- Max. dissimilarity: 1.0
- Mean dissimilarity: 0.387
- Image votes: 0.0
- WINNER - 65490754 - Culebra78
- 65549108 - not-logged-in-b6d8b059abad71aa94b5
- 65598309 - not-logged-in-1e4ea98a35d0f50bf7a7
- 65660442 - not-logged-in-9aa71deff6ad00fe4135
- 65669298 -
- 65953940 - dguent

WINNER - 65490754 - Culebra78
27-3-49The Aubreys, Sunday
Dearest Sylvia -
The tie is a delight. I was quite late to bed trying it on and admiring the resultant Dandylion in the mirror. It fastens excellently and the colour is fine and strong. When I consider that you wear the same material in your hat my pleasure is increased - so it is both delicious to look at and full of associations. How resourceful of you to supply a clip also.
I have read The Aspern Papers and several other stories by Henry James. What an enchanting master of prose, situation, and character he is. There have been sales at Smiths and I am quite laden down with valuable books cheaply procured. How I shall transport them I don't know.
The other evening, dying of boredom and unable to work, I went to a WEA Appreciation of Music class. Scarlatti, Chopin, Debussy
65549108 - not-logged-in-b6d8b059abad71aa94b5
[27-3-49]The Aubreys Sunday
Dearest Sylvia -
The tie is a delight. I was quite late to
bed trying it on and admiring the Dandylion in the mirror. It fastens excel-
lently and the color is fine and strong.
When I consider that you wear the same
material in your hat my pleasure is increased.
- so it is both delicious to look at and
full of associations. How resourceful
of you to supply a clip also.
I have read the Aspern Papers several
other stories by Henry James. What an en-
chanting master of prose, situation, & char-
acter he is. There have been sales at Smiths
and I am quite laden down with valuable
books cheaply procured. How I shall trans-
port them I don't know.
The other evening, dying of boredom and
unable to work, I went to a WEA Appreciation
of music class. Scarletti, Chopin, Debussy.
65598309 - not-logged-in-1e4ea98a35d0f50bf7a7
65660442 - not-logged-in-9aa71deff6ad00fe4135
The Aubreys SundayDearest Sylvia -
The tie is a delight. I was quite late to
bed trying it on and admiring the resultant Dandylion in the mirror. It fastens excel- lently and the colour is fine and strong.
When I consider that you wear the same
material in your hat my pleasure is increased
- so it is both delicious to look at and full of associations. How resourcecful of you to supply a clip also.
I have read The Aspern Papers & several other stories by Henry James. What an en-chanting master of prose, situations, & char-acter he is. There have been sales at Smiths and I am quite laden down with valuable books deaply mourned. How I shall trans-port them I don't know.
The other evening, dying of boredom and
unable to work, I went to a WEA Appreciation of Music class.
Scarlatti, Chopin, Debussy
65669298 -
[27-3-49]The Aubreys Sunday
Dearest Sylvia -
The tie is a delight. I was quite late to
bed trying it on and admiring the resultant
Dandylion in the mirror. It fastens exce.-
lently and the colour is fine and strong.
When I consider that you wear the same
material in your hat my pleasure is increased
- so it is both delicious to look at and
full of associations. How resourceful
of you to supply a clip also.
I have read the Aspern Papers & several
others stories by Henery James. What an en-
chanting master of prose, situation, & char-
acter he is. There have been sales at Smiths
and I am quite laden down with valuable
books cheaply procured. How I shall trans-
port them I don't know.
The other evening, dying of boredom and unalbe to work, I went to a WEA Appreciation
of Music clars. Scarlatti, Chopin, Debussy
65953940 - dguent
The Aubreys SundayDearest Sylvia -
The tie is a delight. I was quite late to bed trying it on and admiring the resultant Dandylion in the mirror. It fastens excellently and the colour is fine and strong. When I consider that you wear the same material in your hat my pleasure is increased - so it is both delicious to look at and full of associations. How resourceful of you to supply a clip also.
I have read The Aspern Papers & several other stories by Henry James. What an enchanting master of prose, situation, & character he is. There have been sales at Smiths and I am quite laden down with valuable books cheaply procured. How I shall transport them I don't know.
The other evening, dying of boredom and unable to work, I went to a WEA Appreciation of Music class. Scarlatti, Chopin, Dubussy