- Max. dissimilarity: 0.115
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.065
- Image votes: 0.0
- 65468425 -
- 65497498 - tmeconverse
- 65499347 - saffyre13
- 65499733 - lmorgan9
- WINNER - 65501282 - hoskinml
- 65519996 - sweezie

65468425 -
3Time, among his mortal cliches,
The rakish angle of a scythe,
And a winged hourglass,
Running to zero in it's flight,
Has a rival in my Love:
She is the challenger of Time,
The double dealer of his minutes,
The mistress of his days and nights,
For she- not he - computes the time
of day and night, of love and sleep.
You invite me to Pelt if war starts. Are rumours of war sufficient? Dandylion has his time-table in his hand, Yawalla Hood is staggering under the weight of a trunk, and Lionel that is tying his bow for the journey. I imagine the inhabitants of the rectory have a Vlaminck-black view of events.
I love you - Lawrence
65497498 - tmeconverse
[[underlined]] 3 [[/underlined]]Time, among his mortal cliches,
The rakish angle of a scythe,
And a winged hourglass
Running to zero in its flight,
Has a rival in my love:
She is the challenger of Time,
The double-dealer of his minutes,
The mistress of his days and nights;
For she - not he - computes the time
Of Day and Night, of love and sleep.
You invite me to Pett if war starts. Are rumours of war sufficient? Dandylion has his time-table in his hand, Lawalla Hood is staggering under the weight of a trunk, and lionel chat is tying his bow for the journey. I imagine the inhabitants of the Rectory have a Vlaminck-black view of events.
I love you --
65499347 - saffyre13
3Time, among his mortal clich'es,
The rakish angle of a scythe,
And a winged hourglass
Running to zero in its flight,
Has a rival in my Love:
She is the challenger of Time,
The double-dealer of his minutes,
The mistress of his days and nights;
For she - not he - computes the time
of day and night, of love and sleep.
You invite me to Pett if war starts. Are rumours of war sufficient? Dandylion has his time-table in his hand, Lawalla Hood is staggering under the weight of a trunk, and Lionel Chat is tying his bow for the journey. I imagine the inhabitants of the Rectory have a Vlaminck-black view of events.
I love you
65499733 - lmorgan9
3Time, among his mortal clich'es,
the rakish angle of a scythe,
and a winged hourglass
running to zero in its flight,
Has a rival in my love:
She is the challenger of time
the double-dealer of his minutes,
the mistress of his days and nights,
for she - not he - computes the time
of day and night, of love and sleep.
you invite me to Pelt if war starts. Are rumours of was sufficient? Dandylion has his time-table in his hand, Jawalla Hood is staggering under the weight of a trunk, and lionel chat is tying his bow for the journey. I imagine the inhabitants of the rectory have a bleak view of events.
I love you
WINNER - 65501282 - hoskinml
Time, among his mortal cliches,
The rakish angle of a scythe,
And a winged hourglass
Running to zero in its flight,
Has a rival in my Love:
She is the challenger of Time,
The double-dealer of his minutes,
The mistress of his days and nights;
For she - not he - computes the time
Of day and night, of love and sleep.
You invite me to Pett if war starts. Are rumours of war sufficient? Dandylion has his time - table in his hand, Gawalla Hood is staggering under the weight of a trunk, and Lionel that is tying his bow for the journey. I imagine the inhabitants of the Rectory have a Vlaminck-black view of events.
I love you ____Lawrence
65519996 - sweezie
Time, among his mortal clich'es,The rakish angle of a scythe,
And a winged hourglass
Running to zero in its flight,
Has a rivalin my love:
She is the challenger of Time,
The double - dealer of his minutes,
The mistress of his days and nights,
For she - not he - computes the time
of day and night, of love and sleep.
You invite me to Pett if war starts. Are rumours of war sufficient? Dandylion has his time-table in his hand, Yawalla Hood is staggering under the weight of a trunk, and lionelthat is tying his bow for the journey. I imagine the inhabitants of the Rectory have a Vlaminck - bleak view of events.
I love you