- Max. dissimilarity: 0.116
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.054
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65454373 - Kyphi
- WINNER - 65459484 - Sabine_Tuck
- 65483024 - hoskinml
- 65495737 - Culebra78
- 65628160 - cshepherd
- 65644609 - Melvinosky

65454373 - Kyphi
"The Aubreys" County Guest HouseHemel Hempstead Road
Redbourne, Herts
18th March 1949
Dearest Sylvia
I am not in the least enjoying writing
to you after a month in which it was not
necessary to do so! On the other hand
love impels me to write as often as I can.
Mainly I want to say 'I love you'.
Immediately after your departure I re-
alised that I had not got our locket with
me. It must be packed with my velvet
jacket. I am so sad to be without it.
When you were here in person, as it were,
I neglected the locket, alas, and now must
be without it until April.
Yesterday I wrote ten duty letters, Mrs
Gardiner, Mrs Poole, lines, etc., so I hope
to hear soon exactly when the flat will
be vacant.
WINNER - 65459484 - Sabine_Tuck
"The Aubreys" County Guest HouseHemel Hempstead Road
Redbourne, Herts.
18th March 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
I am not in the least enjoying writing to you after a month in which it was not necessary to do so! On the other hand love impells me to write as often as I can. Mainly I want to say 'I love you'.
Immediately after your departure I realised that I had not got our locket with me. It must be packed with my velvet jacket. I am so sad to be without it. When you were here in person, as it were, I neglected the locket, alas, and now must be without it until April.
Yesterday I wrote ten duty letters, Mrs Gardiner, Mrs Poole, Lines, c., so I hope to hear soon exactly when the flat will be vacant.
65483024 - hoskinml
"The Aubreys" County Guest HouseHemel Hempstead Road
Redbourne, Herts.
18th March 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
I am not in the least enjoying writing to you after a month in which it was not necessary to do so! On the other hand love impells me to write as often as I can. Mainly I want to say 'I love you'.
Immediately after your departure I re-alised that I had not got our locket with me. It must be packed with my velvet jacket. I am so sad to be with out it. When you were here in person, as it were, I neglected the locket, alas, and now must be without it until April.
Yesterday I wrote ten duty letters, Mrs Gardiner, Mrs Poole, Lives, &c, so I hope to hear soon exactly when the flat will be vacent.
65495737 - Culebra78
"The Aubreys" County Guest HouseHemel Hempstead Road
Redbourne, Hertsfordshire
18th March 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
I am not in the least enjoying writing to you after a month in which it was not necessary to do so! On the other hand love impels me to write as often as I can. Mainly I want to say 'I love you'.
Immediately after your departure I realized that I had not got our locket with me. I must be packed with my velvet jacket. I am so sad to be without it. When you were here in person, as it were, I neglected the locket, alas, and now must be without it until April.
Yesterday I wrote ten duty letters, Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs. Poole, Lines, etc., so I hpe to hear soon exactly when the flat will be vacant.
65628160 - cshepherd
"The Aubreys" County Guest HouseHemel Hempstead Road
Redbourne, Herts.
18th March 1949
Dearest Sylvia,
I am not in the least enjoying writing
to you after a month in which it was not
necessary to do so! On the other hand
love impels me to write as often as I can.
Mainly I want to say 'I love you'.
Immediately after your departure I re-
alised that I had not got our locket with
me. It must be packed with my velvet
jacket. I am so sad to be without it.
When you were here in person, as it were,
I neglected the locket, alas, and now must
be without it until April.
Yesterday I wrote ten duty letters, Mrs
Gardiner, Mrs Poole, Lines, &c., so I hope
to hear soon exactly when the flat will
be vacant.
65644609 - Melvinosky
'' The Aubreys'' County Guest HouseHemel Hempstead Road
Redbourne, Herts.
18th March 1949
Dearest Sylvia.
I am not in the least enjoying writing to you after a month in which it was not necessary to do so! On the other hand lone impels me to write as often as I can, mainly I want to say 'I love you'.
Immediately after your departure I realised that I had not got our locket with me. It must be pocked with my velvet jacket. I am so sad to be without it. when you were here in person, asit were, I neglected the locket, alas, and now must be without it until April.
Yesterday I wrote ten duty letters, mrs gardiner, mrs Poole, Lines, &c., so I hope to hear soon exactly when the flat will be vacant.