- Max. dissimilarity: 0.175
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.099
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65484053 - LindaK0412
- 65485201 - not-logged-in-0b21026b91568e40a86b
- 65492761 - not-logged-in-c1b0cf458d461236dbd9
- 65751369 - mar15ted
- 65794244 - dragoon
- 65823389 - xuelee

WINNER - 65484053 - LindaK0412
3quite tiny ones' and the other too if you think
it a good idea. I think, also, it would
be a good plan to get the table. After
all, getting it to London would only make
the whole price 8. If you are doubtful
about the piece itself do not, of course,
but if you are satisfied it would fit
Aberdeen House and is a fair price, do
buy it. You pay - and I will pay you.
I have got a brand new cheque-book this
morning so feel quite rich.
The table looks charming from your drawing.
Thank Tiny very much for allowing me
to keep the magazine. I'll take out a sub-
scription when I am at Blackheath again.
I have to go into Harpenden early
this morning - as it is Saturday - so I can-
not write very much longer.
I hope things are not too tense and un-
bearable for you. Let me know how you
65485201 - not-logged-in-0b21026b91568e40a86b
3quite tiny ones' and the other too if you think it a good idea. I think, also, it would be a good plan to get the table. After all, getting it to London would only make the whole price 8. If you are doubtful about the piece itself do not, of course, but if you are satisfied it would fit Aberdeen House and is a fair price, do buy it, You pay - and I will pay you. I have got a brand new cheque-book this morning so feel quite rich. The table looks charming from your drawing.
Thank Tiny very much for allowing me to keep the magazine. I'll take out a sub-scription when I am at Blackheath again.
I have to into Harpenden early this morning - as it is Saturday - so I can not write very much longer.
I hope things are not too tense and un-bearable for you. Let me know how you
65492761 - not-logged-in-c1b0cf458d461236dbd9
3quite ting ones' and the atlas too if you think
it a good idea. I think, also, it would
be a good plan to get the table. After
all, getting it to London would only make
the whole price lb8. If you are doubtful
about the piece itself do not, of course,
but if you are satisfied it would fit
Sherdeen House and is a fair price, do
buy it. You pay - and I will pay you.
I have got a brand new cheque book this morning so feel quite rich. The table looks charming from your drawings.
Thanks Tiny very much for allowing me
to keep the magazine. I'll take out a sub-
scription when I am at Black heath again.
I have to go in-to Hampenden early
this morning - as it is Saturday - so I can
not write very much longer.
I hope things are not too tense and un-
bearable for you. Let me know how you
65751369 - mar15ted
3 quite tiny ones' and the other too if you think it a good idea. I think, also, it would be a good plan to get the table. After all, getting it to London would only make the whole price [pound]8. If you are doubtful about the piece itself do not, of course, but if you are satisfied it would fit Aberdeen House and is a fair price, do buy it. You pay - and I will pay you. I have got a brand new cheque-book this morning so feel quite rich. The table looks charming from your drawing. Thank Tiny very much for allowing me to keep the magazine. I'll take out a subscription when I am at Blackheath again. I have to go into Harpenden early this norning - as it is Saturday - so I cannot write very much longer. I hope things are not too tense and unbearable for you. Let me know how you65794244 - dragoon
3quite tiny one's and the other too if you thinkit is a good idea. I think also it would be a good plan to the table. After all getting it to London would only make the whole price 8lb. If you are doubtful about the piece itself do not, of course, but if you are satisfied it would fit Aberdeen House and is a fair price, do buy it. You pay - and I will pay you. I have got a brand new cheque book this morning so feel quite ritch. The table looks quite charming from your drawing. Thank Tiny very much for allowing me to keep the magazine. I'll take out a subscription when I am at Black heatl. I have to go into Harpenden early this morning - as it is Saturday - so I can not write very much longer. I hope things are not too tense and unbearable for you. Let me know how you
65823389 - xuelee
3quite tiny ones and the others too if you think it a good idea. I think, also, it would be a good plan to get the table. After all, getting it to London would only make the whole price 8. If you are doutful about the piece itself do not, of course, but if you are satisfied it would fit Aberdeen House and is a fair price., do buy it. You pay - and I will pay you. I have got a brand new cheque book this morning so feel quite rich. The table books claiming from your drawing.
Thank Tiny very much for allowing me to keep the magazine. I'll take out a subscription when I am at Blackheath again.
I have to go into Harpendess early this morning - as it is Saturday - so I can not write very much longer.
I hope thing are not too tense and unbearable for you. Let me know how you