- Max. dissimilarity: 0.139
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.071
- Image votes: 1.0
- 65462570 - HAB3482
- WINNER - 65500876 - LindaK0412
- 65678075 - vanderfb
- 65686865 - FLYGIRL54
- 65750962 - altheist
- 65789785 - Biancamaria

65462570 - HAB3482
for Aberdeen House - though I fear it will be rather nocturnal and I warned them that yours is the one I want to follow. They send their love.Coopers review of Rosenaus books is really too bad and it contains many errors. I have advised her here and there about malicious shades of English! in her reply.
I must have some tea before setting off to Banstead. I love you very much, my dearest - do not overwork with article, painting, greenwoods, Sc.
I love you Lawrence
P.S. This morning at 11 o'clock
WINNER - 65500876 - LindaK0412
for Aberdeen House - though I fear it willbe rather nocturnal and I warned them
that yours is the one I want to follow.
They send their love.
Cooper's review of Rosenau's book is
really too bad and it contains many
errors. I have advised her here and
there about malicious shades of Engl-
ish! in her reply.
I must have some tea before setting
off to Banstead. I love you very much,
my dearest - do not overwork with
article, painting, greenwoods, & C.
I love you
P.S. This morning at 11 o'clock
65678075 - vanderfb
for Aberdeen House - though I fear it will be rather nocturnal and I warned them that yours is the one I want to follow. They send their love.Coopers review of Rosenau's book is really too bad and it contains many errors. I have advised her here and there about malicious shades of English! in her reply.
I must have some tea before setting off to Banstead. I love you very much, my dearest - do not overwork with article, painting, Greenwoods, &c.
I love you,
P.s. This morning at 11 o'clock
65686865 - FLYGIRL54
For Aberdeen House - though I fear it will be rather nocturnal and I warned them that yours is the one I want to follow. They send their loveCoopers review of Rosemans book is really too bad and it contains many errors. I have advised her here and there about malicious shades of English! In her reply.
I must have some tea before setting off to Banstead. I love you very much, my dearest - do not overwork with article, painting, greenwoods, etc.
I love you
P.S. This morning at 11 o'clock
65750962 - altheist
for Aberdeen House - though I fear it will be rather nocturnal and I warned them that yours is the one I want to follow. They send their love.Cooper's review of Rosenau's book is really too bad and it contains many errors. I have advised her here and there about malicious shades of English! in her reply.
I must have some tea before setting off to the Barnstead. I love you very much, my dearest - do not overwork with article, painting, greenwoods, & C.
I love you,
P.S. This morning at 11 c'clock
65789785 - Biancamaria
for Aberdeen House-though I fear it will be rather nocturnal and I warned them that yours is the one I went toSallow They send their love.Coopers review of Rosenau's book is really too bad and it contains many errors. I have adviced her here and there about malicious shades of English! in her reply.
I must have some tea before setting off to Banstead. I love you very much, my dearest - do not overwork with article, painting, Greenwoods, Etc.
I love you
P.S This morning at 11 o'clock