- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.694
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65500512 - Culebra78
- 65623559 - TimStevenson
- 65642766 - not-logged-in-3af6651a2111a33d7ce7
- 65765825 -
- 66459258 - tchurcher
- 67071478 - nat1116

WINNER - 65500512 - Culebra78
"Renoir" by Michel FlorisooneHieneman Loan & George Frederick Lees.
Renoir was, as is well known an assiduous frequenter of the Louvre; so how can one fail to notice, between La Loge and Titian's La Fammurer entre deux misoirs some curious relationship? Similar intentions are to be detected. In both picture the man is relegated, anecdotally, to the middle distance while the beauty and toilette of the woman, with all her seduction depicted full face, is set forth in the foreground. Then there is the same edge of a balustrade at the bottom of the canvas; the same precise visual attention. And the subject itself is analogous, - it has to do with optics and sight: affirmed in one picture by
65623559 - TimStevenson
"Peignoir" by Michele FlourisounHieneman Joans George Frederick Lees.
Renoir was as is well known an
assiduous frequenter of the Louvre; so
how can one fail to notice, between La Loge
and Titian's La Femme entre deux miroirs
some curious relationship? Similar intentions
are to be detected. In both pictures the man
is relegated, anecdotally, to the middle distance
while the beauty and toilette of the woman with
all her seduction depicted full face is set forth
in the foreground - then there is the same edge of
a balustrade at the bottom of the canvas; the
same precise visual attention. And the sub-
ject itself is analogous, - it has to do with
optics and sight afirmed and one picture by
65642766 - not-logged-in-3af6651a2111a33d7ce7
65765825 -
66459258 - tchurcher
Pervois'' by Michele FlorisooneHieneman Frans. George Frederick Lees.
Renoir was, as is well known an
fa 10assidious frequenter of the Loouvre j so
how can, one fail to notice, between La Loge
and Titians La Femmie entre deux misoirs"
some curious relationship? Similar intentions
are to be detected. In both pictures the man is relegated, avec totally, to the middle distance
while the beauty and toilette of the woman with
all her seduction- depicted full face, is set forth
in the foreground- Then there is the same edge of
a balustrade at the bottom of the canvas; the
same precise visual attention. And the sub-
ject itself is analogous, - it has to do with
optics and light; affirmed in one picture by
67071478 - nat1116
Paroir by Micleh Horisoone Hieneman Joans. George Hederick.Renovi was, as is well known asR 10 assidnous frequente of the Louvre; so how can one fail to nolcice , between LaLose and Litians La , entire deux misous" curious relationship? Similar intentions are to be detected. In both pictures, the man is retegated, anecdotally, to the middle distance while the beauty and toilette of the woman with all has seduction despite full face, is set forth in the foreground- Then those in the same edge of a balrnstade at the bottom of the canvas; the same precise visual attent ?. And the subject itself is analogous, - it has to do with optics and ; atisinedone picture by