you when next we meet by leaning back in the train and crossing my legs.
As well as my Banstead lecture I have got one in the morning at the N.G. to children. It is called 'Looking at Pictures'. A lot of new primitives are up so I shall talk about them. Also tomorrow I am meeting Helen Rosenau at the B.M. She wants me to vet a letter she is writing to the Burlington in reply to an attack Douglas Cooper has made on her appropos David.
Today I am working on Hogarth - accurately rather than happily. I have just had a
65649372 - Mary6375
Blackheath 6 11 1979Dearest Slvia,
What a lovely image - that of the cassone. It enchants and comforts me. Your are a poet yourself - in such an image you show it, and in you landscape and sky descriptions, too.
I am intrigued at hour news of an idea for a large composition...
Also about your colour scheme, for Aberdeen House.
Thank you so much for the cllothing coupons. I hope to be able to dazzle and please you when next we meet by leaning back in the train and crossing my legs.
As well as my Banstead lecture I have got one in the morning at the N.G. to children. It is called 'Looking at Pictures". A lot of new primitives are up so I shall talk about them. After tomorrow I am meeting Helen Rosenau at the B?M. She wants me to vet a letter she is writing to the Burlongton in reply to an attack Douglas Cooper has make on her appropos David.
Today I am working on Hogarth - accurately ranther than happily. I have just had a
65684203 - not-logged-in-9aa71deff6ad00fe4135
6 ii 1949 Blackheath Dearest Sylvia, What a lovely image - that of the cassone. It enchants and comforts me. You are a poet yourself - in such an image you show it, and in your landscape and sky descript- ions, too.I am intrigued at your news of an idea for a large composition....
Also about your colour scheme for Aber-deen House.
Thank you so much for the clothing coup-
ons. I hope to be able to dazzle and please you when next we meet by leaning back in the train and crossing my legs.
As well as my Banstead lecture I have got one in the morning at the N.G. to children. It is called 'Looking at Pictures'. A lot of new primitives are up so I shall talk a-bout them. Also tomorrow I am meeting Helen Rosenau at the B.M. She wants me to vet a letter she is writing to the Burlington in reply to an attack Douglas Cooper has made on her appropos David.
Today I am working on Hogarth - accurately rather than happily. I have just had a
65688400 - maryjolarson
Blackheath 6 11 1949Dearest Sylvia,
What a lovely image - that of the cassono. It enchants and comforts me. You are a
poet yourself - in such an image you show
it, and in your landscape and sky descript-
ions, too.
I am intrigued at your news of an idea for a large composition...
Also about your colour scheme for Aber-
deen House.
Thank you so much for the clothing coup-
ons. I hope to be able to dazzle and please
you when next we meet by leaning back in the
train and crossing my legs.
As well as my Banstead lecture I have got
one in the morning at the N.G. to children. It is called 'Looking at Pictures'. A lot
of new primitives are up so I shall talk a-
bout them. Also tomorrow I am meeting Helen
Rosenau at the B?M. She want me to vet a
letter she is writing to the Burlington in
reply to an attack Douglas Cooper has made
on her appropos David.
Today I am working on Hogarth - accurately
rather than happily. I have just had a
WINNER - 65718738 - ayasabry
Blackheath6 ii 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
What a lovely image - that of the cassone.
It enchants and comforts me. You are a
poet yourself - in such an image you show
it, and in your landscape and sky descript-
ions, too.
I am intrigued at your news of an idea
for a large composition. . .
Also about your colour scheme for Aber-
deen House.
Thank you so much for the clothing coup-
ons. I hope to be able to dazzle and please
you when next we meet by leaning back in the
train and crossing my legs.
As well as my Banstead lecture I have got
one in the morning at the N.G. to children.
It is called 'Looking at Pictures'. A lot
of new primitives are up so I shall talk a-
bout them. Also tomorrow I am meeting Helen
Rosenau at the B?M. She wants me to vet a
letter she is writing to the Burlington in
reply to an attack Douglas Cooper has made
on her appropos David.
Today I am working on Hogarth - accurately
rather than happily. I have just had a